A cheap well armoured tripod ship, built to provide close air support to infantry, is a cheaper PvP option than most fighters.
Turret turntable for a tripod gun of choice, can be rotated 90 degrees left or right, buttons can be used using Tab + Mouse cursor while on the turret.
Ship has enough power gen to fire any tripod continuously.
BoostMin and BoostMax act as a aim keybind without yolo (yolo is avoided where possible due to the 0.2 delay) these should ALWAYS be bound to the same key.
Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw.
This can be altered to be the more common method of aiming, having higher sense as standard, and having the ships pitch/yaw slow down for aiming. (Swap the BoostMin/BoostMax Off values with its On values, remember to set it in the pitch/yaw lever fields too)
Armoured using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour and segmented and layered plating.
Its primarily plated using char across the ship, alloys are on the side/rear armour.
145 m/s max speed using T2 thrusters, 141 with tripod + gunner.
964847.812 kg in weight.
One small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 40 mins estimated flight time.
1 T1 fuel chamber, 3 T1 generators, 3 T1 enhancers, 2 hours 50 mins estimated flight time, 50 mins estimated fight time.
Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times.
Ground facing RFs provide readout of the distance to the surface.
Uses basic FCU, no reverse, roll is performed using Roll_L and Roll_R buttons, this is to allow fast handling by isolating the roll thrusters from the FCU/MFC.
Entry is through a small gap between the cockpit and thrusters.
Aeg 3.2 stacks (5524 kv)
Aja 0.9 stacks (1636 kv)
Ark 0.1 stacks (152 kv)
Bal (Alloy) 0.1 stacks (125 kv)
Bas 6.4 stacks (11048 kv)
Bas (Alloy) 1.3 stacks (2162 kv)
Cha 10.5 stacks (18125 kv)
Exo 0.2 stacks (340 kv)
Glass (Alloy) 3.6 stacks (6294 kv)
Ice 0.6 stacks (1000 kv)
Kar 0.1 stacks (192 kv)
Kut 0.1 stacks (172 kv)
Nhu 1.6 stacks (2812 kv)
Vok 5.4 stacks (9277 kv)
Total ore 34.1 stacks (58859 kv)
Assembly cost 72627 credits
Manufacturing cost 54326 credits
Total cost 126963 credits
During the recent loot crate events, it became more appealing to me to use a small, cheap tripod boat to attack infantry on the ground.
Attacking the ground in a typical meta fighter is far from ideal, where as a tripod ship can get closer and deploy fire on infantry.
These ships often double as scouts and troop transport.
The intent with this ship is to perform a constant pylon turn around the target area, while the gunner shoots to the side at infantry.
Done right, the ship is never stationary for an easy hit with explosives, and the gunner is afforded a clear sight on the ground and horizon at all times.
During live testing at the loot events, not one was shot down by infantry, and only a few were lost to fighters.
When engaged by a fighter, you are at a disadvantage.
To engage, perform a pylon turn as usual, keeping your speed as high as possible while your gunner fires.
Common Statistics
Assembly Cost:
72,627 credits
Dry Weight:
964,847.8 kg
Dry Max Speed:
145 m/s
Wet Max Speed:
141 m/s
1 units
- ✓ Heat
Sold As- ✓ Blueprint
Role- ✓ Fighter
- ✓ Other
Features- ✓ Multicrew
- ✓ Armour