HSM Badger L

HSM Badger is designed to search and farm T10 Asteroid. Turn Avoidence on. Hit Brake if you see a Titan and go after the titan. The Approach work with the speedometer save from 995 meter to 12 meters. If you lost the contact with the asteroid the ship allway stop. The Antidrift is new and i dont have seen a ship that use something like that. It is possible to steer during flight and antidrift reduce the speed in the previous direction. Additinal the Antidrift reduce the evade from the Avoidence to minimal to avoid crashes in the side. With antidrift and a little patience it is possible to land the ship on the moon it works fine. The wet speed test was made with 864 Stacks Targium round 24 million kg more than the dry speed test. I have set the Adjustable Avoid speed to 60%, i usually use 90%. The mininglaser script adjust it self to the Tier of the Asteriod after scanning and is adjustable. You only need to Aim in the middle and let it works. The Ship has now a a Belt Atmosphere Alloy Furnace incl. the Yolo and the necessary buttons to set it to off, min, max You can start crafting during farming. The flytime depends on the use of the furnace. During the Laser use the energie transfer to furnace is 0. 2 Cockpit 12 Mininglaser 4 Orecollektor 282 Battery 36 T2 Fuelchamber 108 Generator t2 part enhanced 36 Spare Fullrods Automatic Adjust Mininglaser Pattern to Asteroid Tier 3 Side Speedometer Speedometer Based Approach up to 995 Meter Speedometer Based Brake Speedometer Based Antidrift (Stop Speed in y,z do sterring or after Avoid) automatic powermanagment with aim that the batterys at 95% Quad ISAN Navisuite with 30 Waypoints Runtime Fuelrods/Propellant incl. excepted reach Fuelstation for manually refill Propellant adjustable yaw, pitch, roll, approach min down to 12m , approach max up to 20, Avoidspeed Avoidsystem 4 direction with all possible variants Streammode Button
HSM Badger XXL

HSM Badger is designed to search and farm T10 Asteroid. Turn Avoidence on. Hit Brake if you see a Titan and go after the titan. The Approach work with the speedometer save from 995 meter to 12 meters. If you lost the contact with the asteroid the ship allway stop. The wet speed test was made with 1116 Stacks Lukium. I have set the Adjustable Avoid speed to 60%, i usually use 90%. The mininglaser script adjust it self to the Tier of the Asteriod after scanning and is adjustable. You only need to Aim in the middle and let it works. The Ship has now a a Belt Atmosphere Alloy Furnace incl. the Yolo and the necessary buttons to set it to off, min, max You can start crafting during farming. The flytime depends on the use of the furnace. During the Laser use the energie transfer to furnace is 0. 2 Cockpit 12 Mininglaser 4 Orecollektor 282 Battery 40 T2 Fuelchamber 88 T2 Generator 88 T3 Enhancer Automatic Adjust Mininglaser Pattern to Asteroid Tier 3 Side Speedometer Speedometer Based Approach up to 995 Meter Speedometer Based Brake Speedometer Based Antidrift (Stop Speed in y,z do sterring or after Avoid) automatic powermanagment with aim that the batterys at 95% Quad ISAN Navisuite with 30 Waypoints Runtime Fuelrods/Propellant incl. excepted reach Fuelstation for manually refill Propellant adjustable yaw, pitch, roll, approach min down to 12m , approach max up to 20, Avoidspeed Avoidsystem 4 direction with all possible variants Streammode Button

The HSM Fox is a medium sized longrange miner with the ability to save jumppoints. The Aim for the fox is to search new farm grounds. Save the Jumppiont and fly a few kilometer. Use the Isurance Transfer to your capital ship. Jump to your Ship. and Use than the Onbord Resurrection Machine on the Fox and bring the Fox back home. With a load of Ice and 4 Stacks you can increase the range to 16000km. 12 Mininglaser 4 Orecollektor 40 Fullchambers and 88 generator t2 with 88 t3 enhancer 432 Crates 16 way unique Avoidsystem Propellant refullstation (research large propellant tank necessary) all workbenches 99% forward thrust efficiency
HSM Badger XL

The HSM Badger V3 is developed to hunt T10 Asteriods and to work from a Capital Ship/Station with a big ship hanger. The thruster efficiency is by 99%. 2 Cockpit 12 Mininglaser 4 Orecollektor 282 Battery 36 T2 Fuelchamber 88 Generator 88 Enhancer T3 Automatic Adjust Mininglaser Pattern to Asteroid Tier 3 Side Speedometer Speedometer Based Approach up to 995 Meter Speedometer Based Brake Speedometer Based Antidrift (Stop Speed in y,z do sterring or after Avoid) automatic powermanagment with aim that the batterys at 95% Quad ISAN Navisuite with 30 Waypoints Runtime Fuelrods/Propellant incl. excepted reach adjustable yaw, pitch, roll, approach min down to 8m ,approach max up to 25 and it works every time Avoidspeed Avoidsystem 4 direction with all possible variants Streammode Button If you leave the driver seat mininglaser stop working.