Happy Ship Shop
I like doing logos and sturdy ships x)
Would you like to chat ? Check my ships ? Here is my discord link : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z
Please note that the link is to a discord Forum, it does not always display all the ships at once but you can research them all, you simply need to enter the name in the research at the top of the forum or use the tags to find want you are interested in
Happy Ship Shop

this is the Blitz, a frontline torpedo runner It's designed to deliver 20 guided torpedoes at close or long range an 10 lasers to finish whatever survived the impacts The torpedoes can be launched by pair or an a 20 salvo The ship is lightly armoured in order to keep a max speed an excellent acceleration / deceleration / direction change. It is best suited for hit and runs It's other features include : - my range calculator - speedometer - sensitivity manager - power management You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] skull logo
Happy Ship Shop

Discord : https://discord.gg/DbBpmGb6fR Skull logo, the backplate is 576x576 in size You can use it on any ship to give it a bit more personality You can use any material you want to fit your needs ( BP uses bastium ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Pirah Phalanx
Happy Ship Shop

The pirah phalanx is a variant of the hss-pirahplasma ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/Pirahplasma ) and share a lot of common features Unlike the Pirahplasma, the Pirah Phalanx posses 26 autonanons ( instead of 30 plasma canons ) The 4 unused weapons are to accommodate for 4 tripods ( plasma and rail guns are recommended ) to be placed in the two bunkers at the back. Please note that the resource bridges are inside the ship on the roof near the generators The ship is cheaper than the Pirahplasma but still has the same armour ( much less Arkanium used ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] phoenix logo
Happy Ship Shop

Skull logo, the backplate is 576x576 in size You can use it on any ship to give it a bit more personality You can use any material you want to fit your needs ( BP uses bastium ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] hammerhead shark logo
Happy Ship Shop

hammerhead shark logo, the backplate is 576x576 in size You can use it on any ship to give it a bit more personality You can use any material you want to fit your needs ( BP uses bastium ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Autonomy Calculator
Happy Ship Shop

This is a yolol that comes on a test bed to show how it works ( and how to use it properly ) It calculates your autonomy and displays it as : - time before you run out of rods - time before you run out of propellant - estimated distance you can fly with your speed / rods - estimated distance you can fly with your speed / propellant This allows you to precisely know how much time and distance you have left It can be used in a few different ways and give you an answer to the following questions : - do you have enough propellant / rods to fly home ? - what combination of plasma / thrusters gives you the best ratio for distance ? - is your exploration ship going to be able to reach that moon ? - do you have enough generation on your ships to mine / travel far ? - is adding more generators / propellant worth it ? Please note that the calculator uses the speedometer ( included in the blueprint ) in order to work, this also allows it to work on the moon and places where you do not have ISAN The blueprint comes with a test bed with all of the different parts needed ( this includes the speedometer ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/pXC9yvVTXC The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

The Barracuda is a heavy fighter that packs a punch It's main features are : - 20 lasers - double layered armour ( mainly aegissium + charodium in the important places ) - speedometer - Range calculator - Fast travel - roughly 1100 km of range - 4 different settings for sensitivity - ISAN quad - range finder aim assist The main focus of this ship is going to be heavily armoured targets such as other big fighters It's main role is to ensure complete domination of space in a given area It gets the job done x) Interested ? any questions ? Come and chat on the discord : https://discord.gg/aWES7cN3uc
[FREE] ECO torp
Happy Ship Shop

this is the ECO torp, it is a variant of the hss-eco-fighter ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Eco%20fighter ) it shares many of the same characteristics The main difference is that the ECO torp has 8 torpedo tubes with non-guided torpedos The goal of the ship is to allow to experiment with torpedoes and have fun 😁 It can also be used as a cheap and lethal kamikaze ship You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Wolf head logo
Happy Ship Shop

Wolf head logo, the backplate is 432x432 ( the big plate ) in size You can use it on any ship to give it a bit more personality You can use any material you want to fit your needs ( BP uses bastium ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Solar Pioneer
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Solar Pioneer, a ship capable of flying over 90'000 km with a Navigation Data Logger system attached to the front The ship is designed to allow you to do the trip while being as AFK as possible **WARNING** : This is a ship that has been tested on the PTU only ( the Navigation Data Logger cannot be used in the live universe for now ). It will be updated if needed should an update send it over the voxel limit or any other related issue Here is the trip it has already done to Szellem https://www.reddit.com/r/starbase/comments/sc1f7k/awesome_trip_to_szellem_and_its_sub_moon/ Here is the trip it made to Neso and it's moon : https://www.reddit.com/r/starbase/comments/t4d95c/awsome_trip_to_nesos_moon/ Here are the screens I was able to make on Caecus and it's moon : https://www.reddit.com/r/starbase/comments/t5r86r/caecus_and_its_submoon_after_neso/ You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post in order to be able to do the trip is packs a lot of features : - 4.42 billion of propellant - speedometer - range calculator - speedometer - auto solar rotation - auto solar energy preservation ( pause the ship when the solar power is insufficient ) - estimated travel distance - aim assist - ground avoidance system ( handy for landings ) - a spare set of rods - 8 crates for emergencies - enough generators + fuel chambers to be able to run without solar for a few hours ( enough to escape the EOS shadow ) - a very big plasma to allow you to fly at 147 m/s ( more if your computer allows it ) In order to fly properly please follow these steps : - make sure you are aiming **AWAY** from the EOS belt. You do **NOT** want to end in it - make sure you have the basic crafting table fully equipped in your inventory ( **NOT** bolted to the ship ) - put 2 Exorium stacks in your **PLAYER** inventory - the 8 crates are for emergency resources. These may include more Exorium / crafting materials - Equip **ALL** the tools with ammo ( double and triple check that ) - **Make sure you have the 10 navigation chips equipped in the ship before you leave**
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Pirahplasma, a bunker with guns 😁 It's main purpose is to be a very, very tough nut to crack in order to allow it to face multiple opponents and tie them down in combat to prevent them from leaving / allowing your friends ship to deal as much damage as possible It has a **VERY** heavy emphasis on armour, redundancy and survivability It's main features are : - reconstruction machine - my own Yolol : hss-inertia-dampener / hss-sensitivity-control / hss-ground-avoid-system / hss-autonomy-calculator to make it easier to use - an average of 4 layers of charodium plating with spacing to limit the effectiveness of explosions - the new internal ammo to prevent explosions of the guns - a very armoured and wide cockpit to have an excellent visibility and still be safe - 2 cockpits ( second one on top ) - 30 plasma guns that shoot in a continuous stream - a disco ! ( yes, seriously, it's important to keep the crewmembers busy to prevent accidents XD ) - a range of roughly 2000 km - a speed of 142 m/s You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] moon racer
Happy Ship Shop

This is the moon racer It's a racing ship that is designed to allow you to have as much fun as possible on the moon or be used as a fun taxi 😁 I however also packs a lot of features making it's usage very pleasant : - speedometer - range calculator - roughly 2800km of range ( if you have 2 spare rods ) - ground avoid system - warning system - power management - sensitivity manager - damn cheap 😁 It's a lot of fun to use x) You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

The reclaimer is the self-proclaimed king of all recycling ships / flat bed Main features: - an immense board for recovery - 4 large cargo locks - 2 very large cargo locks - machine reconstruction - fast travel - 145 m/s dry ( wet will depend on your cargo ) - 6 auto cannons for when recycling gets a little spicy - strategically placed passenger seats for members of your party to help with spotting - a ground avoidance system to allow you not to end up like the ships you are recycling Warning : this is not a "let's make money ship" : being on the moon is too dangerous and this ship is expensive to spawn. This is more of a "let's have fun ship". It is very well suited for corporations wanting to organise events You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Dune worm logo ( shai-hulud )
Happy Ship Shop

Dune worm ( shai-hulud ) logo, the backplate is 576x576 in size When you buy this BP you get ALL logos, no need to choose one The logo is entirely made with plates making it easy to use / transfer / adapt You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Cylinder arena
Happy Ship Shop

This is the cylinder arena, an FPS arena designed to allow you to have fun 😁 Same concept as the double arena ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20double%20arena ) but a different implementation 😁 You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Biohazard logo
Happy Ship Shop

biohahard logo, the backplates are 576x576 and 432x432 in size The first two are bolted in the back making for a very smooth finish, the third one is auto bolted for reference All logos are 100% made with plates making transfer and usage simple You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] monkey / bear heads logo
Happy Ship Shop

Monkey / bear head logo, the backplate is 576x576 in size You can use it on any ship to give it a bit more personality You can use any material you want to fit your needs ( BP uses bastium ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco Billboard
Happy Ship Shop

This is the ECO billboard, a simple simple to allow you to broadcast whatever text you want It has a 12x12 screen that has 3 different animations : - text wrap - color change - text wave It is easy to to use and does not require any kind of Yolol knowledge, simply change the progress bar named LineX ( X being a number ranging from 1 to 12 ) and make sure that your line is 12 characters long exactly ( use spaces if needed ) Everything is configurable without having to touch the Yolol ! You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco tugboat
Happy Ship Shop

This is the ECO Tugboat A simple tug boat capable of pulling up to 30 thousand tons It's not super fast but it is cheap and reliable 😁 You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Dragon head logo
Happy Ship Shop

dragon logo, the backplate is 576x576 in size You can use it on any ship to give it a bit more personality You can use any material you want to fit your needs ( BP uses bastium ) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/FkNzGyCAMv The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco 2
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco 2 it is meant to be a pleasant follow up to the Eco 1 by doubling it's capacities while remaining as cheap as possible It's main features are : - 256 crates - 150 m/s dry - 122 m/s wet ( with 18'000 kg per crate ) - about 920 km of range ( almost 4000 if you transport a bit of ice ) - 4 lasers - 2 collectors - 1 scanner - 2 cockpits ( main / spare ) - very easy maintenance ( all of the cables / hardpoints are easy to access ) It boasts as much Yolol as I could possibly cram into the ship This means it has : - ISAN - Speedometer - my range calculator - my scanner display system - my warning system - auto battery and generator management - a very very good asteroid avoidance system - sensitivity profile manager Almost all of the Yolol can be obtained separately for free in my discord, this makes using the Yolol on other ships you use / created as easy as possible 😁 You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco fighter
Happy Ship Shop

This is the eco fighter. It is meant to be a cheap fighter to serve as an introduction to PvP. It can also be used as a cheap corporation fighter should you ever need to spam loads of fighters It is also moon compatible ( has a very easy to use ground avoidance system ) making it suited for most situations There are 2 BP : with and without the fast travel. All of the screenshots are without the fast travel It packs a lot of features making it's usage very pleasant : - speedometer - range calculator - roughly 2800km of range - ground avoid system - warning system - power management - sensitivity manager - 4 autocannons - 2 dedicated slots for tripod weaponry - damn cheap You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the MAWS4, it's the successor to the MAWS3 It has 400 crates "only" and 142 m/s at dry speed What it lack on speed and crates it more than makes up for in armour, redundancy, features and weaponry This is a ship that will do it's absolute best to take very good care of you In order to do so it has 2 cockpits : one with very thick armour and a second one with very good view. A third one is available as spare parts if needed I also features a reconstruction machine, a fast travel, the 3 crafting benches and 16 autocannons Due to the lack of AAS, it's best usage is in the 1 zone of the Elysium belt as this allows it to go in / out of the belt at will and still get precious resources ( Arkanium namely ) while still protecting you from the pirates It also packs a lot of features such as : - ground avoid system - 12 mining lasers with patterns - auto power management - range / autonomy calculator - advanced scanner - warning system You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[Free] Eco bench
Happy Ship Shop

The Eco bench is a very very simple ship with crafting benches; it's as simple and convenient as that x) it has an auto management of the power and that's it The goal of the ship is to be able to have all of your crafting benches as easy to access as possible all in one place Can also be used as a station hopper is needed You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the explorer, it is a pair of ships capable of achieving a theoretical autonomy of 120'000 km at a speed ranging 140 m/s to 150 m/s ( before and after using the propellant of the secondary ship ) The main ship is equipped with a towing beam and pulls a modified [hss-moon-racer](https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20moon%20racer) containing 1.3 billion worth of propellant Once the main ship has used that amount of propellant, the moon racer's propellant is transferred to the explorer and the beam holding the propellant tanks are un-weld in order to detach them. This in turn allows you to keep the moon racer as a scout ship and allows you to have fun without risking your main ship when you wish to explore your destination The explorer is equipped with a coordinate machine, a ground avoidance system, an autonomy calculator and a travelled distance estimator You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post Aurora trip with the Explorer : https://www.reddit.com/r/starbase/comments/u9o5q0/awsome_trip_to_aurora/
[FREE] ECO Brawler
Happy Ship Shop

This is The ECO Brawler, a very well armoured ship deigning to take a beating and fight back It's designed as a corporation ship : it is reasonably cheap and designed to accommodate up to 8 tripod weapons The ship has 16 autocanons and a full charodium armour with an average of 2 plates thick and much more at the front Max speed of the ship is about 135 m/s You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the bandit, it's a variant of the hss-marauder ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/Marauder ) with 18 lasers and 12 autocannons rather than the 30 plasma cannons. This makes the ship way cheaper to print as it does not require as much Arkanium All other stats should be almost identical Please note the the price of the BP is 4'000'000 rather than 8'000'000 if you already have the Marauder You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco Storage
Happy Ship Shop

2016 cargo crates and that's it x) You can use it to increase the storage of the origin stations drastically You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Silure, a heavy duty miner / blockade runner It boasts 700 crates and is FAST : 150m/s empty and 139m/s when loaded with Lukium ( 27'000kg per crate ) The main goal of this ship is to be a ship that is going to allow you to mine in the most hostile of places. Those pirates waiting for you at the gate are in for a very very bad surprise It's main features are : - a heavy duty / mouse aiming defense system made of 14 autocanons + designators ( the red allows you to see them even on Elysium's belt ) - autopilot : set the waypoint, sit back and let the ship go by itself do it's destination autonomously ( uses a combination of Kompass / ISAN / Waypoint system / custom code ). The autopilot uses the AAS so as long as you are within ISAN range you can use it wherever - custom ground avoidance system - custom - good - AAS ( manages priorities for the top / bottom and left / right to prevent collisions on numerous and / or big objects ) - custom scanner that is fast, does not flash, can scan up to 8 different materials per object and does not require you to press 20 buttons+ to get it to work - custom warning system for generators / battery / radiators / propellant - advanced autonomy calculator ( the calculator gives the times but also the distance you can travel before having to refill the fuel and / or the rods ) - good range ( 2400 km approximatively but depends on how you use the ship => this information is given by the autonomy calculator ) - spare rods included in the BP - multiple different laser patterns for different use cases. 3 fixed and 2 that move and that are customisable without using the YOLOL ( configuration through memory chip ) - very very good manoeuvrability and top / down movements - very good reverse speed - fast travel included - 2 completelly fonctionnal cockpits to suit your needs / have redundancy - it looks cool ! 😁 Please note that unlike the Pangasius, the Silure puts a heavy emphasis on going through zones that are made dangerous due to players and is equiped adequatly to deal with them ^^ What to chat about it ? Any questions ? Suggestions ? I would be more than happy to talk about it ^^ You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco missile
Happy Ship Shop

This is the ECO missile it is a variant of the hss-eco-fighter ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/[FREE]%20Eco%20fighter ) and shares many of the same characteristics the main difference is that the ship posses two 9 tubes missile launchers on the sides The main goal of this ship is to allow you to have fun and experiment with the missiles You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco refuel
Happy Ship Shop

a 264 million propellant cheap refuel ship with rod racks in order to either allow you to help you give fuel to an empty ship or prolong your mining sessions by having it parked at your station ^^ You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Megalodon, a double 16 plasma rings, 900 crates long range and heavy duty mining ship It has a very potent defensive system and uses the crates as armour and as a way to hide components making it impressively durable This ship takes two things very seriously : player security and player comfort in order to do so it implements the following : - 141 m/s when loaded which 900 crates of Lukium or Exorium, else almost always 150 m/s - a mouse aimed mining laser system that requires no configuration ( you press the MC button - Mouse Control - to choose between controlling the ship and controlling the mining laser turrets ) - a very serious AAS ( 0.2 second reaction time + priority avoid management ) - a reconstruction machine - a bit over 2000 km of range - 2 cockpits - passenger seats to go from one seat to another fast and efficiently - my ground avoid system - my autonomy calculator - my inertia dampener - my scanner You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Zoom Zoom Zoom
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Zoom Zoom Zoom, an improved and a bit more expensive version of the zoom-zoom ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Zoom%20Zoom ) and is designed to be a viable cheap racing ship / very light interceptor is has : the sensitivity-control, the inertia-dampener and the autonomy-calculator 😁 It has two slots should you want to add some autocanons ( plus tripod plate on top ) I gave it more top / down thrusters in order to maximise the effectiveness of the inertia-dampener You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[Free] Reconstruction Zoom Zoom
Happy Ship Shop

This is the reconstruction machine version of the zoom-zoom ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Zoom%20Zoom ) It's designed to be hidden close to a point of interest in order to be able to able to respawn close You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco2P
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco 2P, it's an improvement over the ECO2 ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Eco%202 ) Differences are : - more propellant for an increased range - tier 2 generators - innertia compensator system - 2 autocanons to allow you to have the possibility to defend yourself - a floor ( yes, it was a requested feature 😁 ) You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] small Eco grabber
Happy Ship Shop

This is the small ECO grabber, please note that this is the super cheap version of the big grabber https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20ECO%20Big%20grabber If you have the resources, I highly recommend you print the big version rather than the small It's meant to be a nice and very easy way to make a lot of credits in very very little time ( up to 1 million credits per hour if used properly ) It's also a nice introduction to asteroid hauling and can carry about 1 to 2 T10 asteroids with the rest being T9 ( the ship is more suited for T9 than T10 ) As with the ECO ships, it's very cheap to make and fun to use 😁 I also put a lot of Yolol on it to make it as pleasant as possible to use, thus it has : - ISAN Quad - speedometer - range calculator - warning system - 4 independent grabbing systems to make asteroid catching easy - projector system - advanced scanner ( with resource stacks ) - 3 different cockpits for both redundancy and making the ship as easy to use as possible - very easy maintenance ( everything is easy to access ) - sensitivity manager system to allow you to accurately grab the asteroids with low effort Important note regarding it's usage : do **NOT** let the battery level reach 0, this will cause a release of all of the asteroids and cause a **MASSIVE** disappointment You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] ECO Big grabber
Happy Ship Shop

This is the ECO grabber big It's meant to be a nice and very easy way to make a lot of credits in very very little time ( 4 to 6 million credits per hour if used properly ). Here is a youtube video / tutorial demonstrating it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o83_p0NF3z8 It's also bigger than the eco-small-grabber ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20small%20Eco%20grabber ) and meant to haul bigger asteroids easily ( more thrust / generation / more space between cargo locks ) As with the ECO ships, it's very cheap to make and fun to use 😁 I also put a lot of Yolol on it to make it as pleasant as possible to use, thus it has : - ISAN Quad - speedometer - range calculator - warning system - 4 independent grabbing systems to make asteroid catching easy - projector system - advanced scanner ( with resource stacks ) - 3 different cockpits for both redundancy and making the ship as easy to use as possible - very easy maintenance ( everything is easy to access ) - sensitivity manager system to allow you to accurately grab the asteroids with low effort You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Zoom Zoom
Happy Ship Shop

The zoom zoom is a ship designed to be disposable / super modular / super fast It's very cheap and can accommodate up to 2 autocannons in the nose and that's it 😁 You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

The marauder is a heavy fighter with a mean attitude It has 30 plasma cannons as main armament and is very, very heavily armoured The plasma cannons can be shot either 5 at a time or all at once The cockpit is at the top at the back and is behind vertical 144x576 glass The generators are protected by an extra layer of armour and heatsinks The max speed of the ship is 111 m/s You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the ECO 0, it's meant to be an even cheaper version of the ECO1 ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Eco%201%20starter%20ship ) it's a starter ship meant to be useful yet cheap ; it has 1 laser, 1 collector, a little bit of Yolol and goes 130 m/s when empty it is extremely simple and is very very cheap all components are designed to be as easy as possible to access and fix You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[free] Eco 3
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco 3, a 500 crates mining ship meant too allow you to get resources easily, reliably and safely It's meant to be a ship that is going to enable you to get resources in hard to get area, in order to enable you do do so it has the following features : - 1400 km range - 10 mining lasers - 16 auto canons - 2 collectors - 500 crates - 150 m/s dry and 120 m/s wet - a very, very reliable AAS Please not that even though it is well armed, the armor is very minimalist. The weapons are meant to be a last measure to show that you are not an easy target and will not go down without a fight There are also a lot of Yolol to help it : - hss-ground-avoid-system - hss-autonomy-calculator - hss-aas - hss-advanced-scanner - hss-sensitivity-control - hss-warning-system - hss-inertia-dampener The high thrust capacity of the ship also gives it a good moon mining capacity Overall it is meant to be as cost effective as possible and allow you to get the need resources for other ships / capital ships / stations You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Giga tugboat
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Giga tug boat, it is capable of pulling an eco-storage ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Eco%20Storage ) full of Lukium ( 2000 crates ! ) at 135 meters per second ! The ship possesses a massive power generation of 660'000 elec per second and an equally massive thrust of 4 x 15 plasma rings The goal of the ship is to tow anything regardless of it's mass, the most it can pull is 110'000 tons ( as a comparison the heaviest ship I ever saw was 80'000 tons ) This is an EXPENSIVE ship ( I'm not kidding ) please make sure you double check the resource cost of the ship before buying it The ship is equipped with an inertia dampener / sensitivity manager / ground avoid / easy to use power management / autonomy calculator You can expect to do a minimum of 800km ( rod time ) when pulling 2000 crates of Lukium witch is a worst case scenario, else it has a greater range You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

The mantis is a ship that shares many common points with the hss-brochet This one however is a bit more armoured and implements the mouse-controlled-turrets allowing you to control the ship independently from it's turrets. This, combined with the firepower of 28 autocanons makes it absolutely deadly against small pirate fighters This ship does require a bit of configuration, check the youtube video in order to see how to set it up properly : https://youtu.be/GBht7wObRBw You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] double arena
Happy Ship Shop

The arena is equipped with range finders to make the limits more obvious, resource bridges in order to allow you to use tripods, has two exposed propellant tanks on each side used for capture the flag games and is mirrored top / down to allow for an intense experience These are the rules that I experimented with ( to give you a few ideas ) : - Explosives yes / no - Tripods yes / no - same weapon for everyone - any weapon allowed - tinker with you side of the arena ( additional plates ) yes / no - respawn yes / no - capture or destroy the flag ( we used the big coloured propellant tanks for that ) - team elimination - duels It's a lot of fun 😁 Recommended usage is on the PTU where the costs are irrelevant You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE]Eco big tugboat
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco big tuboat. It is designed as a stop gap between the eco-tugboat and the giga-tug-boat It has 434 tier2 generators and is capable of towing almost all of the existing ships at a decent speed thanks to it's numerous thrusters the seat and the towing beam and both be rotated to make the attaching part of the towing easier as it allows you to see what you are doing the fuel chambers, batteries and propellant are encased in a light armour in order to prevent endo weapons from detonating the ship there are two dedicated slots for furnaces at the front of the ship should you wish to use the very big power output the ship has for allow crafting You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the guns-ZZZ ( Zoom Zoom Zoom with guns 😁 https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Zoom%20Zoom%20Zoom ) It's main features are that it is super cheap and can accommodate 4 tripods mounted on rotating plates allow you to get the gunners to face any direction you want ! This makes it an effective ship that you can spam. It also features 2 autocanons, the inertia-dampener , the autonomy-calculator and the sensitivity-control allowing it to turn very sharply and avoid most of the enemy fire while also dishing out a punishment 😁 You can expect to go full speed solo and around 130 m/s with 4 fully loaded endos and 4 tripod autocanons The combination of the inertia dampener, high speed, high manoeuvrability and small size makes it a dangerous opponent even though it was never designed to take a beating You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Duelist, a ship that was designed for the 2v2 PVP event It has 4 raiguns and a ram cage as main armament. The railguns can be shot 4 times in a row before needed to let the batteries recharge. They can be shot all at once or 1 by 1. The ram cage enables it to ram most opponents that do not expect it and deal crippling damage The max speed of the ship is 112 m/s The ship weighs roughly 2.07 kilo tons Please note that the cockpit at the front is not able to withstand a heavy punishment. It's solid but not "eat 5 railgun shots in a row" solid You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

The Baudroie is a hunting / interceptor / ambush ship It is designed to inflict heavy damage on bulky / armoured targets as fast as possible using 6 railguns The railguns shoot one by one and the ship has enough power to sustain the firing for about a minute before needing a 10 second pause to recharge the battery It is based on the same chassis as the Mantis and shares many common points The railguns have extra layers of armour to increase durability and are turned vertically to reduce visibility loss You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco logger
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco logger, it is based on the chassis of the eco2p ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20Eco2P ) and is designed to allow you to get coordinates within a 1500 km range for as cheap as possible even in dense asteroid belts 150 m/s 😁 The range can be increased with little to no difficulty You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] Eco 1 starter ship
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco 1 it is meant to be a pleasant starter ship. It aims to be comfortable and simple to use and allow any new player to go to bigger ships as fast and as easily as possible. This BP can be used if you have a friend / corporation player that is new to the game and that you would like to help without ruining their early game experience It's main features are : - 128 crates - 142 m/s dry - about 600 to 700 km of autonomy - 2 lasers - 1 collectors - 1 scanner It boasts as much yolol as I could possibly cram into the ship This means it has : - ISAN - Speedometer - my autonomy calculator - my scanner display system - my warning system - auto battery and generator management You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[Free] Eco Fixer
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Eco fixer : it's a ship that is meant to allow you to go and fix a broken ship It serves a very similar role as a flatbed but with a more compact design to allow you to hold more stuff in less space It will also go max speed with little to no effort It comes in two separate BP : blank and pre-equiped The blank BP is meant to be as easy to customise as possible The price of the ship is made to allow you to abandon it / use it itself for the fixing process on your ship in order to maximise effectiveness and allow you to fix your expensive ship and get it safely to a station You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post **Important** : the displayed crafting price is for the empty version
Happy Ship Shop

This is the Pangasius, a heavy duty / long range / multipurpose miner It boasts 700 crates and is FAST : 150m/s empty and 139m/s when loaded with Lukium ( 27'000kg per crate ) The main goal of this ship is to be a multi-purpose ship with as little as possible compromises on the speed Thus, it is able to be used on the moon, safe zone, belts, where ever you feel like going It's main features are : - moon mining capacity ( the 2 bottom turrets and collectors can be rotated to dig the moon and the fins at the back of the ship minimise damage in case of impact ) - autopilot : set the waypoint, sit back and let the ship go by itself do it's destination autonomously ( uses a combination of Kompass / ISAN / Waypoint system / custom code ). The autopilot uses the AAS so as long as you are within ISAN range you can use it wherever - custom ground avoidance system - custom - good - AAS ( manages priorities for the top / bottom and left / right to prevent collisions on numerous and / or big objects ) - custom scanner that is fast, does not flash, can scan up to 8 different materials per object and does not require you to press 20 buttons+ to get it to work - custom warning system for generators / battery / radiators / propellant - advanced autonomy calculator ( the calculator gives the times but also the distance you can travel before having to refill the fuel and / or the rods ) - decent range ( it varies from 600 to 2200 km depending on how you use the ship => this information is given by the autonomy calculator ) - spare rods included in the BP - multiple different laser patterns for different use cases - very very good manoeuvrability and top / down movements - excellent reverse speed - fast travel included - it looks cool ! 😁 Any questions ? Check my discord, I will be more than happy to answer your questions ^^ You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] ECO moon grabber
Happy Ship Shop

this is the moon gabber, it shares a lot of similitudes with the hss-eco-big-grabber ( https://sb-creators.org/makers/Happy%20Ship%20Shop/ship/%5BFREE%5D%20ECO%20Big%20grabber ) but is specialized in allowing you to go on the Elysium belt It's more expensive and designed to allow you to have an easier time dealing with T10 asteroids the main differences are : - ground avoidance system - 8 autocanons Warning you may have to remove half if the 3 T10 you are hauling are big, they are mainly used when leaving the gate for pirate protection and peace of mind - the generators are tier 3 in order to insure no pauses at all when returning home You can download it for free here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
Happy Ship Shop

The Brochet is a heavy fighter that packs a punch It's main features are : - 28 autocanons - double layered armour ( mainly aegissium + charodium in the important places ) - speedometer - Range calculator - Fast travel - roughly 1000 km of range - 4 different settings for sensitivity - ISAN quad - extended fins and resource bridges for crewmates with tripod armament - range finder aim assist The main focus of this ship is going to be medium / light fighters and anything that is not protected by thick layers of armour It's main role is to ensure complete domination of space in a given area It gets the job done x) You can check it out here : https://discord.gg/KAqjK3W98z The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post