Happy Little Accidents
HLA Ship shop home of the ghidorah https://dsc.gg/hla
Baragon (Free BP)
Happy Little Accidents

**Baragon [FREE]** Surface Scraper Miner **Ship Specs:**\ **1113 Crates**\ **Speed: ** 144-147\ **Mining:** 30 Lasers, 4 Collectors\ **Power:** 3 Large gens -2 Exo tanks\ **Propellant:** 144M Prop\ **Fwd Thrust:** 72 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles, 88 T2 Triangle w/ T3 Nozzles\ **Maneuvering Thrust:** 64 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles\ **Rev Thrust:** 32 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles\ \ **Ship Systems:**\ **All Systems/Code, Tuning, and Optimization by DarkyShadow** - **Moon Landing:** Point at a Moon Surface, Press a Button and Safely Auto Land Surface mining ship! - **Auto Cruise** with and without Asteroid Avoidance: Set a Distance and Automatically Travel To It - **Flight Profiles Lever Controller:** Allows you to set custom settings to each mode of the ship via a multi-function display in cockpit, 4 Modes Automatically Switched: MiningMode, MiningOn (Lasers On), Turtle, Normal - **Adjustable Laser Length** - **Adjustable Laser Rake Angle:** Helpful when mining up or down a hill - **Auto Stop Timer:** Set a time and mining will automatically stop to prevent overusing fuel - **Selectable Crosshair/Reticle Styles** with On/Off - **Low Fuel Prop Warning** - **Gyro** w/ Calibrate and **Auto Ship Reorient** to last Calibrated Orientation - Automatic Generator Warm Up and **Automatic Power Management** - Fuel Rod and Propellant Time/Distance **Remaining Estimation** - **Laser Pulsing for Power Management** as Gens Warmup: Automatically monitors Generator Warmup and turns on/off the lasers until power can fully support lasers at 100% Mining - **Speedometer** and **Odometer** (TripMeter) - **Status Display** with Realtime Speed, Safezone, Station Placement Ability, Ship Strength Factor, Durability - **Multiple Safeties:** Cruise Cancel on Full Reverse, Fuel Low Cutoff, System Shutdown on Damage Taken, Safety Disables Cruise and others if pilot is more than 1000m from ship. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_wPcpFfs4UAGBqwzSu35FhL_8N6nXiIs/view?usp=drive_link
Ghidorah AA (Free BP)
Happy Little Accidents

The Ghidorah AA is the AutoAvoid Version of the Ghidorah. The Ghidoarh is AA a LARGE Mining ship with 1020 crates, 6 large and 24 for a total of 150 million prop 38 t2 fuel chambers with Enhancers, 114 t2 generators, 14 mining lasers with Sweep and pulse 4 Ore collectors,144 spare fuel rods, 224 t2 tri thrusters (t3 nozzles), 96 T2 Box thrusters (t3 nozzles), 66 Batteries, Auto Avoid,Isan Quad, auto approach,fuel/rod timer, Auto laser on + off and more! Ship goes 147-150ms unloaded, and 85 m/s fully loaded with Lukium.(AA speed is slower by default for safety, but is adjustable) 6.5 Hour flight time (prop limited) 2.5 hour Rod time while mining (x8 with rod swaps) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LPA-eSkzlNE_Hpi9-NP69ToQFY36gVbk/view?usp=sharing
Rodan (Free BP)
Happy Little Accidents

FREE BP! The Rodan is a Early game mining ship with 328 crates, 150m/s unloaded and 90 m/s loaded with lukium Ensures you'll be able to get your ores back to Origin and get paid fast! Rodan is equip with 68 T2 triangle and 60 T2 box thrusters for Forward thrust, 32 T2 triangle thrusters for maneuvering and 16 T2 box thrusters for Reverse. Rodan has 20 T2 Fuel chambers with 48 T2 generators and 20 spare rod's to power its 4 Lasers and 2 ore collectors. Rodan also Features Isan Quad, Auto approach, Ore scanner,Turtle mode and a Fuel timer. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wb6y7IfWxgyRzlZzwFSrDa7aO50FfvSU/view?usp=sharing
Ghidorah MK2 (Free BP)
Happy Little Accidents

**Ghidorah MK2 [FREE]** MaxSized Asteroid Miner **Ship Specs:**\ **1010 Crates**\ **Speed:** 144-147\ **Mining:** 14 Lasers, 4 Collectors\ **Power:** 26 T3 Fuel Chambers, 78 T3 Gens 78 T2 Enhancers\ **Propellant:** 216M Prop Plus 24M Reserve\ **Fwd Thrust:** 162 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles, 72 T2 Triangle w/ T3 Nozzles\ **Maneuvering Thrust:** 64 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles\ **Rev Thrust:** 34 T3 Box w/ T3 Nozzles\ \ **Ship Systems:**\ **All Systems/Code, Tuning, and Optimization by DarkyShadow** - **AA**: Asteroid Avoidance with Movement Display and Event Counter - **Approach:** Improved PID, Aproximated Profiled Motion Controller - **Inertial Dampeners AKA Antidrift** - **Moon Landing:** Point at a Moon Surface, Press a Button and Safely Auto Land - **Gyro** w/ Calibrate and **Auto Ship Reorient** to last Calibrated Orientation - **Tow Beam** with Display & Multiple Safeties - **No Need to Rebind:** But I Recommend a double bind of Fwd- and Bwd+ to Ctrl - **Flight Profiles Lever Controller:** Allows you to set custom settings to each mode of the ship via a multi-function display in cockpit, 6 Modes Automatically Switched: Approach, MiningMode, MiningOn (Lasers On), Turtle, Avoidance, Normal - Adjustable Laser **Sweep** Pattern - Automatic Generator Warm Up and **Automatic Power Management** - **Ore Scanners:** 3 Selectable Modes: Fast Scan, Safe Scan and Hybrid - **Long Range Scanners:** Can Determine Asteroid Size at 1000m - **Selectable Crosshair/Reticle Styles** with Selection and On/Off - Option to only use **1/2 the lasers**, this replaces the no longer working laser pulsing since the last update - **Laser Banking** for Power Management as Gens Warmup - Automatically monitors Generator Warmup and turns on the lasers in banks until power can fully support lasers at 100% Mining - **Auto Cruise** with and without Asteroid Avoidance: Set a Distance and Automatically Travel To It - **Speedometer** and **Odometer** (TripMeter) - **Status Display** with Realtime Speed, Safezone, Station Placement Ability, Ship Strength Factor, Durability - **Refill Station** w/ 2 Large or 2 Medium Tanks for Refueling and as Backup/Reserve - Fuel Rod and Propellant Time/Distance **Remaining Estimation** - **Navigation:** Custom 4 Quad Array ISAN Setup, AutoPilot w/ 30 Waypoints (Rename and Set Custom Waypoint XYZ from Cockpit), Compass with .6s Refresh Rate (More Accurate at Speed due to the Quad ISAN Arrays), Heading Display with Orientation Vectors that work while stationary or at speed). The Navigation System in general is more accurate and faster than other systems due to the 4x ISAN Arrays and Chip Queueing. - **Streamer Mode:** will hide any current XYZ information - **Multiple Safeties:** Chair Safety for Disabling Mining if Endo Leaves. Safety Disables Cruise/AA/Nav/ and others if pilot is more than 1000m from ship. Collision Safety Cancels Cruise/AA/Nav If Damage is Taken, with Optional Override. Backup Cockpit for Emergency. Low Prop/Fuel Warning. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UYEliatwsB8w-EsYw4WGrRURuoTd47yv/view?usp=sharing
Ghidorah(Free Bp)
Happy Little Accidents

The Ghidorah is a LARGE Mining ship with 1020 crates, 6 large and 24 for a total of 150 million prop 38 t2 fuel chambers with Enhancers, 114 t2 generators, 14 mining lasers with Sweep, 3 Ore collectors,144 spare fuel rods, 224 t2 tri thrusters (t3 nozzles), 96 T2 Box thrusters (t3 nozzles), 66 Batteries, Isan Quad, auto approach and fuel/rod timer, Auto laser on + off and a bunch of other yolol. Ship goes 147-150ms unloaded, and 85 m/s fully loaded with Lukium. 6.5 Hour flight time (prop limited) 2.5 hour Rod time while mining (x8 with rod swaps) https://drive.google.com/file/d/15HDYztnoFrMSpyGga1QyP4Vr2jIJNoj2/view?usp=sharing
Rodan XL AA (Free BP)
Happy Little Accidents

**Rodan-XL-AA [FREE]** MediumSized Asteroid Miner https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HP3tv67kRHkEfH1nk2aEYzKv61fobfsl/view?usp=drive_link **Ship Specs:**\ **384 Crates**\ **Speed:** 150m/s\ **Mining:** 8 Lasers, 2 Collectors\ **Power:** 16 T2 Fuel Chambers, 48 T2 Gens, 42 T2 Enhancers\ **Propellant:** 56M Prop Plus 8M Reserve\ **Fwd Thrust:** 68 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles, 56 T2 Triangle w/ T3 Nozzles\ **Maneuvering Thrust:** 32 T2 Triangle w/ T3 Nozzles\ **Rev Thrust:** 16 T2 Box w/ T3 Nozzles\ \ **Ship Systems:**\ **All Systems/Code, Tuning, and Optimization by DarkyShadow** - **AA:** Asteroid Avoidance with Movement Display and Event Counter - **Approach:** Improved PID, Aproximated Profiled Motion Controller - **Asteroid Alignment on Approach:** This is a system that doesn’t exist on any other ship I’m aware of. It helps to align the ship and keep it centered on the asteroid during approach for handsfree operation. This allows for easy asteroid "lock on" approaches at longer distances up to 1000m. - **Automine:** Automatically engages the mining lasers and ore collectors upon successful approach - Automatic Generator Warm Up and **Automatic Power Management** - **Laser Banking** for Power Management as Gens Warmup: Automatically monitors Generator Warmup and turns on the lasers in banks until power can fully support lasers at 100% Mining - **Ore Scanners:** 3 Selectable Modes: Fast Scan, Safe Scan and Hybrid - **Long Range Scanners:** Can Determine Asteroid Size at 1000m - **Selectable Crosshair/Reticle Styles** with Selection and On/Off - Option to only use **1/2 the lasers**, this replaces the no longer working laser pulsing since the last update - **Laser Oscillating Pattern** or Fixed Pattern - Fuel Rod and Propellant Time/Distance **Remaining Estimation** - **Navigation System Highlights:** 30 Waypoint Navigation (Rename and Set Custom Waypoint XYZ from Cockpit) - by Archaegeo Autopilot - Automatically flies you to a waypoint, built with a modified Navcas System by Fixerid - **Status Display** with Realtime Speed, Safezone, Station Placement Ability, Ship Strength Factor, Durability - **Pitch and Yaw Trim:** just incase you end up with a really uneven weight distribution that causes a slight pull in a direction while trying to fly straight. I haven't had to use this yet in all my testing, but it's there just in case. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HP3tv67kRHkEfH1nk2aEYzKv61fobfsl/view?usp=drive_link