Open Source Armada

[Free] OSA Tiisin Mk1


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A cheap stealth salvage ship, uses maneuver and shrouded triangle thrusters to carry 4 crates and a flat bed for salvage.



148 m/s max speed dry, wet speed will vary.

T2 maneuver thrusters with no trails, 4 triangle thrusters at the front have shrouds to reduce trail visibility.

805881.188 kg kg in weight.

Salvage platform for quick looting, 4 crates for salvaging ore with recycle tool.

Basic ground RFs to see the distance to the surface when low flying/landing.

8 small prop tanks for 8 million prop, 55 mins estimated flight time.

2 T1 fuel chamber + 6 T1 generators + 6 T1 enhancers, gens idle at 16.7% for 5 hours 15 mins idle time, estimated flight time 1 hours 45 mins.

Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times.

Uses advanced FCU.


Aeg 3.0 stacks (5235 kv)

Aja 4.4 stacks (7553 kv)

Ark 0.0 stacks (38 kv)

Bas 7.8 stacks (13503 kv)

Cha 6.0 stacks (10300 kv)

Exo 0.4 stacks (660 kv)

Ice 4.6 stacks (8000 kv)

Kar 0.2 (385 kv)

Kut 0.0 stacks (86 kv)

Nhu 2.5 stacks (4255 kv)

Vok 8.1 stacks (13974 kv)

Total ore 37.0 stacks (63988 kv)

Assembly cost 140543 credits

Manufacturing cost 67340 credits

Total cost 207883 credits


Starting as a random test at shrouding the trail of thrusters, I took the shrouded thruster pod i had made, duplicated it, and ran a salvage bed between the two.

The Tiisin has become my go to salvage ship when searching the graveyard, checking event locations or looting small amounts of salvage and/or ore.

The shrouded thrusters are not perfect, and leave a less viable trail when at full speed, this trail becomes completely covered at low speeds.

Going belly down and creeping slowly has proven to be good for slipping by most people you run into.

It is also tough, once taking a full speed collision with the ground from over 1000m high, loosing only one prop tank.


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Open Source Armada
Kai's Basement

Common Statistics

Assembly Cost:

140,543 credits


Ore Crates:

4 crates


Dry Weight:

805,881.2 kg

Dry Max Speed:

148 m/s


8,000,000 units

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