Leolix Shipyard
Solo build.
R.A.T mini V1
Leolix Shipyard

R.A.T ======= the R.A.T mini is our version to mine on moons/planets, we do not provide support but a quick tutorial at start if needed once. We use it on the live and we had no problem so far we kept it minimalistic and simple to use, the ship basically work with 3 buttons and 2 levers in that respective order : buttons - RT ( cradles rotation for lasers offset) - MG ( auto. advance and cradle pitch auto. alignment ) - LASER ( laser on/off ) levers - MTL ( lasers depth ) - TPM ( lasers inclination back and front manual ) *** angles on cradles are lock for safety reason ## Features : ------------- - R.A.T YOLOL // Mr. T. - Display % Batteries Rods Gas and individual progress bars for rods // myself - Diagnostic display, durability, strength factor // myself - Generator manager // Jericho modified ## Components : -------------- - 1 Exorium Rod chamber - 2 Exorium Generators - 12 larges prop. tanks - 96 T3 Maneuvering triangles thruster Box - 8 T3 Backward thrusters Box -120 T3 Forward trhusters Box - HeatSinks -15 lasers HOVER and LANDING buttons are still in dev and work with the lever on the front seat to adjust height but use it at u'r own risks but there is no need for them we'll keep it updated. 3300km range empty ore crates Special home made lasers cradles :D
Puddle Jumper stargate A [Updated]
Leolix Shipyard

Puddle Jumper ======= Strength factor 110, Leolix shipyard is proud to present my attempt to do the "Jumper" :D, So here goes nothing, she's a O.G shuttle but can get a warpcore on her bottom easily. not much to say about her, its pretty basic and simple it was mostly intended to do players transportation. ## Features : ------------- - Approach // Archaegeo - Display % Batteries Rods Gas and individual progress bars for rods // myself - Diagnostic display, durability, strength factor // myself - Generator manager // Jericho - Turtle and Cruise ## Components : -------------- - 2 T2 Fuel chambers - 6 T2 Generators - 8 small propellant tanks - 22 T3 Maneuvering Thrusters - 8 T3 thrusters Box - 6 Cooling cells - 2 HeatSink - 8 Batteries - 4 Radiators ext. - 2 Radiators base - 1 RangeF. *need to wait I'll keep it updated as long as i play* * Don't hesitate to message me on discord i will help the best i can if you have any trouble.
R.E.A.S MK3 ( Solar nav ship )
Leolix Shipyard

R.E.A.S 114000km rodless auto solar 2 axis -------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTd2jE3_XSI the R.E.A.S ( rodless explorer automatic solar) is a full auto solar explorer ship that can track sun on 2 axis (roll of the ship and pitch of the solar panels) we made a memorabilia to the jelly bean and solar explorer who gave us the inspiration buttons - SR ( allign the ship and solar panels) - RED button ---> emergency fuel chamber ## Features : ------------- - Solar YOLOL // Mr. T. - Display % Batteries Gas // myself ## Components : -------------- - 90 larges prop. tanks - 32 T3 Maneuvering triangles thruster Box - 32 T2 Forward trhusters Box - HeatSinks - 2 Emergency fuel chamber rods red button Special home made as a practical joke. special thank to Freefall.
Leolix Shipyard

Pod-racer ======= Strength factor 250 Leolix shipyard present my attempt to do a "Pod racer", 2250km range* 150m/s. ## Features : ------------- - Display % Batteries Rods Gas and individual progress bars for rods // myself - Diagnostic display, durability, strength factor // myself - Generator manager // Jericho modified ## Components : -------------- - 2 T2 Fuel chambers - 6 T2 Generators - 2 medium prop. tanks - 14 T2 Maneuvering Thrusters - 6 T3 thrusters Box - 2 HeatSinks - 4 Batteries - 4 Radiators ext. - 2 Radiators base - 1 RangeF. - strip. version 400T max 500T with plating T3 thruster box - strip. version 400T max 440T with plating T2 thruster box