Ore Crates:
1,096 crates
**[UPDATED 05.05.2022] - Added New Heat System**
**BGK-1096 "Zvezda" (Bolshoy Gryzovoy Korabl) - is a fast, maneuverable, compact and cargo-lifting cargo ship, designed by the Russian engineer GreenSeven from the Argent corporation.**
**1. Original Version:**
**Stock Color: Blue and white.**
**Price: Blueprint only cost - 7,000,000 (Discount! Before - 12,000,000)**
**Credit only cost - [Due to the ore crisis, the price is not calculated]**
**Credit and ore cost - 3,000,000 + ore**
**β’ Speed when empty 150 m/s**
**β’ Speed when full 100 m/s**
**β’ 192 main thrusters T2**
**β’ 6 Resource ports**
**β’ 16 Rangefinders**
**β’ 1096 Resource Crates**
**β’ 8 Large Propellant Tanks (72000000 prop) **
**β’ 40 Generator Units T2**
**β’ 40 FuelChambler Units T2 (12000000 fuel)**
**β’ 16 Heatsinks**
**β’ 64 Radiators**
**β’ ISAN Quad (All ISAN systems)**
**β’ Transponder**
**β’ Avoid System**
**β’ Approach System**
**β’ Fuel time - 240 minutes (4 hours) flight time.**
**β’ Fuel propellant time - 309 minutes (5,1 hours) flight time.**
**2. Differences of Mk2 Version (It was created at the request of a corporation):**
**β’ 1024 Resource Crates**
**β’ 20 Large Propellant Tanks (180000000 prop) **
**β’ 40 FuelRods in Chamblers and 80 FuelRods is Reserved (2 reloads)**
**β’ Fuel time - 600 minutes (10 hours) flight time.**
**β’ Fuel propellant time - 772 minutes (13 hours) flight time.**
*It is also possible to make an individual or corporate color of the ship, any style you want !!!
**When ordering, you can simply make any individual changes to the ship's drawing. Any modifications and additions you want.