Open Source Armada

[Free] OSA Ghast Mk1


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Disposable max speed stealth ship, ideal for scouting, infantry transport and somali tactics.

First of 6 free ships to be released everyday leading up to Eos Con.



150 m/s max speed using T2 maneuver thrusters, no trails.

98229.9453 kg in weight.

Two small prop tanks for 2 million prop, 1 hours 10 mins estimated flight time.

One T1 fuel chamber + Two T1 generators, gens idle at 14.5% for 8 hours 30 mins idle time, estimated flight time 2 hours 30 mins.

Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times.

Uses basic FCU, roll is performed using Roll_Left and Roll_Right buttons, this is to allow fast handling by isolating the roll thrusters from the FCU/MFC.


Aeg 0.5 stacks (862 kv)

Aja 0.9 stacks (1488 kv)

Bas 1.4 stacks (2383 kv)

Cha 1.3 stacks (2283 kv)

Ice 1.2 stacks (2000 kv)

Kut 0.0 stacks (43 kv)

Nhu 0.8 stacks (1447 kv)

Vok 2.1 stacks (3603 kv)

Total ore 8.2 stacks (14107 kv)

Assembly cost 13446 credits

Manufacturing cost 16137 credits

Total cost 29582 credits


This ship is designed to be a small, hard to spot scout ship with enough range to be used offensively and defensively.

Offensively this ship can be used to follow targets of importance, either to lead other combat ships to the target, or to make a boarding action at the right moment.

You have unimpeded FOV to fire handheld weapons from the pilot seat, making this a perfect disposible to travel to infantry fights.

Defensively this ship allows scouting of dangerous situations, and can be used to travel to key locations without being followed yourself.

Did i mention this ship is cheaper than dirt, new player friendly, almost all T1, making it great for emergency ship recovery (just ditch it, it costs nothing).


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Open Source Armada
Kai's Basement

Common Statistics

Assembly Cost:

13,446 credits


Dry Weight:

98,229.94 kg

Dry Max Speed:

150 m/s


2,000,000 units


Flight Time:

1.1 hrs

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