Dragon_Ventures is a small outfit focused on immersive Roleplay and experiences. We dabble in all of Starbase's mechanics, including Ship design. Our design philosophy is different for each ship, usually aiming to achieve a specific goal, and ignoring adding all the bells and whistles unless that is part of the goal of the build. We are not the pinnacle, or the cutting edge, but we do like to bring fun to other players!
We are flexable and interested in any and all business dealings, so if you have any queries or want a ship design, modification or consultation, do not hesitate to contact us.

The next gen haulers From Dragon_Ventures are here! With the support of our amazing customers and their feedback, combined with 100's more hours of SSC, YOLOL and gameplay to draw upon, we have created an even better hauler than our last-gen 480! As a thank you, returning customers of the Dragon_Haul_480 will receive a 250,000 credit discount on all models. This craft was created with the intention of offering 3 models for any customer to find one to match their gameplay style, and deliver exceptional performance to boot The 3 models are P-retty, E-fficiency and M-ining/military) (M model coming soon)! The E model is a good entry point, and you can upgrade later to the P model for 500,000 credits more, or to the upcoming M model for 1 million more! This is the E model, the de-facto successor to the Dragon_Haul_480! It is a hauling machine, with no extra thought given to anything but moving ores safely through the belt. The E model keeps the beam and crate spacebrick aesthetic, so it will not be winning awards for looks, but if you care about stats and stretching your credits, this is the ship for you. Ideal for new space-truckers who want the best entry level value on the market, or for solo miners bringing back their deep hauls, you will love this ship and watching the asteroids whiz by harmlessly as you count your stacks of credits! It comes in 2 engine loadouts, T2 for ultimate cut-throat price efficiency to get your ores where they need to be, or T3 engines when you care about time and need to be there ASAP. All models include the new 2.0 system of Asteroid avoidance, which has been updated to handle more edge cases, and fit onto one chip, whilst maintaining the same .6-.8 detection time of previous iterations! It will automatically cut throttle, hit the breaks and strafe away from the threat. Afterwards it will resume it's previous thrust, so you don't have to manually interact with it! But that is not all the protection you have! A 1 meter gapped and plated grille also defends your precious bits from the cold, hard, uncaring rocks, so anything your AA misses, it will catch for you! It also doubles up as a shroud to cover up the ugly look of hundreds of rangefinder beams. Repairability was also considered, so engine clusters and the front rangefinders are all able to be accessed easily due to the space left for plating the P model, and the cargolock is perfect for bringing spares along. All models include Cargolock frame to haul items and spare parts to where they need to go, all 3 crafting benches and ISAN navigation waypoint system, which can be operated from both the pilot seat and cabin. An avoid counting system lets you know how much frustration you have avoided while AFK, as well as blinking lights and sounds while the AA is avoiding if you are nearby so you can watch it go! A warp core is included by default, but can be stripped before printing your ship for additional space, which you can cram more ore crates, fuelrods, prop, a cargolock or more into! Blueprint Files will be delivered in a .rar file so you can choose which models and version to build, as well as a bundled user guide .txt so you can have common questions answered! This model's speeds as measured by transponder hide settings are as follows: T2/T3--Dry speed is ~145/150 m/s T2/T3--wet (14,000) speed is ~1115/136 m/s T2/T3--wet (24,600) speed is ~92/112 m/s T2/T3 (9536/5893) km Rod range, 36 gen units, 12 chambers w/ t1 enhancers. 24 backup rods T2/T3 (2604/1801) km propellent range with 9 large prop tanks. More can be added in the access halls/warpcore room if you need more range w/o a pit stop.
DragonHoarder1136(Heat update)

Updated on 5/31/22- added heat sinks, removed excess batteries, added more fuel rod spares, added yaw thrusters, removed gen script for a simple pinned number, removed warp core, added crafting tables, added cabin floor, removed broken buttons from dash Price dropped to 2,000,000 credits for BP due to this old design not meeting my current quality standards. Be aware this ship is functional, but not super polished. Original Description: Tired of making multiple trips? Do you need something that can get through the belts intact? Want to make your friends envious of your supreme power? Dragon_Ventures has you covered! Introducing the DragonHoarder1136 (H) Designed from the ground up to be extremely durable, repairable, and to get your cargo to far away destinations safely. This ship is designed for big companies moving huge amounts, or wealthy solo players looking for the best on the market. The entry price is high, but the payoff is only a couple runs away! Build your hoard like a pro! Over 40 hours of Min-Maxing the editor's build limits has delivered this creation to reality. It features an enclosed engineering section to ensure your explody bits stay unexploded, and ablative beam structures on the front to keep your critical systems in working order for any chance impacts. Ducting is bolted double the normal amount to reduce time spend repairing. Crates are arranged in a protective buffer all around your core thruster and system. The Asteroid Avoidance YOLOL has been revamped to increase the effectiveness. The cross section was carefully maintained to ensure the ship can avoid threats before they even get into one of the 240+ rangefinders paths. The asteroid avoidance system is a "Pause and strafe" style system, it checks in 3 sections (top mid, bottom) and then strafes away from the detected threat. For Top and Bottom, it cuts forward power while it maneuvers, and resumes old thrust level once clear. For the middle section, it pitches the ship down slightly, and does not cut power to main engines (however this pitch may trigger the Top section power cut and strafe). after a short pause to allow the vector to change away from the middle detected threat, the ship resumes the old heading. Known shortcomings of the system as it stands are that it may strafe at low speed (<25 m-s) into a threat on the top or bottom in unlucky circumstance, but this is an edge case scenario, and the ship is robust enough to just bounce off these with little care. Features: -Avoidance YOLOL with dense checkerboard pattern for comprehensive coverage of threats. -Avoidance YOLOL display, designating when system is active, what action is being taken, stats for number of activations on current trip, and lifetime of ship. -1 20 ring Plasma main drive, with 92 supporting T2 Triangle thrusters. -24 T2 Triangle thrusters for PITCH, ROLL and Up-Down Strafe -NO BRAKES. ship is designed to point towards destination and let 'er rip. -147 M-s empty, strength 1.028 -135 M-s with common ores (14,000 weight) -126 M-s with Exorium (24,600 weight) -1136 capacity for ores. -Turtle, Cruise modes. -MONO Isan 2.5 -Transponder -High cable&pipe budget and still over 1000 bolts available for repairs. -Critical systems are able to be accessed in most cases for repair. Stuff that is not accessible is buried in crates and unlikely to be damaged. -3 resource ports. One for pilot and general use, 2 in engineer bays near back exit with in/out flow buttons for double duty as tanker (roughly 40 million propellent extra will remain once fuel rods are exhausted) -10 generator modules, with 6 t2 units per generator. -50 backup fuel rods, giving approx 2588 km range. -Open "air" control section, with double pane glass to avoid "asteroid-in-face" syndrome -2 passenger seats at the control section. -1 "suicide seat" on a pole at the rear. not protected by AA YOLOL. For those that have more bravery than sense, or do it for the memes. Nice views though! -Non default color scheme of Red, Black and gold. Subject to change from Images. Cost: Need more details? Message me on discord at Tegxra#0836. I will have a model ship to tour soon and allow for test drives and demonstrations within the Safe Zone.
Fuel_Send_Frigate (Heat Updated)

This is a simple Fuel tanker, made to keep your deep station ships fueled! It also includes the 3 crafting benches in the aft, so you can craft whenever and wherever! Get to where you are going safely with the Anti Asteroid rangefinders on the front, ensuring you can operate anywhere in the belts! Update 9/13/21: added warp core, ported in 2.0 version of AA system. fixed loose wiring causing small yaw imbalance Update 5/11/22: removed warp core, added heatsinks. added decals on side. update buffed storage capacity to over 1 billion prop. This makes a great support ship to park in your deep stations, providing both fuel and a way to craft parts/repair ships if they become non-functional near your station. Features: -over 1 billion million propellent -288 T2 fuel rods -50,000 km approx range -approx 135 m/s speed with no ores. -6 t2 fuel input units, 3 generators per -96 t2 triangle thrusters forward drive -32 triangle thrusters attitude control, extremely responsive pitch and yaw, roll is sluggish. -24 crates of storage to bring repair materials along -Tool wall under pilot seat to bolt hand-tools to (tools not included in BP) -1 passenger seat to pickup suspicious hitchikers -3 crafting benches in aft compartment -5 Resource ports, 1 in pilot section, 4 in aft to fuel up multiple ships at once. -AA system, with simple YOLOL scripts to keep you in one piece! -Deflector beams on front as a second line of defense against asteroids! -Stylish Minecraft inspired texture to remind you that 90% of the ship is explodable! -ISAN mono, latest version -cruise, turtle mode -transponder

The next gen haulers From Dragon_Ventures are here! With the support of our amazing customers and their feedback, combined with 100's more hours of SSC, YOLOL and gameplay to draw upon, we have created an even better hauler than our last-gen 480! As a thank you, returning customers of the Dragon_Haul_480 will receive a 500,000 credit discount on all models. This craft was created with the intention of offering 3 models for any customer to find one to match their gameplay style, and deliver exceptional performance to boot The 3 models are P-retty, E-fficiency and M-ining/military)! M model purchases include the P Model, and the 2 E versions (E2 and E3) as a bonus! This is the M model, which is made for mining firstly, but can take a few punches too, allowing you to possibly escape a pirate ambush! We stripped off the vanity plates and buffed up the central cabin to be charodium plated all around, and the interior plates are charodium in critical areas, while the cabin remains bastium to save weight. Weighing about 4.5% less than the P model and with 24 more t3 engines, the M model has a slight speed increase as well. All models include the new 2.0 system of Asteroid avoidance, which has been updated to handle more edge cases, and fit onto one chip, whilst maintaining the same .6-.8 detection time of previous iterations! It will automatically cut throttle, hit the breaks and strafe away from the threat. Afterwards it will resume it's previous thrust, so you don't have to manually interact with it! But that is not all the protection you have! A 1 meter gapped and beam covered grille also defends your precious bits from the cold, hard, uncaring rocks, so anything your AA misses, it will catch for you! Also in the M model is a live editing YOLOL work station (upgraded from the P model) and crew accessible controls , allowing your crew (or yourself, the AA is pretty good) to walk around the ship and do more than stare at the clouds ahead. The bifurcating generator doors for the front and rear bay separate the exploding bits from the crew, reducing the chance of accidentally blowing yourself up with misclicks. Repairability was also considered, so engine clusters and the front rangefinders are all able to be accessed from behind the grille of the ship, and the cargolock is perfect for bringing spares along. All models include Cargolock frame to haul items and spare parts to where they need to go, all 3 crafting benches and ISAN navigation waypoint system, which can be operated from both the pilot seat and cabin. An avoid counting system lets you know how much frustration you have avoided while AFK, as well as blinking lights and sounds while the AA is avoiding if you are nearby so you can watch it go! A warp core is included by default, but can be stripped before printing your ship for additional space, which you can cram more ore crates, fuelrods, prop, a cargolock or more into! Blueprint Files will be delivered in a .rar file so you can choose which models and version to build, as well as a bundled user guide .txt so you can have common questions answered! This model's speeds as measured by transponder hide settings are as follows: --Dry speed is ~138 m/s with 910 meter stopping distance. --wet (14,000) speed is ~113 m/s with 650m stopping distance --wet (24,600) speed is ~96 m/s with 550m stopping distance 5893 km Rod range, 36 gen units, 12 chambers w/ t1 enhancers. 24 backup rods 1801 km propellent range with 11 large prop tanks. More can be added in the access halls/warpcore room if you need more range w/o a pit stop.

The next gen haulers From Dragon_Ventures are here! With the support of our amazing customers and their feedback, combined with 100's more hours of SSC, YOLOL and gameplay to draw upon, we have created an even better hauler than our last-gen 480! As a thank you, returning customers of the Dragon_Haul_480 will receive a 500,000 credit discount on all models. This craft was created with the intention of offering 3 models for any customer to find one to match their gameplay style, and deliver exceptional performance to boot The 3 models are P-retty, E-fficiency and M-ining/military) (M model coming soon)! P model purchases include the E versions (E2 and E3) as a bonus, and can upgrade later to the M model for only 500,000 more! This is the P model, which is short for Pretty Plates! The target customer of this version is for players who do not care about pure stats, and want a nice looking ship that can still do it's job! This is perfect for running hauling runs with your mates to markka and killing time out and about in the belts! She is a bit on the chunky side, but due to her T3 propulsion and maneuver thrusters she is just as responsive as lighter craft! This also enables her to withstand assault for a couple seconds more than the E model, giving you time to react to the threat! All models include the new 2.0 system of Asteroid avoidance, which has been updated to handle more edge cases, and fit onto one chip, whilst maintaining the same .6-.8 detection time of previous iterations! It will automatically cut throttle, hit the breaks and strafe away from the threat. Afterwards it will resume it's previous thrust, so you don't have to manually interact with it! But that is not all the protection you have! A 1 meter gapped and plated grille also defends your precious bits from the cold, hard, uncaring rocks, so anything your AA misses, it will catch for you! It also doubles up as a shroud to cover up the ugly look of hundreds of rangefinder beams. Also in the P model is a live editing YOLOL work station, and crew accessible controls , allowing your crew (or yourself, the AA is pretty good) to walk around the ship and do more than stare at the clouds ahead. The bifurcating generator doors for the front and rear bay separate the exploding bits from the crew, reducing the chance of accidentally blowing yourself up with misclicks. Repairability was also considered, so engine clusters and the front rangefinders are all able to be accessed from behind the grille of the ship, and the cargolock is perfect for bringing spares along. All models include Cargolock frame to haul items and spare parts to where they need to go, all 3 crafting benches and ISAN navigation waypoint system, which can be operated from both the pilot seat and cabin. An avoid counting system lets you know how much frustration you have avoided while AFK, as well as blinking lights and sounds while the AA is avoiding if you are nearby so you can watch it go! A warp core is included by default, but can be stripped before printing your ship for additional space, which you can cram more ore crates, fuelrods, prop, a cargolock or more into! Blueprint Files will be delivered in a .rar file so you can choose which models and version to build, as well as a bundled user guide .txt so you can have common questions answered! This model's speeds as measured by transponder hide settings are as follows: --Dry speed is ~135 m/s with 920 meter stopping distance. --wet (14,000) speed is ~110 m/s with 650m stopping distance --wet (24,600) speed is ~92 m/s with 550m stopping distance 5893 km Rod range, 36 gen units, 12 chambers w/ t1 enhancers. 24 backup rods 1801 km propellent range with 9 large prop tanks. More can be added in the access halls/warpcore room if you need more range w/o a pit stop.