Hand bolted Space Quaker

The latest in the line of my solar ships. The Solar Minimum is the cheapest way to travel! Coming in around 120m/s for an incredible 146 hours flight time - you can travel over 57,000 km to distant moons! Ship includes an essential 'afk' mode which will deal with several ship/server/connection issues to make sure you fly straight as an arrow! Solar rotate script will rotate the ship without changing course to keep the maximum solar power to the sails! This is a barebones ship. No maneuvering thrusters at all needed! She is intended to fly for days in one direction to deliver your starbase or go where no one has gone before! Get crazy and min max it if you want for more range!
Solar_Longrange mk1

The pinnacle of affordable, long range, solar space exploration is finally here! Solar_Longrange mk1 is the solution for affordable high speed long range deployment! Boasting 450,000,000 propellant this ship can 100% sustain power from the sun! **INCREDIBLE 73,500km range** **144m/s with included t3 nozzles - refit t2 nozzles for even more cost savings!*** Extremely cost effective compared to other long range ships! $499,000 to print! This ship design has traveled to unknown 1 and its satellites! Proven design with important life/ship saving features! -afk mode makes sure your ship won't turn due to glitches, desync, and connection issues -solarspin mode rotates the ship on axis to keep the sun within 10 degrees of the panels -Easily accomodates removable warp core -Easily accomodates crafting benches to extend your range to inifnity! -Dedicated LARGE refuelling tank/system to refill propellant in the field!
Solar_Explorer mk2

144m/s full load - will max out as she burns prop. 16 T2 Box 16 T2 Triangle thrusters can run for 91:18 prop limited on 30 large prop tanks. This ship is built to augment Rods with Solar power - she should be able to sustain a 48,000KM trip. Fly for days just on a single set of rods. Extras to handle flying in the shadows. This is part of my utility series. No frills - cheap to make - gets the job done. Solar Explorer mk2 has traveled well over 100,000 km and made several moon / satellite landings Includes rotational yolo to keep the sun in line with the panels Includes an 'autothrust' yolo that is necessary for very long trips on solar ships Includes simple gen yolo that works best with solar