JPTech Electra

The Electra is a ship boasting over 2 million power generation. This ship is capable of rapidly charging smelters and producing alloys at high speed without the need for repair halls. Additionally, it is slated for future use in supplying power to drill ships on the moon surface. ## How to buy Electra 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚡-electra-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
[Free] JPTech Orkan

Orkan is small and cheep fighter. We have two models, Laser and Auto. This ship can disturbing the enemy at high speed. ## How to download Orkan 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. In the **🚀⚔-orkan-free**, please download a BP.
[Free] JPTech Talon

Introducing your free moon mining ship, the Talon! Why free, you ask? Well, there are no instructions included, and the landing features are not yet fully tested. Therefore, we highly recommend handling the landing process manually. But don't worry, the AFK mining feature probably works perfectly. So, here's your chance to mine resources from the moon effortlessly and without any expense. Don't hesitate, start your moon adventure today! ## How to download Talon 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. In the 🚀⛏-talon-free channel, please download a BP.
JPTech LandRecon

# JPTech LandRecon ## Introduction This ship is a mobile reconstruction machine It is designed for cargo events. It is also equipped with an automatic landing. ## How to buy LandRecon 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀🏭-landrecon-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
[Free] JPTech Crate Ball

Free 2082 Crates BP ## How to download CrateBall 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. In the 📦-crateball-free channel, please download a BP.
JPTech Rhino

## How to buy Rhino 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Please check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚔-rhino-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Polaris

Polaris is our company's first datalogger exploration ship, capable of navigating a distance of 165,000 km. Additionally, by adopting a LargeGenerator, it can travel this distance with just two refuelings. This ship is equipped with asteroid avoidance features, as it was developed for the purpose of exploring the GhostBelt. Propellant : 2,208,000,000 unit ## How to buy Polaris 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀💫-Polaris-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Behemoth

Experience the power of the Behemoth Transport Ship from JPTech, boasting an astounding carrying capacity of 1680 cargo units - that's over 100 crates more than our previous model, the Nodens! But that's not all. This incredible ship has been designed with an improved speed, reaching up to 150m/s. In the world of transportation, there's only one ship that offers the unparalleled blend of speed and carrying capacity: Behemoth. Revolutionize your transportation methods today with the Behemoth, and experience a whole new level of efficiency! Please note that roll control is not possible. Luki Speed 73m/s ## How to buy Behemoth 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀📦-Behemoth-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Nano-C

# JPTech Nano-C ## Introduction This ship can reach a speed of 150 m/s. There is a resource blitch on the nose. By connecting it, you can fire the Tripod weapon. ## How to buy Nano-C 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server Click here! 2. Please check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀-nano-c-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Heimdall

# JPTech Heimdall ## Introduction : This is a very large and expensive ship. However, it can fire rail cannons at a high rate. ## Visibility : The pilot's seat is in the nose of the ship, giving him a very wide field of vision. ## Armour : The front glass is side-facing and can withstand up to three hits in the same place from a railgun. ## Weapons : Railgun as primary weapon and laser as secondary weapon. The laser as a secondary weapon is installed as a countermeasure against sacrificial armour (to cause a durability failure and peel off the plate). ## How to buy Heimdall 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚔-heimdal-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Bolt

# JPTech Bolt ## Introduction : The ship is extremely defensive. The pilot's seat uses a slider, which in rare cases becomes like an automatic ejection seat in the event of an explosion. ## Visibility : As the ship has limited up and down visibility, it is recommended to pursue the enemy in the Yaw direction. ## Armour : As mentioned above, it is highly defensive and the vital areas are covered with triple plates. The sides are equipped with sacrificial armour, which guarantees protection with a small thickness. ## Weapons : It is equipped with two laser cannons. ## How to buy Bolt 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Please check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚔-bolt-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Jaeger

# JPTech Jaeger ## Introduction This ship is very high-firing with 8 lasers. ## Visibility The ship has a nose-placed cockpit with very good visibility. ## Armour The armor is designed to withstand rail cannons with spatial armor. ## Weapons It is equipped with 8 laser cannons. ## How to buy Jaeger 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚔-jaeger-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Erebus

# JPTech Erebus ## Introduction This ship is very high-firing with 12 lasers. ## Visibility As the ship has limited down visibility, it is recommended to pursue the enemy in the Yaw direction. ## Armour The laser magazines are spaced to avoid induced detonation between them. The forward armour is made up of two layers of 432x432 plates for extra durability. ## Weapons It is equipped with 12 laser cannons. ## How to buy Erebus 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚔-erebus-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Nodens

# JPTech Nodens ## Introduction : This ship is an ultra-large Haulers with 1568 cargos and is designed to operate within the Safe Zone. ## How to buy Nodens 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀📦-nodens-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
JPTech Goliath

This ship is the culmination of JPTech's ore hauler, boasting a total of 1708 crates. Equipped with various convenient features, it will surely reduce the stress of ore transportation. Major changes from the previous generation Behemoth include an increase of 28 crates without sacrificing speed and the addition of an auto-landing function. This allows for the transport of more ore and facilitates easy transportation between the moon surface and the capital ship. ## New Feature List: - AutoLand (Fully automatic landing. Simply align the ship vertically to the ground and press the button to land automatically.) - AutoCruise (Automatically stops after traveling a set distance. Upon completion, you can choose to switch to Eco mode.) - AntiPirate (In the event the pilot is killed, the transponder will signal the location, restrict access to the ore, and immobilize the ship.) ## Important Notice Due to its large size, it can only be made at the Capital hangar. It can definitely be made at the maximum size. ## Reservation Details: - Price: 15 million credits. - How to Reserve the Goliath: 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!] 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the 🚀📦-goliath-info channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply. Reserve your Goliath today and experience the future of ore transportation!