Neapolitan Pizza Express
All about that NPE.
[Free] Bearback-NPE
Neapolitan Pizza Express

The Bearback NPE is designed to be a rookie-friendly step up from a starter ship. The Bearback NPE features and automatic mining mode, simply fly up to an asteroid with the system on and it will scan, mine, and collect the asteroid. Two spare rods are located along the underside of the ship for emergencies. BP available for free at and if you are a rookie trying to get started, just send a message in-game or on Discord and we'll get you a Bearback-NPE for free!
[Free] Menger Sponge
Neapolitan Pizza Express

400 crates in the shape of a T2 Menger Sponge. Nothing fancy, just auto-bolted together. Put 20 of them together into a T3, or 400 of them together into a T4 sponge if you dare! BP at
Neapolitan Pizza Express

SPHEALS is a handheld mining system for making or widening holes on moons. Featuring adjustable sweep and a handy readout of the current status, the blueprint is available for free at