Duh idk
subsidiary of the Aurogon Union, one member of the company octans industries. please contact me thru discord , i dont look at this site very often.
Super Workant
Duh idk

- Inspired by Abhorrent Mu. A 25 laser, 3x Large gen 1024 crate mining rig. - no yolol attached, shared for sharing purposes - Credit to Sigmur for making the plasma thruster module - turn the twist handles to turn the gen on(no gen reg script) - the front array isn't rly hooked up to anything...oh well blank canvas - empty racks on the back right section between the machinery and the tanks - download the blueprint [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FFRov28CRQ4J5TWVItDEqYFy_BZ7BTMc/view?usp=drive_link).
[FREE] Galaxy map
Duh idk

Now with New Official names! credit to mandolore55 from red moon dynamics for the original map this is a template bp to be used on either ships or stations, beware you might need to print a 2nd one to take the last few plates from when printing them for stations. too many decal went in to this you need to print the [left](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bbnvD0EYiYjPOUkyExSzC1yfnX3Gw5sh/view?usp=sharing) and the [Right](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r8SxZ3ACVkAOjWMHC-eNy_bw_xoAaAa7/view?usp=sharing) separately for placement
[free] JellyBean travaler
Duh idk

- ** TEST FLY BEFORE PRINT** (also are you sure you are supposed to be here?) - The full-size version of jelly bean traveler aka Navlogger prototype #6 - Designed to be a staged nav logger (exploration) ship for deep-empty space navigation chip logging - use with caution, reduce tank as needed - [download here ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EZQF9uAaNcCz7DnOTIelWBDkZMYNMFXT/view?usp=sharing) - credit to duke and rain for the fuel time script -credit for darky shadow for the modern kit - tips for using the ship 1. calculate the flight time needed to reach the target, and reduce propellant tank and box thruster in a 16:4 (or 8:2 as you can remove diagonally paired box thrusters) ratio.(if you care about that part of the cost. 2. pack raw exorium and bolt on to the racks made for them at the back of the ship, depending on the flight time carry 2~8 of them, and pack the crafted empty chip into the nav logger or bolt them onto the frame somewhere. AVOID storing recorded chips on ship structure(for any longer than a minute) AT ALL COST. 3. change the "prop" field on the active set of prop tank to "pp" to get the prop time est working.
assambled large gen and some related modules
Duh idk

[the bp](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1huZjtaXJRHsWjHUUMIxIYd5Hdga83Oz9/view?usp=sharing) im lazy didnt add heat bits
Duh idk

-Smaller version of [galaxy map](https://sb-creators.org/makers/Duh%20idk/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Galaxy%20map) -fits on 2 432 plate but nolonger accurately represent the location of moons in starbase -Now comes in [blueprint](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eTsAkt2dfPIGBV2OGhZ94EVBn1LglLyo/view?usp=sharing) with new official moon names!
SolarForge Prototype3
Duh idk

Full Electric 360dof 2 axle [solar panel prototype](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ODOlcUX3hcAC42LTTo-Tc-eVNhceQyhU/view?usp=sharing) should generate 25k on a good day
Duh idk

just a storage box 2048 crate [download here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1btvJkYBHkjlssoJ8QOlk4AvquzzGyz3x/view?usp=sharing)
[FREE] Grog V1A
Duh idk

4 crate mini salvager designed for use with handheld recycling tool\ A= advanced for the Advanced FCU\ 45min flight time and 150 dry maybe 120 full of lukium\ download [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J-CshXHEDxiE63S2hCQG17EDAq5IOOs7/view?usp=sharing)
Duh idk

- Bike made for transportation and racing,remove the chair for racing. download [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tMQH3VoJQW1S8p5qGUllNZ00feZe0hMg/view?usp=sharing) - You def need to turn safemode off to fly this ship at its full speed, this ship is not meant to last any update , expect it to break beyond build922
[FREE]Grog V1B
Duh idk

4 crate mini salvager designed for use with handheld recycling tool\ B= Basic for basic FCU\ 45min flight time and 150 dry maybe 120 full of lukium\ download [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18xkIPxVlPX_um2ELKICAomI4thhQv00G/view?usp=sharing)\ (bind RL and RR to your rolling keybinds for rolling)\ oh also remember to turn safemode off to fly fastenough loaded
[FREE]Brick 30-C-3
Duh idk

AAAAAAAA FIXED FOR B803 ahhhhhhhaaaaa remade again in 20240628 1. The more janky version of the original T10 hauler B30C, It flys, the Enhancer now just works thanks to build 745, but also im lazy dont use the old b30c i dont wanna go fix it. 2. Two and a half hours flight time on one set of rods, 1 set of rods onboard, Five hours of prop flight time. ( Flight time script from Starbase-Nexus) 3. About 4 M for ore and printing assume no crafting was done, the budget is cutting real close so don't add anything to this ship 4. read the manual in the gallery. bp is free [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MAxPISGEAS-9DIbBmqAO_S2m7kuD8V39/view?usp=sharing)