Shipwright CO
We make ships right.
Other Builders: bomblol bomblol#6367 Thatwallyguy ガランドラス#6539
Red-light District Pinup
Shipwright CO

**Red-Light District ,Endo Pin-up** *(Large)* This Pinup is quite large~(18mx12m), and is most suited for stations or parking next to your crafting station on Origin. The Shipwright logo plate can be unbolted from the front. But if purchased, please do not remove the signature from the back. It is recommended to remove the plates for easy transport to non-origin stations with bolts or cargo locks. Otherwise the entire ship can be towed with Cargolock Beams if thrusters and MFC,FCU are removed. I offer the service of transporting the ship to your station at a rate of 16,000credits/100km as to cover my time and fuel costs. *This may be a problem if you do not wish to disclose your base location, but is a option if you do not have a super-hauler.* The Sign is pilotable, and devices can be removed if you keep it in a permanent place. The Sign is equipped with a rod/propellant timer so you know how long the lights can run before a rod change is needed. As well as a Generator Rate regulator. Please contact me if you have any Decal/sign requests and we can discuss size/pricing/functionality through, /Whisper or Discord dm. *Game:* **Shipwright** *Discord:* **Knox#9473**
Handheld Railgun (Uncraftable Currently)
Shipwright CO

Nicknamed, **"Kaminari"** This is the panicle of handheld weaponry allowed in the game as of *game build 662*. The Railgun is **currently uncraftable**, due to the *Targium* and *Ilmatrium*. But with future updates, and this compact build, you are able to wield a monstrous weapon with ease. The Buffer batteries onboard allow for only one shot without recharging them. So it is **HIGHLY RECOMENDED** to *soft-line* them to a ship with a **resource bridge** for sustained fire *25rpm*. Nothing more to say, its one of the most devastating weapons meant for ships, in your hands. The iron sights are perfectly aligned, with only a **36cm height over bore** for accurate long range shots with only minimal height adjustment for closer engagements. *Game:* **Shipwright** *Discord:* **Knox#9473**
Pod Racer - Planterra
Shipwright CO

**Planterra** is the second *Star Wars* pod racer to hit the scene. This is for the racers who like to get rough on the track. With its wide birth and multiple engines, it can bump and knock other racers off your line. Its a max speed personal craft, bigger and more tanky than its younger sibling **Volterra**. It has wider turns but still capable to catch crafts on straits. If there is a pod racer you are specifically looking for, you can contact me on discord with a picture or name of the existing racer. *Discord:* **Knox#9473** *In-Game:* **Shipwright**
Shipwright CO

The **FCU-22** is a Mid-Long Range light armored Fighter/Bomber. Equipped with Dual Autocannons and retracting, scripted, Dual Missile Launcher. FCU-22 is Modeled after the **USAF, F-22 Stealth Jet**. *I am currently working on a modular weapons bay to seamlessly swap between Rocket Pods and Torpedoes for "In Universe" Changes.* The **FCU-22** is intended for Moon/Station Sieges as a *point, fire, peel off system* . Otherwise, it is a passion project to recreate my favorite real-world/fantasy Gunships/Fighters. The ship Blueprint can be purchased as well as the Ship itself (Assemble cost + Ore + 50k Build Fee) There are basic scripts for generation rate, rod/propellant timers, safe fire missiles (as not to fire the missiles while stowed in the weapons bay), status readouts, as well as 5 empty Yolol slots for personal scripts ie; autopilot to stations and missile mag dumps. I am willing to offer **2 stacks of Ymrium and cover the Exorium cost to anyone who purchases the blueprint regardless of market price** to aid in cost reduction if you do not have a stock of it and must buy it from the market. Roughly **108,000 credit value** as of *10/24/21*. Thank you for the read and see you out there, *Game*: **Shipwright** *Discord*: **Knox#9473**
Handheld Plasma Cannon
Shipwright CO

# **Plasma Cannon** Nicknamed, **"Lapis"**. Which can also be swapped out for a autocannon **"Lazuli"**. Blind spots are no more. Have a gunner that cant hit the broad side of a hauler with mounted guns? Have a passenger that just munches on food while you are busy avoiding asteroids? Give them one of these. Now you can aim with raw mouse input to accurately lay down angular fire onto ships. This compact device has a **custom cargolock beam cradle** that can easily snap and stow this weapon for quick racking/un-racking. *(Only included if requested for 8k)*. The Cannon fires when the rangefinder on the rear is tripped, so you can use your **mouse wheel** to move the device closer while holding it with **"E"** Check out other creations by Shipwright CO. and DM me for ship/tool requests and we can work something out. # Carogolock Cradle build cost **Ajatite:** 0.01 **Bastium:** 0.2 **Kutonium:** 0.1 **Nhurgite:** 0.01 **Vokarium:** 0.1 **Total cost: 2493** *Game:* **Shipwright** *Discord:* **Knox#9473**
Crafting Corner
Shipwright CO

The "Crafting Corner" is a crafting station with comfort and functionality in mind. Options for different Lights/ship colors are available with the purchase of ship but can be self changed with BP. The Crafting Corner has all your essentials for mass crafting and Yolol chip editing. Including a Yolol rack cluster to share code or to edit with your company mates. Advanced flight unit is installed on the ship for directional movement. The ship is made for travel only around the station. Station-to-station travel is possible but not recommended. Chopping the Ship into a module for use elsewhere with the BP is encouraged. If you read this far, I will give a free stack of Arkanium to cover the cost as it is the most expensive material. Assembly cost: 33,315 Manufacturing cost: 36,401 Total cost: 59,715 In-Game: Shipwright Discord: Knox#9473
Handheld Mining Laser
Shipwright CO

Sometimes a pickaxe just isn't enough. This incredible piece of utility can be a fun toy, as well as a deadly weapon in combat. Hook this baby up to any ship that can output more than **10,000 eps** and you have yourself a great tool for hacking up salvaged ship, mining rocks with mouse precision and chopping up pirates that get a little too close. The Handheld Mining Laser is not a new concept, but being crafted without beams makes this easily storable with bolts or cargo lock frames/beams for quick access. The device can run for 8 seconds before needing to be recharged or soft-line connected through a ships resource bridge. In addition, the laser is easy to use by only turning it on and pressing **"E"** to pick up the device and dragging it close to the user with the scroll wheel to trip the rangefinder. The resource bridge from the donor ship **MUST HAVE ONLY CABLE CONNECTION** through the **hardpoint** on the back of the bridge, no piping. `FlowOut=1` `FlowIn=0`. The laser is already configured and will work out of the box. I am working on putting out a line of handheld devices in this coming week. So be sure to check them out and drop a like on anything you find interesting. DM me for suggestions or feedback. *Game:* **Shipwright** *Discrod:* **Knox#9473**
[Free] Disposable Drop Pod
Shipwright CO

This is a prototype for a orbital troop transport. I would like to do some testing on it as a module for ships to drop Endos onto the moon. As a free blueprint, I would like any feedback on the BP sent through Discord DM if you have ideas or possible upgrades. The pods themselves cost under 1300 credits so don't be afraid to shoot them at the moon. They will despawn quickly due to the low voxel count. Sorry for the crap Gif. [Download Blueprint From Ufile]( # Testing Information Needed - Time to impact ground from **1000m** and **500m** from initial propulsion and free-fall. - Adjustments to pod position in **Cargo-Lock** for maximum stabilization of drop pod. - Relative **speed** the mothership can travel before internal collisions with pod occurs. - Mothership stabilization designs in Yolol to **compensate for recoil** of firing pod. *[Must have thrusters facing opposite directions so the ship does not roll during pod launch (N-man's 3rd law)]* *Game:* **Shipwright** *Discord:* **Knox#9473**
Pod Racer - Volterra
Shipwright CO

**Volterra** is a land speeder inspired by *Star Wars*. The **Volterra** is the first in the series of pod racers that I will be putting out. Our company will also be hosting a Pod Race on the moon when bases are enabled (TBD). If there is a pod racer you are specifically looking for, you can contact me on discord with a picture or name of the existing racer. *Discord:* **Knox#9473** *In-Game:* **Shipwright**