ITC Shipyard
Welcome to the Shipyard at ITC! :)
We are a semi-casual organization of 200+ active players from the US, EU/UK, AUS, SA, and others, who enjoy mining entire planets, building massive engineering projects, exploring the far reaches of space, getting rich via mining, construction, hauling, and trading, and using our vast wealth to white knight and make friends in a dark and lawless Universe; the Interstellar Trading Corporation is the best corp you will ever join.
If Tony Stark were to start a corp in Starbase, ITC would be it.
A corporate family of miners, ship builders, traders, programmers, influencers, and vigilantes - we are the content makers...
...and we hope you enjoy our ships!
For those interested in our designs, all members of ITC have access to most of these blueprints for free. If you're interested in becoming a member, we'd love to have you, since when our fan base is our member base, we believe this is a winning combination!
To get started with your career in ITC, join our Discord:
Exec Shuttlecraft A
ITC Shipyard

"We got tired of bolting on gate drives to ships, so we made a ship out of a gate drive, and when those went away, we realized we had all this space." - ITC CEO. Presenting the **ITC Executive Class Shuttlecraft A**! When a gate drive married a Lamborghini, they produced this max-speed armored sport utility Endo transport vehicle - a vehicle which graduated from an elite Special Forces academy at the top of its class, and served as an agent in the Interstellar Secret Service before making itself available for civilian use. The Executive Class Shuttlecraft and its variants have been micro-engineered by ITC's incredible team of engineers, and QA'ed meticulously to provide a maintenance-free experience while delivering the highest quality in flight control and performance. You will literally oil the underside of your pilot seat the first time you launch it into space. We have provided a complimentary YOLOL pad near the pilot seat to help with cleaning up any messes afterward. Replace with any interior you desire, making this a multi-role vessel supporting a number of mission profiles from fighter, to respawn assault lander, S.O.S. rescue ship, and deep space exploration vessel (see the Tier 2 version for details). At max speed, any threats you encounter will be hard pressed to intercept you. For those that are foolish enough to give chase to your space limo, tripods may be mounted onto the fold-out ramp doors for rapid hidden deployment, and the vessel supports any configuration of mounted weapons on its available hardpoints. This vessel exists to protect your corporation's top executives and VIPs as they travel in style. At only 547k per ship for the Tier 1 version (assembly and ores), and 557k for the Tier 2 version (assembly and ores), your search for an expendable gate-capable max-speed armored assault transport, fighter, and rescue vehicle for your corp, is now over. **Both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 blueprints are included in your Tier 2 or A class blueprint purchase, and come with an unlimited corp distribution license so you can share with all your corp members:** **[Tier 1](** 1.5 hour propellant range, 2 hardpoints, Tier 1 Gens/Engines/Chambers **[Tier 2](** 3.5 hour propellant range, 6 hardpoints, Tier 2 Gens/Engines/Chambers **[A](** 7.5 hours propellant range, 4 hardpoints, Tier 2 Gens/Engines/Chambers Comes with Asteroid Avoidance, Speedometer, ISAN, Fuel Warning Script, and more. To enable Asteroid Avoidance, hit the AAS button and adjust the slider to set the AAS speed. Recommend keep speeds under 100 when flying through dense roid fields. We have made these ships available to our members for free. It's one of the many benefits to joining the best corp in Starbase. Feel free to check out the ITC Discord to learn more! **ITC Executive Class Shuttlecraft Credits:** - Chief Designer - Inigma - Programmers - Angelklaine, Rubick, and Silra - Subsystems Design & QA - Angelklaine, Inigma, and Firebird
Maximus Depot II
ITC Shipyard

The Interstellar Trading Corporation presents the all-new ITC Maximus Ore Depot II - the only modular and scalable solution for Origin, station, base, and capital ship shared storage you will ever need! Anyone can slap together a cube of 2000 crates, but only ITC has engineered a fully scalable, modular, and towable rack storage solution of 48 independent cargo racks that you join with a simple pipe tool enabling you to scale up your inventory into the managed inventory solution of your dreams. Capable of independently storing every single ore and alloy this game has to offer and then some, this near-voxel limit wonder allows you to pipe together racks of crates to create any combination from **5 to 2000** crates to satisfy your growing inventory needs anywhere in a single spawn! - Thirty-six 50 crate racks make up the central core of racks arranged in rings labeled A-E - Eight 10 crate cracks are arranged on the upper and lower levels - Four 5 crate racks supplement the upper and lower levels We make organizing your storage as easy or as complicated as you desire! Labeled for easy indexing, you can join racks together via your pipe tool by simply piping adjoining blue crates for easily visibility and configuration. All racks have a dedicated resource port and a configurable Progress Bar for easy labeling as you configure each rack. A central stack of basic chips is available to index your depot for easy reference once configured. Join 9 or more racks, and you will go over voxel limit easily, which securely locks the container in place giving you the added benefit of preventing it from ever being bumped or moved. When empty and unconfigured with pipes, the Maximus is fully towable, so feel free to print it and tow it anywhere! Designed in the perfect orientation for side-loading hangars, feel free to rotate the depot in your editor to the orientation you wish before you print it. As the lastest depot storage offering by ITC, the Maximus II has been re-engineered to fit inside hangars as small as 16x16x16 (Origin SSC is 34x34x34). This is maximum scalable storage inside the most minimum footprint! The ITC Maximus II: for solo players, to small groups, to mega corporations, this is *the* perfect player-made solution for shared corp storage until the devs can design something better. A set of these depots will enable you to scale any storage operation from the solo industrialist, to the mega conglomerate. **We are ITC, and we can help you put the C in Corporate Cargo.**
Exec Shuttlecraft T2
ITC Shipyard

"We got tired of bolting on gate drives to ships, so we made a ship out of a gate drive, and when those went away, we realized we had all this space." - ITC CEO. Presenting the **ITC Executive Class Shuttlecraft T2**! When a gate drive married a Lamborghini, they produced this max-speed armored sport utility Endo transport vehicle - a vehicle which graduated from an elite Special Forces academy at the top of its class, and served as an agent in the Interstellar Secret Service before making itself available for civilian use. The Executive Class Shuttlecraft and its variants have been micro-engineered by ITC's incredible team of engineers, and QA'ed meticulously to provide a maintenance-free experience while delivering the highest quality in flight control and performance. You will literally oil the underside of your pilot seat the first time you launch it into space. We have provided a complimentary YOLOL pad near the pilot seat to help with cleaning up any messes afterward. Replace with any interior you desire, making this a multi-role vessel supporting a number of mission profiles from fighter, to respawn assault lander, S.O.S. rescue ship, and deep space exploration vessel (see the Tier 2 version for details). At max speed, any threats you encounter will be hard pressed to intercept you. For those that are foolish enough to give chase to your space limo, tripods may be mounted onto the fold-out ramp doors for rapid hidden deployment, and the vessel supports any configuration of mounted weapons on its available hardpoints. This vessel exists to protect your corporation's top executives and VIPs as they travel in style. At only 547k per ship for the Tier 1 version (assembly and ores), and 557k for the Tier 2 version (assembly and ores), your search for an expendable gate-capable max-speed armored assault transport, fighter, and rescue vehicle for your corp, is now over. **Both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 blueprints are included in your Tier 2 blueprint purchase, and come with an unlimited corp distribution license so you can share with all your corp members:** **[Tier 1](** 1.5 hour propellant range, 2 hardpoints, Tier 1 Gens/Engines/Chambers **[Tier 2](** 3.5 hour propellant range, 6 hardpoints, Tier 2 Gens/Engines/Chambers In addition to tripods, the Tier 2 can mount and support 4x dual laser cannons for that satsfying X-Wing pew pew feel as you melt the face off of any pirate that is foolish enough to give chase. We'd add more, but we feel it wouldn't be fair... to the pirates. Comes with ISAN, autolanding scripts for both stations and gravity, and more. We have made these ships available to our members for free. It's one of the many benefits to joining the best corp in Starbase. Feel free to check out the ITC Discord to learn more! **ITC Executive Class Shuttlecraft Credits:** - Chief Designer - Inigma - Programmers - Angelklaine, Rubick, and Silra - Subsystems Design & QA - Angelklaine, Inigma, and Firebird
ITC Shipyard

**RefuelldMK1** - **Ajatite Plated.** - **Multifunctional Ship** - **Basic Crafting Bench Onboard** - **10 Ore Crates** - **32 Spare Fuel Rod Racks** - **32 T2 Box Thrusters (Main)** - **Max Speed** - **30 Maneuver Thrusters** - **2 Resource Bridge** - **8 T2 Fuel Chambers** - **8 T2 Generators** - **7 Large Propellant tank** - **16 Batteries** - **Advanced Yolol Scripts & Eco scripts** - **5.3 Hours Flight** - **2737km Range with full ore crates** - **Ship Strength Status Readout** - **Warning Lights** - **ISAN QUAD ** -** ** - **Designer: {ITC}Chesty** - *Need this BP modified to your needs before purchase? Feel free to DM me on discord to discuss*
ITC Insight
ITC Shipyard

**ITC Insight** - **Single layer Charodium plated** - **Material Point Scanner for scouting/escorting miners** - **Single Laser Cannon** - **Can handle being fitted with 2x Auto-Cannons or 2x Laser Cannons if spotting for miners isnt needed.** - **Single Tripod Location if you need another endo with a weapon!** - **2hrs 30min Flight Time** - **Max Speed Ship - 150m/s** - **6.4 Thrust to weight ratio** - **Enough space inside for other additions like fuel rod holders** - **Designer: {ITC}Budz** - *Need this BP modified to your needs before purchase? Feel free to DM me on discord to discuss*
Exec Shuttlecraft T1
ITC Shipyard

"We got tired of bolting on gate drives to ships, so we made a ship out of a gate drive, then when gate drives went away, we realized we had all this space." - ITC CEO. Presenting the **ITC Executive Class Shuttlecraft T1**! When a gate drive married a Lamborghini, they produced this Tier 1-only max-speed armored sport utility Endo transport vehicle - a vehicle which graduated from an elite Special Forces academy at the top of its class, and served as an agent in the Interstellar Secret Service before making itself available for civilian use. The Executive Class Shuttlecraft and its variants have been micro-engineered by ITC's incredible team of engineers, and QA'ed meticulously to provide a maintenance-free experience while delivering the highest quality in flight control and performance. You will literally oil the underside of your pilot seat the first time you launch it into space. We have provided a complimentary YOLOL pad near the pilot seat to help with cleaning up any messes afterward. The gate drive is designed to be easily removed and replaced with any interior you desire, making this a multi-role vessel supporting a number of mission profiles from fighter, to respawn assault lander, S.O.S. rescue ship, and deep space exploration vessel (see the Tier 2 version for details). At max speed, any threats you encounter will be hard pressed to intercept you. For those that are foolish enough to give chase to your space limo, tripods may be mounted onto the fold-out ramp doors for rapid hidden deployment, and the vessel supports any configuration of mounted weapons on its available hardpoints. This vessel exists to protect your corporation's top executives and VIPs as they travel in style. At only 547k per ship for the Tier 1 version (assembly and ores), and 557k for the Tier 2 version (assembly and ores), your search for an expendable max-speed armored assault transport, fighter, and rescue vehicle for your corp, is now over. **Both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 blueprints are included in your Tier 2 blueprint purchase, and come with an unlimited corp distribution license so you can share with all your corp members:** **[Tier 1](** 1.5 hour propellant range, 2 hardpoints, Tier 1 Gens/Engines/Chambers **[Tier 2](** 3.5 hour propellant range, 6 hardpoints, Tier 2 Gens/Engines/Chambers In addition to tripods, the Tier 2 can mount and support 4x dual laser cannons for that satisfying X-Wing pew pew feel as you melt the face off of any pirate that is foolish enough to give chase. We'd add more, but we feel it wouldn't be fair... to the pirates. Comes with ISAN, autolanding scripts for both stations and gravity, and more. We have made these ships available to our members for free. It's one of the many benefits to joining the best corp in Starbase. Feel free to check out the ITC Discord to learn more! **ITC Executive Class Shuttlecraft Credits:** - Chief Designer - Inigma - Programmers - Angelklaine, Rubick, and Silra - Subsystems Design & QA - Angelklaine, Inigma, and Firebird
ITC Shipyard

**Vulture** - **Charodium plated, 2-3 layers in places.** - **Warp Drive Ready** - **Single Seated Fighter** - **2 Front Facing Auto-Cannons. That can be rotated 45degrees/70 degrees at a click of a button!** - **Charodium plated, 2-3 layers in places.** - **Single Seated Fighter** - **2 Fixed Front Facing Auto-Cannons.** - **8 T1 Box Thrusters (Main)** - **22 Maneuver Thrusters** - **1 Resources Bridge** - **2 T1 Fuel Chambers** - **4 T1 Generators** - **1 Medium Propellant tank** - **4 Batteries** - **Advanced Yolol Scripts & Eco scripts for a longer non-combat flight time** - **2 Hours Flight** - **Durability Error readout** - **Single Navigation Receiver ** - *Laser Variation Available also! You will loose 15 minutes run time however* - **Designer: {ITC}Budz** - *Need this BP modified to your needs before purchase? Feel free to DM me on discord to discuss*
ITC LIDD (ITC Light Infantry Deployment Dropship)
ITC Shipyard

**LIDD** - **Charodium plated, 2-3 layers in places.** - **2 Rotating Auto-Cannons. Can also turn 90 degrees up or down** - **Supports 4 connected tripods** - **Seats 8 endos and one pilot** - **6.5 thrust to weight ratio with 4 tripods equipped** - **2hrs 15min runtime at max juice** - **14 T1 Box Thrusters (Main)** - **2 T1 Triangle Thrusters (Reverse)** - **20 Maneuver Thrusters** - **4 Resources Bridges** - **2 T1 Fuel Chambers** - **6 T1 Generators** - **2 Spare Fuel Rods** - **Advanced Yolol Scripts & Eco scripts for a longer non-combat flight time** - **Designer: {ITC}Budz** - *Maybe a MK2 soon? T2 everything? Plasma Launchers and Missiles? We will see! let us know if you want that!* - *Need this BP modified to your needs before purchase? Feel free to DM me on discord to discuss*