Starbase Ship Shop
Welcome Endos of the Starbase Community! The Biggest Ship Shop server in Starbase is bringing you hundreds of ships to fly. Find your dream ship or list your own beautiful designs!
Learn the basics of buying and selling here. More features coming soon!
Starbase Ship Shop and are a fan made, community run organization, and are not associated with FrozenByte Oy
Starship Heavy
JamsJelly Edition

Headed to mars? Well the starship heavy will get you and your family there safe and sound for a new life away from your crazy ex wife. Isan mono stabilizing fin control (no practical use) Eco Generator script Turtle, Cruise 15 spare fuel rods 84 Million propellant 8 generators 120,000 battery 94m/s Loads of room to expand fuel and propellant for long journeys or add cargo crates for item transfers, or to update into a fully livable ship for you and all your endos.

In need of one-way trips, at maximum speed, anywhere, for a disposable cost? Zippies will do 150m/s easily. Zippies will get you 5000km of travel. Become a space-litterbug when you're done. Zippies are expendable. Printing each Zippy is *under 30000* in combined ore and assembly fees if you pre-craft a few of the parts. Use a Zippy for the one-way-trip to fetch ships that you've left parked at a station after an insurance transfer. *Since the removal of fast travel cores from the game, Zippies can now fly through fast travel gates without issue!* *Your blueprint includes the Zippy SCOUT, a Zippy with **luxury** features such as a 'ponder, roll and upwards strafe, and passenger seats. The ultimate leetl 'splorer.*
UA Shipyards

Greetings fellow Endos **Updated heat mechanics** UA Shipyards presents her latest vessel perfectly fit for the avid miner and prospector. The **UA WorkerBee** comes packed with features to get YOU up and running as quickly as possible. Her modular design allows for upgrades and easy maintenance. So what are you still waiting for? Get your **UA WorkerBee** today at any UA-Shipyards retailer or spokesperson. So Long Oloneus **Price** - Option 1) - **~ 425,000 Cr. + Ores** - Option 2) - **~ 2,100,000 Cr.** depending on Ore prices ! **Specs** - 112 Cargo Crates - for all your precious resources - T3 Powerplant - for the juice necessary - T2 Engines - that will bring you up to speed, ~135m/s empty and ~105 m/s full - ISAN2.5-M - Delt UI. - Gyroscope - Avoidance System - 22 Million Propellant - for the extra long mileage - A set of double Miners - Scanner - Automated collector will have you stocking up those rocks in no time. - Approach Script to get you to those roids ;)
Scarab SRV

!Heat Ready! Designed as a support vessel for the LLROE fleet, this ship excels in it's job as both a fuel tanker, and a search and rescue ship. Features include: - 90 million propellant in cargo tanks, 8 million in main drive tanks - Automatically toggled fuel controls, so you don't burn your cargo traveling, and don't transfer your main drive tanks to your target - Space for up to 18 extra fuel rods - Automated fuel transfer system, to maintain balance and not end up with an off-axis center of mass - Integrated ISAN 2 Quad and waypoint system - Intuitive MFDs with detailed status reports on your ship - Easy access to all ship internals, for repairs if necessary - Asteroid avoidance system - Easy to bolt on ore stacks for repairing others if necessary, can support up to 16 ore stacks with minor speed penalties - Extensive YOLOL automation, for ease of use
Midnight Xpress Tug Ship with Heatsink Update
Moon Designs

Midnight Xpress is a Small but a Very Powerful ship, its is a Upgraded version of my previous ship "Thomas the Tugger" that can Tug a Load of 22 Million Kilograms Midnight Xpress has all the features such as Custom Gen Script that Spools Gens to match the Mass of the Load, Prop and Rod Calc, Speedo, and over 10 Hrs flight time so you have plenty of time to search for the wreaked ship of your dreams. If your worried you might run out the 24 fuel rods, you have a Full extra set onboard. give a shoutout to Proxymine that helped make this ship Great!
[FREE] Piercer

The Piercer is a 342 ore crate capacity mining ship with an automated rotating laser drill for mining operations. The blueprint is provided for free. All feedback is welcome and in game tips (in-game name Egomaniac) are appreciated. However support will be limited but I will try my best. A premium version, the [Piercer X]( is available for purchase on the [EGOTech Discord server]( Please give the ship a "like" if you use and enjoy the ship. Designed by EGOTech. Join the [EGOTech Discord server]( [Download the blueprint]( Website: # Videos | Channel | Video | | --- | --- | | [Krawll Unchained]( | [Starbase - Community Ship Showcase - The Piercer by Egomaniac - Surgical mining!]( | | [flexcreator]( | [Moon Mining with Piercer \| Starbase]( | # Features The ship has the following features: - 342 ore crates - Standard Cruise function - Turtle and Sloth functions with adjustable rates and preset profiles - Transponder system with ping function - Automated rotating drill with four mining lasers - Four ore collectors - Material scanner with display of materials in stacks - Approach and auto mine functions - Two external and two internal resource bridges - Auto generator rate script with adjustable minimum rate - 32 T2 generators with 12 T2 fuel chambers and 24 spare rods on racks - Radiators and heat sinks that provide more than adequate cooling - 12 large propellant tanks with 144,000,000 units of propellant - Estimated flight time of 6 hours and range of 3000km - Propellant time and fuel time panels - 130 batteries - 32 T2 box and 104 T2 triangle thrusters providing forward thrust - 32 T2 triangle thrusters providing braking thrust - 48 T2 triangle thrusters for maneuvers - Basic crafting bench to craft refills plus the tools bench - [NavGrid by StandPeter]( - Warning lights and alarm for obstacle detection and avoidance, powered by 31 rangefinders - Speedometer - Timer panel - Odometer panel - Many extra slots for YOLOL or memory chips - Top speed of 140m/s when empty

The HSM Fox is a medium sized longrange miner with the ability to save jumppoints. The Aim for the fox is to search new farm grounds. Save the Jumppiont and fly a few kilometer. Use the Isurance Transfer to your capital ship. Jump to your Ship. and Use than the Onbord Resurrection Machine on the Fox and bring the Fox back home. With a load of Ice and 4 Stacks you can increase the range to 16000km. 12 Mininglaser 4 Orecollektor 40 Fullchambers and 88 generator t2 with 88 t3 enhancer 432 Crates 16 way unique Avoidsystem Propellant refullstation (research large propellant tank necessary) all workbenches 99% forward thrust efficiency
Solar Fighter

The Foreman is a **Solar Support Fighter** designed to aid on long range mining missions. This ship can be equipped with: *2-4 Lasers* or *2 Plasma* **Why Solar panels?** Solar panels can double fuel rod times and will provide excess power for sustained fire. **Asteroid Hunting?** The Glass cockpit is designed for spotting slower moving asteroids. Full peripheral vision with an accompanied sunroof give you scenic views and strategic vision. **Maintenance?** Complete Internal cabin for yolo editing and Rod removal. **NOTES** **Suicide doors** *are not designed for leaving cockpit while traveling.* **Rangefinders** *are only used to annoy laborers in origin.* **What's with the custom bolt pattern?** *Our custom bolt pattern achieves high ship strength while still being asteically pleasing.* **Mine with confidence, and let the sun guide your way.**

The DAMK5P is the latest edition of my everyday driver and a demonstration of the tools that the [NavSuite]( can provide. This function first ship has proven sturdy and reliable in the harshest conditions. They have been taken all over the universe: Elysium, Szellem, Alstel, Neso, Chemosh, Kumi, and more. From Elysium deathzones to wrangling asteroids in belts where you and the rocks are fighting gravity, this ship has seen it all. ## Software Features include: - Asteroid Avoidance: 0.2s response time code with prioritization should two opposing sides detect. It also comes with strafe arrest integration so that you stop drifting laterally after you are out of the way of the rocks. Feel free to grill me on this as safety is my number one concern. - Inertial Navigation: Ever want coordinates outside of the transmitter ranges? Want to be able to go straight back to zone 3 in a far moon belt without fuss? This ship does that. - Strafe Arrest: Does drifting laterally when you turn your ship while moving at max speed make you nervous? Worry no more, strafe arrest will quickly slow all lateral movement while maintaining forward speed. - ESTOP: How many other ships can park in gravity? This ship can do not only that, but also come to a full stop automatically regardless of your facing/velocity at the press of a button. - Vectored Speedometer: Basic speedometers are great, but this ship can tell you how fast you are moving in each ship relative axis individually as well. - Autopilot: Originally based on FixerID's autopilot system. Load a waypoint from your list and hit the Nav button. The ship goes there. - Approach: DarkyShadow's profiled motion approach script. By far the most reliable approach I have encountered. - Waypoints: 20 waypoint storage with a manual edit progress bar and copy/paste-able strings to pass to/from your friends quickly. - Galactic Alignment: Aligns you to Z+ forward Y+ up in case you want to go precisely forward into the belt. - Compass: Firestarr99's bubble compass on a text panel. - Scanning: New rock who dis? - Laser charging on fire: Just in case you forget to turn them on or get surprised, the ship automatically makes sure the lasers are charging if you try to fire. - All flight controlling software is built on a human priority control system so that you always have the final say. The ship can control the levers, but you can always override the ship just by using your normal keys. When you let go, the ship will resume any automated control. ## Hardware features include: - Four converged(500m) laser cannons, just in case you need to speak the local language. - The ability to go 150m/s with most full loads. 140m/s if you have a load full of Lukium. This thing is literally covered in thrusters. - Converging rangefinders to cover the high visibility cockpit without getting in the way. The always-on pointing lasers also double as a visual indicator of both asteroid size and distance. (note: Rangefinders do not show for those viewing the ship in Potato LOD. Pirates can't see them unless they are super close) - Laser Designator Translation Sensor for vectored speed and a Speedometer placed on a CoM so balanced that it doesn't move more than 1cm when the ship is loaded. - Dual FCU/MFC stacks for increased fuel efficiency. - 99% ducted connection with crate redundancy. Very Few pipes on the whole ship. Those wires that exist are primarily on the rangefinder cage for easy repair. - All custom bolted with an unladen strength factor of 42.069 for the memes. - Hidden bolt, high visibility dash board and cockpit layout. - Easy Access service tunnel to get through the interior of the ship. - Rotationally aligned yolol chips and fuel rod spares: No mucking about with orientation, just put the thing in the spot and get on with your life. Yolol is facing away from the cockpit for that little extra frame-rate. - Refuel point for easy prop tank refilling in the field. - Passenger seat with easy access to the reverse lever for unforeseen circumstances. - Scalable modular design. Add or remove rings to fit your needs. I like this configuration best but, I'm not your dad, do what you want. In testing the original ship flew well over 40 hours without touching the controls (or an asteroid of course) on automated flights out to ISAN limit and back to prove to myself and now you that this is a highly robust automated flight platform. Current version has been used everyday for about 6 months and all versions have a usage lifetime measured in years. Any purchasers who provide feedback that gets included into the ship get rewards scaling with value of the input(including unadvertised BP's and beta testing for future models). All code is available for review in the link at the top of the page as I believe any safety system worth its salt should stand up to public inquiry. Test flights upon request. Please do not distribute or share this blueprint.
[FREE] Lugger

The Lugger is a 832 crate hauler with two 10 ring plasma thrusters serving as its main engines to provide decent speed. However it is pretty much at its voxel limit so any additions or changes may be difficult without sacrificing crates. The blueprint is provided for free. All feedback is welcome and in game tips (in-game name Egomaniac) are appreciated. However support will be limited but I will try my best. Please give the ship a "like" if you use and enjoy the ship. Designed by EGOTech. Join the [EGOTech Discord server]( [Download the blueprint]( Website: # Features The ship has the following features: - 832 crates - Two additional seats for co-pilots in a large open bridge - All three crafting benches - Standard Cruise function - Turtle and Sloth functions with adjustable rates - Transponder system with ping function - Two external and three internal resource bridges - Auto generator rate script with adjustable minimum rate - 30 T2 generators with 10 T2 fuel chambers and 20 spare rods on racks - Radiators that provide more than adequate cooling - 24 large propellant tanks with 288,000,000 units of propellant - Estimated propellant time of 5.5 hours and range of 3,000km - Propellant time and fuel time panels - 144 batteries - Two 10 ring plasma thrusters and 88 T2 triangle thrusters, all with T3 nozzles providing forward thrust - 36 T2 triangle thrusters with T3 nozzles providing braking thrust - 48 T2 triangle thrusters with T3 nozzles for maneuvers - [NavGrid by StandPeter]( - [NavCas by fixerid](, using custom avoidance system and ISAN 3 in 1 from [Compass by Firestar99](, with ability to load target from NavGrid - Warning lights and alarm for obstacle detection and avoidance, powered by 44 rangefinders - Speedometer - Timer panel - Odometer panel - Many extra slots for YOLOL or memory chips - Top speed of 145m/s empty, 125m/s full of lukium ore
[Free] JPTech Talon

Introducing your free moon mining ship, the Talon! Why free, you ask? Well, there are no instructions included, and the landing features are not yet fully tested. Therefore, we highly recommend handling the landing process manually. But don't worry, the AFK mining feature probably works perfectly. So, here's your chance to mine resources from the moon effortlessly and without any expense. Don't hesitate, start your moon adventure today! ## How to download Talon 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. In the ๐โ-talon-free channel, please download a BP.
UA Shipyards

**UA SumseBiene** *The Capship Companion** > Greetings fellow Endos UA Shipyards presents it's latest vessel perfectly fit for the avid capital ship captain. The SumseBiene comes packed with features to get YOU to your capital ship as quickly as possible. With her small cargo hold and a ship design made for light weight and utility she is perfectly equipped to serve as a mini hauler and cap ship transporter. Her long endurance powerplant also enables you, to find your moonbase position on any planet. So what are you still waiting for? Get your SumseBiene today at any UA-Shipyards retailer or spokesperson. So Long Oloneus **Price** - Option 1) - **~ 2,500,000 Cr. Blueprint License Fee ** - Option 2) - **~ 450,000.00 Cr. ~ Depending on Oreprice** fully built - Option 3) - **~ 110,000.00 Cr. + Ores** fully built **Specs** - 8 Cargo Crates - T3 Powerplant - T2.5 Engines > Range: ~ **1300km 150 m/s** / **3400km 112 m/s** > v(empty) ~ **150 m/s** > v(20t) ~ **150 m/s** > v(40t) ~ **148 m/s** - ISAN2.5-M - Delt UI. - Gyroscope - Avoidance System

(SHIP IS CURRENTLY UNDERGOING TESTING WITH BUGFIXES AND HEAT MECHANIC) Hello everyone, First off, thank you to everyone in the community who has helped me with all the questions here and there. There is a lot to know and learn in this game and I would not have completed this ship without the communities help! This is the 4th iteration of the original ship that I started with. It has 774 Solar Panel's that I have seen peak over 17,000 which is around 13.6 free generator's and no added heat! I have been mining at the Moon with this ship and have been mining purely off solar, and never touch the fuel rods. Obviously this is circumstantial, but its been my experience playing and flying this ship for the past two weeks. I have been out mining with it in Zone5 before this iteration and it was able to do over 2200km without needing to refil propellant. With this current iteration, I have made several modifications to it. Updated Asteroid Approaching so you can point at an Asteroid and have the ship take you to it safely with visual indicators Upgraded all Generators and Fuel Chambers from T2 to T3. Added additional coverage on Enhancers for heat reduction and fuel rod efficiency. Added 4 additional Robotic mining arms that retract/extend from within the body of the ship. Added additional range finders to blind spots I found by smashing into asteroids. Updated the ISAN to v4 which supports 15 Waypoints "I know v5 is out, but I personally hardily use it." Refined the Status screen to show errors, warp class, and status on mining bay doors opened or closed. Added the 'Wiggle' system, which makes the mining arms wiggle :) "You can turn this off to force the lasers to converge for manual use" Added safety features to ensure mining arms do not activate from within the belly of the ship when its retracted. Refined the efficiency of the ship further. Added laser velocity control "how fast it moves side to side" So what is this ship and why is it called the Drake? For those that have played Star Citizen, you will know Drake. Drake makes solid ships that well, don't look the best! It may not look like an Origin ship, but man is it functional. With previous versions of this ship I have smacked head on into asteroids with the Plasma's engaged going around 130m/s at the time "speed depends on what you are hauling" and the worst that happened was I lost a solar panel. This ship has been very good to me, and it is capable of getting out there several thousands of Kilometers. Stats on ship can be found here: Keep in mind those flight time numbers are based on 100% use and without Yolo script efficiency aid. Also the max speed when loaded also depends on what you are hauling. I have seen varying speeds 'using the transponder method' of 120~130m/s consistently. This is a great ship for being able to get out there, do some mining or exploring. Ship is not being sold as BP, the "1" that was placed in the listing was to satisfy the listing criteria. Again I am not selling the BP. Images of the ship can be seen at the following links:
HSM Badger XL

The HSM Badger V3 is developed to hunt T10 Asteriods and to work from a Capital Ship/Station with a big ship hanger. The thruster efficiency is by 99%. 2 Cockpit 12 Mininglaser 4 Orecollektor 282 Battery 36 T2 Fuelchamber 88 Generator 88 Enhancer T3 Automatic Adjust Mininglaser Pattern to Asteroid Tier 3 Side Speedometer Speedometer Based Approach up to 995 Meter Speedometer Based Brake Speedometer Based Antidrift (Stop Speed in y,z do sterring or after Avoid) automatic powermanagment with aim that the batterys at 95% Quad ISAN Navisuite with 30 Waypoints Runtime Fuelrods/Propellant incl. excepted reach adjustable yaw, pitch, roll, approach min down to 8m ,approach max up to 25 and it works every time Avoidspeed Avoidsystem 4 direction with all possible variants Streammode Button If you leave the driver seat mininglaser stop working.
Skyline HMV

!Heat Ready! Introducing the second mining type ship in the LLROE range, the Skyline is the company's first fast travel and moon capable ship. Features include: - 320 ore crates - 4 Lasers and 2 collectors, with 3 default presets - 145 m/s top speed, with approximately 120 m/s top speed with heavy ores - Extreme maneuverability for a ship of this size class, with easy tuning of ship controls based on preference - Ability to perform VTOL on moon surfaces, even with a full load of ore, thanks to it's 35 m/s vertical top speed - Fully fleshed out interior, with easy access to most ship internals through access panels or simple pathways - Full crafting table suite AND an endo reconstruction machine, in case of mining 'accidents' - LLROE's brand of asteroid avoidance - ISAN Navigation suite with waypoint system - Plenty of room to add additional upgrades, including a preset hardpoint on top for mounting of a manned turret - Fully plated exterior, to protect core components and the ship - Double paned windows, to maximize bullet resistance while maintaining visibility
Argo Titan M1-F
Far Out Shipyard

A heavy multi crew miner with responsive control, and a cockpit with good view. Charodium and bastium plating and double windows. Space to add extra devices. * 30 Tier 2 Generators and 10 T2 Fuel Chambers * 56 Fuel rod racks * Tier 2 Thrusters Tier 3 Nozzle * Cruise mode * ECO mode for generators * Radiators and Cooling rack * Great maneuverability * Redundant Radiator cooling * Fast Travel Core * Astroid Avoidance * 3 Mining Lasers * 6 Autocannons * 1 Autocannon turret /w mouse control * Rangefinders * Transponder * Snail and Turtel speed mode * Low fuel rod alarm * Adjustable mining lasers * Can easy land on the moon * Material scanner with readout
[FREE] Rigger

The Rigger is a fast medium sized mining ship. Although it has a limited autopilot and crash avoidance systems, it is mainly designed to be used in the safe zone. The blueprint is provided for free. All in game tips (in-game name Egomaniac) are appreciated. However support will be limited but I will try my best. Please give the ship a "like" if you use and enjoy the ship. Designed by EGOTech. Join the [EGOTech Discord server]( [Download the blueprint]( Website: The Rigger (v1.2.0) is also available to buy in game at Hangar Showroom 2 of Rando 7 Ship Shop at stations with Rando ship shops. # Videos | Channel | Video | | --- | --- | | [Krawll Unchained]( | [Starbase - Community Ship Showcase - 3 Ships by "Egomaniac" ( The moon Crasher) ๐๐]( | | [Softwerker]( | [Ship Shop Tour: Rando 7 (Teil 1/X) ๐ฆพ Let's Play Starbase [S2E81] [German/Deutsch]]( | # Features The ship has the following features: - 100 Ore Crates - Standard Cruise function - Turtle and Sloth functions with adjustable rates and preset profiles - Transponder system with ping function - Two mining lasers on turrets that point towards asteroids with pulse and sweeping - Two ore collectors that point towards asteroids - Material scanner that will point towards asteroids - Approach and auto mine functions - Two external and two internal resource bridges - Auto generator rate script with adjustable minimum rate - 16 T2 generators with six T2 fuel chambers and 16 spare rods on racks - Radiators and ehat sinks that provide more than adequate cooling - Eight medium and six small propellant tanks with 38,000,000 units of propellant - Estimated flight time of 6 hours and range of 3,000km - Propellant time and fuel time panels - 40 batteries - 32 T2 box and 16 T2 triangle thrusters providing forward thrust - Four T2 triangle thrusters providing braking thrust - 40 T2 manuever thrusters with plenty of space for more - Basic crafting bench to craft refills (will need to bolt own meter upgrade for T2 refills) - Extra small propellant tank with its own resource bridge for emergency refueling - Totally unnecessary amounts of extra hardpoints (all cabled and piped) all over the ship - [ISAN Quad Waypoint System by Archaegeo]( with custom interface that supports 18 waypoints - [Compass by Firestar99](, customised to integrate with ISAN Waypoint System and share the receivers with NavCas - Alert panels and visualisations for obstacle detection - Timer panel - Odometer panel - Two passenger seats - Many extra slots for YOLOL or memory chips - Top speed of 140m/s when empty
Subzero Ships

Mobius is a Long distance mining vessel equipped with 3 mining lasers, one ore collector, a material scanner, 272 ore crates, and 6 resource bridges. Mobius has enough propellant to go an estimated 5000km (200,000 propellant/minute at 135 m/s, 6 hours, empty(flying straight basically)). Mobius comes with a spacious control panel with all the vital things like ISAN quad, ore scanner display, cruise control, generator unit rate and displays for all of the ten fuel rods, transponder with toggle, and Asteroid-Avoidance-System(AAS). Mobius also comes equipped with a warp core for moon missions, and crafting benches to make anything you might need out in space! Mobius Tour: Please Contact bobzoorrry#7785 about buying this ship.
Sutler Mk2
Spiral Designs

Fastest miner of its class. **150 m/s even with full cargo with light ores**. - State-of-the art automatic asteroid avoidance system tailored specifically to this unique ship design. - 6 hours of flight time, 3000+ km range. - Automatic laser pattern for mining. - Fast auto-approach system. - Incredible attention to details and fully polished interior. This ship is built upon the foundation of Sutler Mk1P. It is the ship you all know and love, but better. **It's bigger, it's faster, and it's much safer**. If you ever wanted a premium model of the original -- this is it. - Compass navigation system by Firestar99 / ISAN - Warp capable - Generators powerful enough to sustain uninterrupted laser fire. - Enough batteries to fully support cold start of lasers and engines. - All workbenches -- Heatsink updated
Skytanker E1.6
Miner The price of the ship is a right of access, this right allows you to have the following versions free of charge (1.1 1.2 1.3 for example). **Useful information:** 576 crates + 16 crates (Emergency material) 2 Tanks of liquid exorium. 1 Exorium processing unit. 2 Capital Ship Super Generators. 2 Plasma thrusters (2x16 rings). 96 FULL T3 triangle maneuvering thrusters. 24 Large Hydrogen tanks (Propellant). 44 Batteries. 8 ore collectors. 30 Mining Lasers. 2 Alloy Crafting Furnaces (Moon Atmosphere). 1 Equipped Crafting Table (yellow) 1 Equipped Crafting Table (blue). 1 Equipped Crafting Table (red). And more
Nomads Shipyards

The M1280 has 1280 ore crates, who would have thought that? Simply put it is the biggest mining ship on sale currently. It can fly 3000+ km, doesn't care about the new belt density and compared to most ships sold here it is actually tested and in active usage. Features include: - Autopilot + Compass + Waypoints - Automated avoidance system - Automated mining lasers - High visibility cockpit - Continuous ore scanner script - 1280 crates, just to make sure you aren't confused

this ship was created to make mining has very long distance with that capacity of 216 million properlant is it 11h of fuel road with the rods of spare. with this 10 laser mining no more T10 will resist you the ship can embark 4 t10 I advise you to mine next to a station or a transporter for an optimal use. specs: 145 m / s empty, 288 ore crate, Box thruster T2 nozzle T3 52, laser mining 10, ore collector 2, fuel chamber T2 24, generator T2 72, thruster triangle T2 nozzle T3 90, radiator base 12, radiator expansion 96, 216 million propellant, 169 Battery, basic crafting bench, advanced crafting bench, too l& weapons crafting bench.32 spare fuel roads, warp class: 1,616, Mode Navigation 45% of thruster power, Mode turle, Mode cruise, Speed mater for rรฉel speed, compass, ship diagnostic, transponder, auto approche, ore scanner, simple Button green inside safe zone red outside safe zone, Fuel_time : fuel rods and propellant, system ACAS with for self avoidance. Each time the Blueprint is modified, I give you a new Bp version.
[FREE] Eco fighter
Happy Ship Shop

This is the eco fighter. It is meant to be a cheap fighter to serve as an introduction to PvP. It can also be used as a cheap corporation fighter should you ever need to spam loads of fighters It is also moon compatible ( has a very easy to use ground avoidance system ) making it suited for most situations There are 2 BP : with and without the fast travel. All of the screenshots are without the fast travel It packs a lot of features making it's usage very pleasant : - speedometer - range calculator - roughly 2800km of range - ground avoid system - warning system - power management - sensitivity manager - 4 autocannons - 2 dedicated slots for tripod weaponry - damn cheap You can download it for free here : The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
[FREE] moon racer
Happy Ship Shop

This is the moon racer It's a racing ship that is designed to allow you to have as much fun as possible on the moon or be used as a fun taxi ๐ I however also packs a lot of features making it's usage very pleasant : - speedometer - range calculator - roughly 2800km of range ( if you have 2 spare rods ) - ground avoid system - warning system - power management - sensitivity manager - damn cheap ๐ It's a lot of fun to use x) You can download it for free here : The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post