The Rocker is an asteroid hauling ship. It is designed to be used in the safe zone and haul small asteroids. It uses a tractor beam to position asteroids into five compartments of cargo lock beams in a circular pattern. It has load automation to approach and load asteroids in the right order as well as a material scanner that gives estimated credits for selling the asteroids.
The blueprint is provided for free. All feedback is welcome and in game tips (in-game name Egomaniac) are appreciated. However support will be limited but I will try my best.
Please give the ship a "like" if you use and enjoy the ship. Designed by EGOTech. Join the EGOTech Discord server.
The Rocker (v1.1.0) is also available to buy in game at Hangar Showroom 2 of Rando 7 Ship Shop at stations with Rando ship shops.
The ship has the following features:
- Standard Cruise function
- Turtle and Sloth function with adjustable rates
- 12 T2 generators with four T2 fuel chambers and eight spare rods on racks
- Radiators that provide more than adequate cooling
- Two small and two medium propellant tanks with 10,000,000 units of propellant
- 40 batteries
- 12 T2 box and 28 T2 triangle thrusters providing forward thrust
- 56 T2 manuever thrusters
- Tractor beam which will load asteroids into five compartments with cargo lock beams
- Load automation that will load asteroids into the right container in the right order
- Material scanner that will output the materials in stacks as well as the estimated credits you will get for dropping the asteroid off at Origin stations
- Rangefinders to help judge forward distance and asteroid fit
- Resource bridge for refueling
- Pretty much max speed 150m/s when empty
More detailed information can be found in the ship manual.
How much can I make from hauling safe zone asteriods?
It is not very lucrative, but here is an estimated breakdown of 45Mv asteriods (with a rough breakdown of 35Mv shell and 10Mv core) from the safe zone I got during testing.
Material | Volume | Credits |
Ice/Vokarium | 45Mv | 36k |
Ajatite/Charodium | 45Mv | 58k |
Valkite/Bastium | 45Mv | 27k |
Ice/Nhurgite | 45Mv | 56k |
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Heya, side loading is great! I have another suggestion for you. A display that shows you total projected profit from all your docked roids combined!
2nd suggestion: Could you perhaps make a YOLOL chip which lists an ore and it's market price per line with maybe the bonus% multiplier on top that gets applied for asteroid deposit? It would be up to users to update the prices for them selves very simply by changing the lines, add additional ores or simply look at the base prices. Price projection display would automatically use this data, if possible. This would be great if additional ores got added or maybe some other place was added for roid depositing. Maybe longevity isn't needed now, but it might in the future.
Nice looking ship, and the very good functionality. I add an auto landing system and the compas system.
Just uploaded version 1.0.2 with side loading. Please see ship manual for more details on how to use.
The latest version (v1.0.1) has an updated approach that should work better. You can also get the code from the yolol folder in the ship manual and update the yolol chip in existing ships. Please give it a try
As somebody else has already pointed out, don't use the Approach function. It's useless and it usually leads to smashing into an asteroid in front of you. Just park your ship near the roid.
It looks like a 45Mv roid fits into the side spot okay even in the widest orientation
When designing the ship I did try the yaw method but it has the same issue with the COM. With the back thrusters and loaded asteroids the COM of the ship will never be exactly at the center of the "circle" so yaw will not rotate around that point. However you can try position asteroids using yaw by disabling the beam just when it starting rotating and using the yaw without the beam. DO NOT do this outside of the safezone.
Side loading is an interesting idea. I'm not sure it will fit 100% of the time but if it does, I can get something working.
The reason why it doesn't go full thrust is that the asteroids loaded on each side have different mass causing the center of mass to shift so the FCU tries to compensate so the ship will fly (mostly) straight. There may be some drifting if there is more asteroids on one side, meaning the FCU can't fully compensate. So it is working as expected, to get 100% efficiency a balanced ship is needed, ie. the asteroids on each side have the same mass and position.
I have brought back 2xCharodium and 3xVokarium roids for a total of 238,943.23cr in 28minutes, which is 512.021cr/hour, not bad! Also, I was a bit slow there, I think I could bring it down to 20 or so minutes. For some reason, on my way back, thrusters refused to go 10k forward force despite me forcing the reactor unitrate to 100. Any ideas why?
I absolutely love this blueprint and am having tons of fun with it. One suggestion though is this: Consider allowing players to begin loading from the SIDES (left right). It will make the loading process much faster. Excellent work!
P.S. One other issue: the letters on the cockpit buttons have bad glare from sun and I cant read them. Maybe the chair could sit a bit further front? Might also be the game's problem.
P.P.S. Could you make it so that player yawing the ship to get the asteroid to proper place will make the tractor beam turntable "catch up" and adjust to the new roid location? I find myself helping the roid to get to the rear beams faster by yawing, but the tractor beam base is too slow to rotate.
I have never tried it myself but I heard you can make millions in one trip hauling T10 (450+Mv I think) asteroids using those big haulers that can carry 3 of them. I believe it is possible to find those in the safe zone as well but may be harder to locate.
For me, with the Rocker I just target 45Mv ice rocks which are easy to spot and sometimes I will get lucky and get Nhurgite instead of Vokarium. Of course if I see any big chardonium ones thats good as well. It's pretty easy to get these around 10 to 20 km from Origin stations.
Within an 1 hour or so session and 5 trips I can usually get about 1 million credits this way.
Manual says safezone hauling isn't very lucrative. What is? Is the traveltime worth it going for higher tier roids?
I just got done with my 3rd trip bringing in some charodium roids and I've gotta say, this thing works pretty dang well. Averaging well over 100k credits per trip is nice! I'm sure when I find some juicier ones, it'll be nicer.
I do see why you say it's experimental and safe zone, sometimes the automation doesn't quite work right, and the approach feature will ram the asteroid or it just won't complete the move around for whatever reason. Still 100% worth it!
Amazing work !!! if you can made one bigger I buy the BP !!!
Got one to try out asteroid hauling. This ships automation makes it a very simple task. Very manoeuvrable, economic to use, bp is free, manual is decent and building it is cheap as chips, what more can you want or ask for to try something out?.
Common Statistics
Assembly Cost:
352,433 credits
Warp Class:
Resource Bridges:
1 bridges
Dry Max Speed:
148 m/s
400,000 units
12,000 eps
10,000,000 units
Primary Thrusters:
40 units
Maneuvering Thrusters:
56 units
Required Ores
13.8 stacks
9.1 stacks
0.4 stacks
24.7 stacks
24.5 stacks
0.7 stacks
5.8 stacks
0 stacks
3.7 stacks
15.8 stacks
18.9 stacks
- ✓ Heat
Sold As- ✓ Blueprint
Role- ✓ Other
Features- ✓ Automated