Ore Crates:
288 crates
this ship was created to make mining has very long distance with that capacity of 216 million properlant is it 11h of fuel road with the rods of spare.
with this 10 laser mining no more T10 will resist you the ship can embark 4 t10 I advise you to mine next to a station or a transporter for an optimal use.
specs: 145 m / s empty, 288 ore crate, Box thruster T2 nozzle T3 52, laser mining 10, ore collector 2, fuel chamber T2 24, generator T2 72, thruster triangle T2 nozzle T3 90, radiator base 12, radiator expansion 96, 216 million propellant, 169 Battery, basic crafting bench, advanced crafting bench, too l& weapons crafting bench.32 spare fuel roads, warp class: 1,616, Mode Navigation 45% of thruster power, Mode turle, Mode cruise, Speed mater for réel speed, compass, ship diagnostic, transponder, auto approche, ore scanner, simple Button green inside safe zone red outside safe zone, Fuel_time : fuel rods and propellant, system ACAS with for self avoidance.
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