Open Source Armada
An open source collection of ship bp's provided to the starbase public, from a humble Mercenary.
I mostly build space AK-47s.
I consider all my free ships provided to be open source, I encourage you to print, modify, reverse engineer and share these Bp's with whomever you wish.
I only ask that these Bp's never be sold for profit without permission so that these ships remain free to all.
//Legacy Bp's//
Legacy Bp ships have no official release or SSS posting, they are provided as extra ships and may be reworked and sold for profit, or used as a base for new ships, I often build entire working ships that don't satisfy my build goals, resulting in me starting a new ship fresh with what I have learned.
//Private Bp's// Bentley's Flying Circus
I have a handful of closed source Bp's for sale, check the link and hit me up.
[Free] OSA Voonith Mk1
Open Source Armada

Ultra lite single railgun micro fighter, for skirmishing and jousting practice. Made for speed and fun, the Voonith is a tiny micro fighter that can swarm larger ships with hit and run jousts, its railgun means it is always a threat to larger ships, while its speed and acceleration makes it an unideal target for other enemy fighters. //Download// //Specs// 1 railgun with a 7 second fire rate. Shoot_1+ is your trigger, bind this to your weapon hotkey (space by default). Sensitivity settings are adjustable from a yolo chip located at the back of the ship, this chip only adjusts your sense settings and is not vital to the operation of the aim system, you can use the U-tool save feature to save your sense settings to the ship post print. CenterSensePlus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. Armoured lightly using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour, segmented and layered plating and plasma/rail sacrifice plates. Materials and components are on the high end, i leave it to the user to reduces cost to your tastes. 380203.156 kg in weight, 150ms at 60fps. 2 small prop tanks for 2 million prop, 2 hours 50 mins estimated flight time. 1 T2 fuel chamber, 3 T3 generators, 1 T3 enhancer, 2 T1 enhancers 1 hour 20 mins estimated fight time, 3 hours 40 mins flight time. Uses 1 premium FCU and 1 advanced FCU, no reverse. Entry is through a slit on the side of the cockpit. //Design// Designed to hit a very low weight limit of 400 tons to preserve as much acceleration and speed, the Voonith is a perfect ship for pilots to start practicing and employing railgun jousting without the larger cost of other such fighters. Only armoured where it needs to be to save weight, it has a tiny profile and voxel armour to survive hits when jousting and remain a hard to hit target. Armour is a mix of Dal, Char and Ymr. The gens have enough power to charge a shot every 7 seconds, making it a joust only ship, circle fighting is not recommended. 2 prop tanks grant this ship fantastic range, making it great as a armed scout or point ship. The vast majority of other fighters can not maintain the same speed and acceleration allowing you to pull range on any ship in a fleet fight, allowing you to safely line up you next hit and run.
[Free] OSA Xothian Mk3
Open Source Armada

1K Joust fighter with staggered rail charge, packs high alpha strike potential into a light fighter. The Mk3 Xothian is the progenitor to the 4 railgun Cthulhu used in the 3v3 tournament, using a staggered rail charge system to pack double the rails for its gen set up, 1k weight was the goal so that the ship qualified for Kais 3v3 tournament. //Download// //Specs// 2 railguns with a staggered charge system. Shoot_1+ and Shoot_2+ are your triggers, bind these to your weapon hotkeys (space by default). Sensitivity settings are adjustable from a yolo chip located in front of the pilot seat, this chip only adjusts your sense settings and is not vital to the operation of the aim system, you can use the U-tool save feature to save your sense settings to the ship post print. CenterSensePlus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. Armoured using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour, segmented and layered plating and plasma/rail sacrifice plates. Materials and components are on the high end, i leave it to the user to reduces cost to your tastes. 1016509.44 kg in weight, 147ms at 60fps. 1 small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 30 mins estimated flight time. 2 T3 fuel chamber, 6 T3 generators, 4 T3 enhancers 1 hour 20 mins estimated fight time. Uses premium FCU, no reverse, Roll_L and Roll_R are your keybinds for roll. Entry is through a slit on the bottom of the ship. //Design// Unlike a more traditional fighting ship, the Xothian is made to fight using jousting instead of orbiting, focusing on hit and run tactics. The key feature is the yolo controlling the railgun charge, the ship is in reality a 1 rail fighter, with the ability to buffer a additional rail shot when the first is fully charged. This provides several advantages, the additional rail shot doubles your damage when jousting your opponent, it also allows you to fire sooner with one railgun being ready to fire before charging the second, making snap firing at targets when they present themselves easier, finally you are able to continuously fire 1 railgun at a high rate just as a equivalent sized single railgun ship. Very slim flat profile from front and sides to reduce the ships silhouette when turning into jousts, the overall size and shape is very compact. Primarily made of Oni, Char and Ymr plates. Can be made into a lighter more affordable rail fighter by swapping plate mats, but some of the armour plates will lose effectiveness, particularly against rails/plasma.
[Free] OSA Shoggoth Mk2
Open Source Armada

12 autogun frontline fighter, 2k weight for mass produced low tech firepower. The Shoggoth returns after a long absence, filling the needed role of frontline brawler to act as a backbone for large engagements, made to get as many players into solid sized fighters at low cost, an easy ship to spam build for station/cap battles. //Download// //Specs// 12 autoguns with two large mags in the core. Shoot_1+ is your trigger, bind this to your weapon hotkey (space by default). Sensitivity settings are adjustable from a yolo chip located on the back of the ship, this chip only adjusts your sense settings and is not vital to the operation of the aim system, you can use the U-tool save feature to save your sense settings to the ship post print. CenterSensePlus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. Armoured using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour, segmented and layered plating and plasma/rail sacrifice plates. Materials and components are low tech, i leave it to the user to increase cost to your tastes. 2150083.25 kg in weight, 143ms at 60fps. 4 small prop tanks for 4 million prop, 1 hour 15 mins estimated flight time. 3 T2 fuel chamber, 8 T2 generators, 2 T1 enhancers, 1 hour 25 mins estimated fight time, 3 hours estimated flight time. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Uses 1 advanced FCU and 1 basic FCU, no reverse. Entry is through a small gap above the cockpit. //Design// The Shoggoth Mk2 is a major refinement of the 12 gun slot in OSA's fleet, using a core design like the original Yith but with the same weight of 2k, and 12 spamable autos with long bursts of fire. Made to fill a brute force role on the frontline, the ship is layered in all directions with meta armour to reduces the lethality of focus fire, with all explosive parts in the tough big plate core. Armour is simple char plating, can be upgraded to a players taste in expense. The low tech weapons and t2 components make this a mass produced ship that can me made in large numbers without breaking the bank, and is accessible to even newer players. Maintains a solid 143 ms top speed allowing to keep up with other OSA ships, and has a good prop and fuel range. 12 autos are backed by 2 large mags, making the total ammo incredibly large, giving great staying power in extended fights.
[Free] OSA Shantak Mk1
Open Source Armada

A cheap well armoured tripod ship, built to provide close air support to infantry, is a cheaper PvP option than most fighters. //Download// //Specs// Turret turntable for a tripod gun of choice, can be rotated 90 degrees left or right, buttons can be used using Tab + Mouse cursor while on the turret. Ship has enough power gen to fire any tripod continuously. BoostMin and BoostMax act as a aim keybind without yolo (yolo is avoided where possible due to the 0.2 delay) these should ALWAYS be bound to the same key. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. This can be altered to be the more common method of aiming, having higher sense as standard, and having the ships pitch/yaw slow down for aiming. (Swap the BoostMin/BoostMax Off values with its On values, remember to set it in the pitch/yaw lever fields too) Armoured using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour and segmented and layered plating. Its primarily plated using char across the ship, alloys are on the side/rear armour. 145 m/s max speed using T2 thrusters, 141 with tripod + gunner. 964847.812 kg in weight. One small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 40 mins estimated flight time. 1 T1 fuel chamber, 3 T1 generators, 3 T1 enhancers, 2 hours 50 mins estimated flight time, 50 mins estimated fight time. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Ground facing RFs provide readout of the distance to the surface. Uses basic FCU, no reverse, roll is performed using Roll_L and Roll_R buttons, this is to allow fast handling by isolating the roll thrusters from the FCU/MFC. Entry is through a small gap between the cockpit and thrusters. //Cost// Aeg 3.2 stacks (5524 kv) Aja 0.9 stacks (1636 kv) Ark 0.1 stacks (152 kv) Bal (Alloy) 0.1 stacks (125 kv) Bas 6.4 stacks (11048 kv) Bas (Alloy) 1.3 stacks (2162 kv) Cha 10.5 stacks (18125 kv) Exo 0.2 stacks (340 kv) Glass (Alloy) 3.6 stacks (6294 kv) Ice 0.6 stacks (1000 kv) Kar 0.1 stacks (192 kv) Kut 0.1 stacks (172 kv) Nhu 1.6 stacks (2812 kv) Vok 5.4 stacks (9277 kv) Total ore 34.1 stacks (58859 kv) Assembly cost 72627 credits Manufacturing cost 54326 credits Total cost 126963 credits //Tactics// During the recent loot crate events, it became more appealing to me to use a small, cheap tripod boat to attack infantry on the ground. Attacking the ground in a typical meta fighter is far from ideal, where as a tripod ship can get closer and deploy fire on infantry. These ships often double as scouts and troop transport. The intent with this ship is to perform a constant pylon turn around the target area, while the gunner shoots to the side at infantry. Done right, the ship is never stationary for an easy hit with explosives, and the gunner is afforded a clear sight on the ground and horizon at all times. During live testing at the loot events, not one was shot down by infantry, and only a few were lost to fighters. When engaged by a fighter, you are at a disadvantage. To engage, perform a pylon turn as usual, keeping your speed as high as possible while your gunner fires.
[Free] OSA Yith Mk5
Open Source Armada

The latest version of OSA's 8 gun fighter, remade into a 1k light fighter. The Mk5 Yith is the next iteration of my main fighter, remade from the ground up to be in a lower weight class of ship, while still retaining the same firepower, 1k weight was the goal so that the ship qualified for Kais 3v3 tournament. //Download// //Specs// 8 mounted weapons, 4 autogun and 4 plasma, with triggers for each. Shoot_1+ (Auto) and Shoot_2+ (Plasma) are your triggers, bind these to your weapon hotkeys (space by default). Sensitivity settings are adjustable from a yolo chip located on the back of the ship, this chip only adjusts your sense settings and is not vital to the operation of the aim system, you can use the U-tool save feature to save your sense settings to the ship post print. Armoured using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour, segmented and layered plating and plasma/rail sacrifice plates. Materials and components are on the high end, i leave it to the user to reduces cost to your tastes. 1040556.69 kg in weight, 142ms at 60fps. 1 small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 30 mins estimated flight time. 2 T3 fuel chamber, 6 T3 generators, 2 T1 enhancers, 2 T3 enhancers 1 hour 20 mins estimated fight time. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Uses premium FCU, no reverse, Roll_L and Roll_R are your keybinds for roll. Entry is through a small gap above the cockpit. //Design// With the announcement of a 3v3 tournament, i wanted a high DPS 1k fighter, the goal was simple, get my 2k 8 gun Yith on a diet of high tier mats and redesign the base to be a smaller light fighter better suited for fleet fighting. The ship design takes advantage of mixing 4 autos with 4 plasma/laser with high tier gens to minmax power usage, allowing for great volume fire in both orbit and joust fighting. It also comes with a large ammo box for the autocannons, adding additional mags to the autos available firepower, while saving large amounts of space from not using any small auto mags. Plasma guns have there own mags, these weapons closely match the autos ammo expense. Very slim wedge profile from front and sides make this a great turn fighter, the overall size and shape is very compact. Primarily made of Oni and Dal plates, with the tourney variant using nalfite beams. Can be made into a lighter more affordable swarm fighter by swapping plate mats, but some of the armour plates will lose effectiveness, particularly against rails/plasma. Here is a link to Scipion's view including our fight vs Ace Tech.
[Free] OSA Tiisin Mk1
Open Source Armada

A cheap stealth salvage ship, uses maneuver and shrouded triangle thrusters to carry 4 crates and a flat bed for salvage. //Download// //Specs// 148 m/s max speed dry, wet speed will vary. T2 maneuver thrusters with no trails, 4 triangle thrusters at the front have shrouds to reduce trail visibility. 805881.188 kg kg in weight. Salvage platform for quick looting, 4 crates for salvaging ore with recycle tool. Basic ground RFs to see the distance to the surface when low flying/landing. 8 small prop tanks for 8 million prop, 55 mins estimated flight time. 2 T1 fuel chamber + 6 T1 generators + 6 T1 enhancers, gens idle at 16.7% for 5 hours 15 mins idle time, estimated flight time 1 hours 45 mins. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Uses advanced FCU. //Cost// Aeg 3.0 stacks (5235 kv) Aja 4.4 stacks (7553 kv) Ark 0.0 stacks (38 kv) Bas 7.8 stacks (13503 kv) Cha 6.0 stacks (10300 kv) Exo 0.4 stacks (660 kv) Ice 4.6 stacks (8000 kv) Kar 0.2 (385 kv) Kut 0.0 stacks (86 kv) Nhu 2.5 stacks (4255 kv) Vok 8.1 stacks (13974 kv) Total ore 37.0 stacks (63988 kv) Assembly cost 140543 credits Manufacturing cost 67340 credits Total cost 207883 credits //Tactics// Starting as a random test at shrouding the trail of thrusters, I took the shrouded thruster pod i had made, duplicated it, and ran a salvage bed between the two. The Tiisin has become my go to salvage ship when searching the graveyard, checking event locations or looting small amounts of salvage and/or ore. The shrouded thrusters are not perfect, and leave a less viable trail when at full speed, this trail becomes completely covered at low speeds. Going belly down and creeping slowly has proven to be good for slipping by most people you run into. It is also tough, once taking a full speed collision with the ground from over 1000m high, loosing only one prop tank.
[Free] OSA Azathoth Mk3
Open Source Armada

Azathoth Mk3 is a 1040 crate late game miner, with 12 mining lasers, 5 tractor beams, 4 collectors and 145 m/s dry. Third of 6 free ships to be released everyday leading up to Eos Con. //Download// //Specs// 145 m/s max speed dry using T2.5 thruster setup. 19063554 kg in weight. 1040 Crates. Basic workbench and Tools workbench. Mat scanner using Happytrigger's scanner scripts. 12 mining lasers using Happytrigger's advanced cradle sweep, 4 collectors. 5 tractor beams, 1 fixed, 4 on turrets, turrets point inwards when grabbing, useful for mining shell or in Astel's grav belt. 8 large + 8 medium prop tanks for 104 million prop, 3 hours 50 mins estimated flight time. 24 T3 fuel chambers + 72 T3 generators + 24 T1 enhancers, estimated flight time 3 hours 30 mins. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. //Cost// Aeg 109.9 stacks (189928 kv) Aja 5.3 stacks (9224 kv) Ark 26.7 stacks (46198 kv) Bas 393.5 stacks (679942 kv) Cha 297.5 stacks (514041 kv) Exo 31.1 stacks (53715) Ice 74.1 stacks (128000 kv) Kar 0.9 stacks (1557 kv) Kut 28.0 stacks (48469 kv) Luk 10.8 stacks (18577 kv) Nhu 33.6 stacks (58079 kv) Vok 165.6 stacks (286094 kv) Ymr 22.9 stacks (39576 kv) Total ore 1199.9 stacks (1073401 kv) Assembly cost 385286 credits Manufacturing cost 2255310 credits Total cost 2640595 credits //Purpose// Back when living out at Arma, i asked a question. How hard is it to build a 1000+ crate miner like the Gido? Turns out pretty hard. This is the result, a personal made miner for my tastes, refining away what i did not need within the Elysium belt while adding some features i needed (or just wanted). This ship has little autonomy, this means no CAS, no auto approach, no isan. I am a manual flyer, preferring to navigate the shorter distances around Arma without CAS, and i despise auto approach. It is also lighter on both prop and fuel than the Gido, this is due to me preferring to do my hauling with dedicated haulers, and leave my miner at stations/cap ships. Where it excels is speed and carrying capacity. 1040 crates leaves more room for chunkers (the Gido would often come short on my last T10, unacceptable) 145 max speed dry, with angled thruster pods to help keep this beast on the straight and narrow, has surprising agility. This ship is a brute, a massive box surrounded by thrusters, perfect for those who want to manual fly around stations and cap ships without distraction. A huge thank you to Happytrigger for his free mods, and allowing me to borrow from his Pangasius Bp, this ship would not be without him. (SB link A huge thank you to Zehtuka for allowing me to use the M1K cockpit + turret cradles, this ship started as a mod to the M1K, before starting from scratch. (SB link
[Free] OSA Migo Mk6
Open Source Armada

Latest Migo redesigned to be a true micro fighter, under 300 tons and made of low tech parts and accessible Eos mats. Made for starter pilots and infantry looking to weigh in on fleet fights, this swarm fighter can be made by almost anyone with small tech investment in large numbers, can be used as a scout ship, small ship escort or as a assault ship for infantry to land on sieged stations or cap ships. //Download// //Specs// 2 mounted weapons, 2 autogun with a basic trigger and safety system. Shoot_1+ is your trigger, bind this to your weapon hotkey (space by default). Sensitivity settings are adjustable from a yolo chip located on the top rear of the ship, this chip only adjusts your sense settings and is not vital to the operation of the aim system, you can use the U-tool save feature to save your sense settings to the ship post print. CenterSensePlus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. Armoured lightly using known methods of meta plating, including big plate health, voxel armour, segmented and layered plating and plasma/rail sacrifice plates. Materials and components are low tech, I leave it to the user to increase cost to your tastes. 289543.656 kg in weight, 148ms at 60fps. 1 small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 1 hour 40 mins estimated flight time. 1 T1 fuel chamber, 1 T1 generator, 2 T1 enhancers 2 hour 40 mins estimated fight time, 8 hours 30 mins flight time. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Uses basic FCU, no reverse, Roll_L and Roll_R are your keybinds for roll. Entry is through a small gap from the side of the ship, Fuel rod can be accessed from the rear top next to the sensitivity settings. //Design// Redesigned to address issues I had with the Mk5, the latest Migo cuts some of the more experimental design choices in favour of a more reliable weapon configuration and a "Mouse Fighter" shape and weight. The OG Collective Mouse was always an inspirations for the Migo, being one of the first popular micro fighters, but i never copied the single clam shell wedge shape for a variety of reasons, but this resulted in inadequate vision for the pilot in most Migo designs, thus the Mk6 takes the hull of the previous variant, drops one of its clam shell plates and 2 autoguns and has been remodelled into a wedge to provide the pilot better vision. Small amounts of voxel armour have been used to supplement the large clam plate on its front face, providing some protection to the pilot and components, allowing it to survive glancing salvos in fights, and provide decent protection against infantry grade weapons. Armour is made of Char with an Aegisisum big plate clam shell. 6 tri thrusters propel the ship, all angled inward slightly to minimize the size of the thruster trail, helping slip under other players attention. Low tech T1 components and Eos mats make this fighter readily available to any and all, most of the time, made to be one of the quickest ways to arm every player before or during a siege.
[Free] OSA Coleopteran Mk2
Open Source Armada

Remade to be its own ship, the Coleopteran Mk2 is a short range disposable crate salvager/hand miner. //Download// //Specs// 140 m/s max speed dry, wet speed will vary. T2 maneuverer thrusters, no trails. Sensitivity settings are adjustable from a yolo chips located beside the pilot seat, this chip only adjusts your sense settings and is not vital to the operation of the aim system, you can use the U-tool save feature to save your sense settings to the ship post print. CenterSensePlus and CenterSenseMinus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust both to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus and MinSenseMinus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus and MaxSenseMinus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. 303561.531 kg in weight. 8 crates for for quick looting with salvage tool, 10 ore storage total with endo backpack. One small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 30 mins estimated flight time. One T2 fuel chamber + three T2 generators, gens idle at 50% for 2 hours 30 mins idle time. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. //Design// Unlike the Mk1 which was a modified Ghast, this has been built as its own ship, making use of the speed and convenience of the recycle tool to rend found salvage into mats. This also makes it double as a cheap starter 8 crate hand miner, for both belt and surface. Mainly made to act as a expendable salvage ship during cargo crisis events, you can fill the the ship and be in and out undetected very quickly. Deliberately low tech and cheap, utilising stealthy manoeuvre thrusters to avoid direct fights in PvP zones, at the cost of prop range. Plates are hidden inside the crate layer surrounding the critical components, to reduce lethality from hostile endos. Can mount a tripod on various points of the ship, but top speed takes a serious dip. Prop range can be increased with pocket fuel rigs (Prop tank + tank support + hardpoint + resource bridge)
[Free] OSA Ghast Mk2
Open Source Armada

Latest variant of the Ghast, now with 20 missiles for bombardment. Since its release the Ghast has been used as my test bed for missile and torp testing before committing to a specific new design. When the 5 pod launcher was finally added, they easily attached to the Ghast, and was very reliable (for missiles anyway). The default scout variant has also been updated with some of the new additions made on the launcher variant. //Download// //Specs// Comes unarmed for scouting or with 20 missiles for bombardment. LaunchMissile+ and LaunchTube+ are your missile triggers, bind both to the same key, this system uses no yolo and is a simple way to cycle and launch missile tubes. CenterSensePlus and CenterSenseMinus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust both to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus and MinSenseMinus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus and MaxSenseMinus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. 150 m/s max speed using T2 manoeuvre thrusters, no trails. 104255.96 kg in weight without missiles, 131225.469 kg armed with missiles. Two small prop tanks for 2 million prop, 1 hours 10 mins estimated flight time. One T1 fuel chamber + Two T1 generators, gens idle at 14.5% for 8 hours 30 mins idle time, estimated flight time 2 hours 30 mins. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Uses basic FCU, roll is performed using Roll_Left and Roll_Right buttons, this is to allow fast handling by isolating the roll thrusters from the FCU/MFC. //Tactics// Despite the very hindersome bugs launchers and their munitions have, the 5 pod launcher is surprisingly reliable. Reliable enough for them to be mounted onto the cheap, fast and stealthy hull of the Ghast, making it a fun and easy way to deploy the max amount of missiles onto a target. Unfortunately all missiles/torps have a chance of failure on launch due to bugs, and the ordinance itself is well known to fail at hitting moving targets, limiting there use. Where I personally see use, even if bugs are fixed, is in station bombardment and breaching. Small or large bombers may be a key aspect to siege warfare, and thus I believe small, cheap and stealthy bombers will be very valuable in the possible future. The Ghast has excellent range for a tailless ship, and can carry all its missiles at max speed. Low tech components keep the potentially one way mission more cost effective, missiles are only cheap to a point. Could possibly be used to ambush stationary ships, like surface miners.
[Free] OSA Zoog Mk2
Open Source Armada

Cheap and disposable stealth skiff, made without FCU/MFC to shave print cost. Made as a disposable ship and assault pod for up to 2 people, there may not be a cheaper, more stress free way to zerg into the fight. For a total of 4 stacks of t1 ore, and a print cost of 22 001 credits print without crafting parts, i can confidently say it does not get cheaper than this for brave one way trips. For good measure, i made a 5 pod launcher variant, giving you possibly one of the most affordable stealth bombers to have fun with. //Download// //Specs// Comes unarmed for scouting or with 5 missiles for bombardment. LaunchMissile+ and LaunchTube+ are your missile triggers, bind both to the same key, this system uses no yolo and is a simple way to cycle and launch missile tubes. 148 m/s max speed using T1 manoeuvre thrusters, no trails. 68277.5234 kg in weight without missiles, 74437.3047 kg armed with missiles. One small prop tanks for 1 million prop, 40 mins estimated flight time. One T1 fuel chamber + one T1 generators, gens must be ran at max to fly. Roll is performed using Roll_L and Roll_R buttons. This ship has no FCU/MFC, it is manually balanced, and uses direct lever control. See attached photo of bindings for this ship. This is done to make the print cost incredibly low, and further make a cheap ship cheaper. //Tactics// Zerging the enemy has been, and always will be a strong method to win, low to no cost attacks with handheld weapons is the simplest form of combat. It is also the basis for station assault, so i made the Zoog. Cheaply printed even without tech tree unlocks, fast and stealthy, can be used by anyone as a easy trip into combat. Has two pilot seats for pilot to fly based on preference, doubles as a passenger seat to allow two endos per trip. The missile variant takes full advantage of the near zero cost of the hull, allowing you to deploy 5 missiles with next to no ship cost attached, it is basically the launcher and missiles. Ideally the launcher will be used to breach stations during siege, but I also expect it to be used as a risk free way to deploy some missiles.
[Free] OSA Gyaa-yoth Mk1
Open Source Armada

160 crate early game low cost miner/hauler, made for speed in high risk environments. Made for starting players looking to get a foot in the door in Elysium. Can be easily mass produced by individuals and corporations. //Download// //Specs// 150 m/s max speed dry, 130 m/s wet with exutium alloy. 4300612 kg in weight for hauler variant, 4381982.5 kg in weight for miner variant. 160 crates for for two t10s of core mat. 4 medium prop tanks for 16 million prop, 1 hour 15 mins estimated flight time. 8 T1 fuel chambers + 24 T1 generators, gens idle at 10% for 8 hours 30 mins idle time, 1 hour 30 mins flight time. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Miner has 4 fixed mining lasers, 1 collector and 1 mat scanner using Happytriggers advanced scanner yolo. Requires a repair hall to operate, it is best used between dev stations and your own with hangers. //Design// Back in the "good old days" before cap ships, flying through the gate could be dangerous. While this is less of a issue these days, for newer players without cap ships looking to mine in Ely they need to pass the iconic chokepoint. Should piracy ever return to its former glory, this hauler and miner serve to help start out in spite of the danger. A new player can grind mats/credits in SZ and build a small fleet of these haulers/miners to prevent being stone aged trying to set up on Ely. I personally recommend setting a station in the Ely belt and building a small hanger to refill and repair the ships. While not meta tanked, the ship has a generous 2 layer char firewall at the rear, and a char cockpit shield, meant to make easy crit hits a little less easy. These ships are also ideal for individuals and corps to operate out of dev stations like moon city and arma. The ship can take off at 10% gens, making it possible to leave you location very rapidly from spawning the ship. T1 fuel rods are not as economic as T2, but T1 can be sustained with local nhurgite, where as T2 requires exorium to be hauled out for refills. Combined with a SZ CLF hauler to generate credits, a new player can easily fund trips to the Ely belt, and can mine the materials for better ships and there own cap ship in time.