Starbase Ship Shop
Welcome Endos of the Starbase Community! The Biggest Ship Shop server in Starbase is bringing you hundreds of ships to fly. Find your dream ship or list your own beautiful designs!
Learn the basics of buying and selling here. More features coming soon!
Starbase Ship Shop and are a fan made, community run organization, and are not associated with FrozenByte Oy
The Roamer is a 50 seat luxury transport ship with an estimated range of 5,500km and travel time of 11 hours. Website: # Purchase Blueprint The blueprint is available for purchase on the [EGOTech Discord server](
Pod Racer - Planterra
Shipwright CO
**Planterra** is the second *Star Wars* pod racer to hit the scene. This is for the racers who like to get rough on the track. With its wide birth and multiple engines, it can bump and knock other racers off your line. Its a max speed personal craft, bigger and more tanky than its younger sibling **Volterra**. It has wider turns but still capable to catch crafts on straits. If there is a pod racer you are specifically looking for, you can contact me on discord with a picture or name of the existing racer. *Discord:* **Knox#9473** *In-Game:* **Shipwright**
Fate GO decal art
Nyctibius Designs
A character from Fate GO originally commissioned by MCC. Just print out the plate by itself from ship designer or add it to another blueprint. - Comes on a regular 432 by 432 plate made with material of your choice (bastium by default) - Takes up 125 out of 600 possible decals - As of right now (build 627) can't be repainted because of poorly implemented decal tool - As of right now (build 627) can't be moved from that plate in ship designer because it messes up the order in which decals are rendered. You'll have to install the whole plate unto your ship as it is.
Handheld Mining Laser
Shipwright CO
Sometimes a pickaxe just isn't enough. This incredible piece of utility can be a fun toy, as well as a deadly weapon in combat. Hook this baby up to any ship that can output more than **10,000 eps** and you have yourself a great tool for hacking up salvaged ship, mining rocks with mouse precision and chopping up pirates that get a little too close. The Handheld Mining Laser is not a new concept, but being crafted without beams makes this easily storable with bolts or cargo lock frames/beams for quick access. The device can run for 8 seconds before needing to be recharged or soft-line connected through a ships resource bridge. In addition, the laser is easy to use by only turning it on and pressing **"E"** to pick up the device and dragging it close to the user with the scroll wheel to trip the rangefinder. The resource bridge from the donor ship **MUST HAVE ONLY CABLE CONNECTION** through the **hardpoint** on the back of the bridge, no piping. `FlowOut=1` `FlowIn=0`. The laser is already configured and will work out of the box. I am working on putting out a line of handheld devices in this coming week. So be sure to check them out and drop a like on anything you find interesting. DM me for suggestions or feedback. *Game:* **Shipwright** *Discrod:* **Knox#9473**
[FREE] Katan Class - M1
Kenobi Space Industries
**Katan Class - M1** A fast asteroid miner, modern, very well equipped and spacious **Ship requires interpretation of the manual to operate it** [Manual]( [Download the blueprint]( [KSI Discord](
Board Dragon HX
Hextek Creatures
Small Dragon, It is told among endos that this creature has some connection to the legendary Magic Dragon, but no one really knows where it came from. Board that turns with a dynamic center of mass, doesn't need mfc nor fcu, it recharges energy with solar panels and because it only moves with 2 maneuvering thrusters, you can easily remove them, and cargo-lock your board, so you can have a little fun everywhere. It can be grabbed. -Owning the Magic Dragon, Space Knight of Crail, Hydragon will allow you to claim this for free!
Solaris Explorer MK II
A small, purely solar powered scout spaceship with 5 engines that is controlled in 2 groups. Drive and navigation engines are separated from each other in order to save fuel. When the energy is full, the excess energy is used up again in a boost. Values differ depending on the use of the engine - Speed: 93m/s-120m/s-148m/s - Range: 7050km-6250km-4800km - Flight time: 22h-15h-9h Scripts and extras: - ISAN 2.5 Mono - Evadedrive (dodge script) - Solardrive MKII (automatic control of the drives depending on the incoming energy with manual bypass switch) - Timescript for battery and fuel remaining time - Ore scanner - Delta (compass) - Speedometer - Tutel button - Aim button - Isan block button button indicator for: - Savezone - Damage zone - Station allowed Flight time and range are only dependent on propellant gas and can be greatly increased with pocket refueling. - Ship Cost with Ore - 65k - Ship Cost no Ore - 200k - Ship BP no sale
La Garde Stock 1890 edition [France] [French] [français]
[La Garde] Yonax
The 1890 edition of Stockage is a very basic ship including the minimum to move a few meters (from a station to its capital ship for example) The ship has 1890 crates. - Style-------------⭐⭐⭐⚫⚫ - User-friendly----⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Pvp--------------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Armor-----------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Firepower-------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ - Speed-----------⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Don't forget to craft the crates before the ship is manufactured to reduce costs ! ** NO MONEY ? YOU CAN BUY THIS SHIP/BLUEPRINT WITH ORES ** ==> Contact me in our faction discord : <== **⚠️All files are safe, as they have all been checked by Google Drive's antivirus software.⚠️ **
Kill To Conquer
The DaphnisV2 is the second iteration of the medium range small personel carrier, that can reach a speed of 135m/s. - 36 million propellant - 4 fuel chambers 12 generators - 4 Resource points for tripod mounted weapons - 2-3 layers of plating - Backup up cooling if the rads get shot out - 6 passenger chairs. Able to carry more endos if needed. - Like all my ships the BP is free If you make changes or just want to experiment to make the ship/ process better/more effcient feel free to.
No. 51 "Sun Wukong's Staff is Short and Long"
Vintage Incorporated (Barkhan)
A stealth ship for belt rats. Can you see the monkey in the trees? This light fighting vehicle is designed around the orthogonal thrust on its belly, granting the ability to control the range of an orbiting fight from inside 50 meters to more than 700, just by rolling towards and against the orbit. No. 51's railgun and superior evasion allow it to punch well above its near-ultralight weight class, regularly out-turning enemy combatants so dramatically they completely lose track of their target, allowing you to blend back into the surroundings and dictate the engagement. No. 51 also comes with disposable "drop tanks" for range extension: auto-unbolt the external tank support brackets and they will fall away harmlessly in flight Purchase of this BP entitles you to technical support and basic instruction on the ship's manual of arms. For further information, inquire within: and ask for "Barkhan" in #ship-sales About the design principle: "Orthogonal thrust" is a main thrust-style array pointed perpendicular (orthogonal) to the vehicle's forward. In a normal "orbiting" fight, both combatants' main thrust are pointed towards the other ship, resulting in fairly predictable flight especially in terms of range. No. 51 uses its orthogonal thrust similarly to a prograde or retrograde burn in this context: if your "Up" is in the direction of the orbit (the opponent's thruster tail is pointed up from your perspective), the orbit widens and the engagement range lengthens. Conversely, by turning against the orbit (the opponent's tail is pointed down in your view) you can suddenly close the gap. This allows you to dictate the range of the engagement without ever taking your nose off the target, leaning on whichever capability of the enemy ship is weaker.
[Free] JPTech Crate Ball
Free 2082 Crates BP ## How to download CrateBall 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. In the 📦-crateball-free channel, please download a BP.
[Free] OSA Ghast Mk2
Open Source Armada
Latest variant of the Ghast, now with 20 missiles for bombardment. Since its release the Ghast has been used as my test bed for missile and torp testing before committing to a specific new design. When the 5 pod launcher was finally added, they easily attached to the Ghast, and was very reliable (for missiles anyway). The default scout variant has also been updated with some of the new additions made on the launcher variant. //Download// //Specs// Comes unarmed for scouting or with 20 missiles for bombardment. LaunchMissile+ and LaunchTube+ are your missile triggers, bind both to the same key, this system uses no yolo and is a simple way to cycle and launch missile tubes. CenterSensePlus and CenterSenseMinus is your standard sensitivity, Adjust both to your preferred flying sensitivity. AimMax- and AimMin- is your Aim hotkey, Bind both to the same keybind, this will lower your sensitivity, Adjust MinSensePlus and MinSenseMinus to change Aim sensitivity. AimMax+ and AimMin+ is your Boost hotkey, Bind both to the same hotkey, this will raise your sensitivity, Adjust MaxSensePlus and MaxSenseMinus to change Boost sensitivity. Ship is set to both fly and aim at a smooth sensitivity (tune to your taste), Aim keybind lowers the limits for sniping, Boost keybind removes these limits allowing for faster pitch/yaw. 150 m/s max speed using T2 manoeuvre thrusters, no trails. 104255.96 kg in weight without missiles, 131225.469 kg armed with missiles. Two small prop tanks for 2 million prop, 1 hours 10 mins estimated flight time. One T1 fuel chamber + Two T1 generators, gens idle at 14.5% for 8 hours 30 mins idle time, estimated flight time 2 hours 30 mins. Basic script for current Fuel/Prop times. Uses basic FCU, roll is performed using Roll_Left and Roll_Right buttons, this is to allow fast handling by isolating the roll thrusters from the FCU/MFC. //Tactics// Despite the very hindersome bugs launchers and their munitions have, the 5 pod launcher is surprisingly reliable. Reliable enough for them to be mounted onto the cheap, fast and stealthy hull of the Ghast, making it a fun and easy way to deploy the max amount of missiles onto a target. Unfortunately all missiles/torps have a chance of failure on launch due to bugs, and the ordinance itself is well known to fail at hitting moving targets, limiting there use. Where I personally see use, even if bugs are fixed, is in station bombardment and breaching. Small or large bombers may be a key aspect to siege warfare, and thus I believe small, cheap and stealthy bombers will be very valuable in the possible future. The Ghast has excellent range for a tailless ship, and can carry all its missiles at max speed. Low tech components keep the potentially one way mission more cost effective, missiles are only cheap to a point. Could possibly be used to ambush stationary ships, like surface miners.
JPTech Bolt
# JPTech Bolt ## Introduction : The ship is extremely defensive. The pilot's seat uses a slider, which in rare cases becomes like an automatic ejection seat in the event of an explosion. ## Visibility : As the ship has limited up and down visibility, it is recommended to pursue the enemy in the Yaw direction. ## Armour : As mentioned above, it is highly defensive and the vital areas are covered with triple plates. The sides are equipped with sacrificial armour, which guarantees protection with a small thickness. ## Weapons : It is equipped with two laser cannons. ## How to buy Bolt 1. Join the JPTech Discord Server [Click here!]( 2. Please check the server rules and click the reaction if you agree to them. 3. Create a ticket in the **🚀⚔-bolt-info** channel. 4. Wait for an admin or moderator to reply.
Crafting Corner
Shipwright CO
The "Crafting Corner" is a crafting station with comfort and functionality in mind. Options for different Lights/ship colors are available with the purchase of ship but can be self changed with BP. The Crafting Corner has all your essentials for mass crafting and Yolol chip editing. Including a Yolol rack cluster to share code or to edit with your company mates. Advanced flight unit is installed on the ship for directional movement. The ship is made for travel only around the station. Station-to-station travel is possible but not recommended. Chopping the Ship into a module for use elsewhere with the BP is encouraged. If you read this far, I will give a free stack of Arkanium to cover the cost as it is the most expensive material. Assembly cost: 33,315 Manufacturing cost: 36,401 Total cost: 59,715 In-Game: Shipwright Discord: Knox#9473
Void Raiders (Arcade)
Glitch Lab
# Void Raiders This is a arcade machine that holds the yolols for the game Void Raiders in it. This specific version is a more yolol heavy one as it comes with a PvP and PvE mode. In PvE: A alien ship will randomly jump between the lines and tries to shoot you, dodge all of it shots with the switch and survive till support arrives...if it will ever. A highscore page will push you to become better. In PvP: At the start of the session player :A can choose how many lifes you want to play with on each person invidually. When both Endos are ready you can use the switch to move on your oppents line and the button under it to shoot them. The first to loose all its hearts lost. It is a 2 year old machine that i just repacked and checked for buggs. It comes with speakers so that in the future there is a potential sound upgrade to these games. Side note: The sound devices are for future uptades. It has no sound yet.
ITC Shipyard
**RefuelldMK1** - **Ajatite Plated.** - **Multifunctional Ship** - **Basic Crafting Bench Onboard** - **10 Ore Crates** - **32 Spare Fuel Rod Racks** - **32 T2 Box Thrusters (Main)** - **Max Speed** - **30 Maneuver Thrusters** - **2 Resource Bridge** - **8 T2 Fuel Chambers** - **8 T2 Generators** - **7 Large Propellant tank** - **16 Batteries** - **Advanced Yolol Scripts & Eco scripts** - **5.3 Hours Flight** - **2737km Range with full ore crates** - **Ship Strength Status Readout** - **Warning Lights** - **ISAN QUAD ** -** ** - **Designer: {ITC}Chesty** - *Need this BP modified to your needs before purchase? Feel free to DM me on discord to discuss*
Skytanker Bundle - Excavator
A bundle to allow you to travel to the moons with two super nice ships! The E1 will be perfect for exploring, doing "one shot" operations with long distances and at maximum speed. The E3 will be perfect for doing large excavations in a safe zone. The cards present in the sale of this bundle are as follows: Mélusine Amethystos/Ostrum Magindara Melia 4 places where you can mine rare resources, some of which are very expensive at the tower on Origins stations.
[FREE] Founder
The Founder series is a semi modular starter ship framework. The standard variant is quite fast and cheap with 32 crates and 78 slots to bolt raw material blocks to. The blueprint is provided for free. All feedback is welcome and in game tips (in-game name Egomaniac) are appreciated. However support will be limited but I will try my best. Please give the ship a "like" if you use and enjoy the ship. Designed by EGOTech. Join the [EGOTech Discord server]( [Download the blueprint]( Website: # Features - 32 ore crates - Reserved space for bolting on 78 ore cubes - Standard Cruise function - Turtle and Sloth functions with adjustable rates and preset profiles - Transponder system with ping function - Auto generator rate script with adjustable minimum rate - Eight T1 generators with four T1 fuel chambers and four spare rods on racks - 16 small propellant tanks with 16,000,000 units of propellant - Estimated propellant time of 2.5 hours and range of 1,250km - 26 batteries - Eight T1 box and 36 T1 triangle thrusters providing forward thrust - Four T1 triangle thrusters providing braking thrust - 32 T1 maneuver thrusters for maneuvers - Speedometer - Top speed of 140m/s
Skytanker E3.8
Miner **Ship price:** **BP:** 15M The price of the ship is a right of access, this right allows you to have the following versions free of charge (1.1 1.2 1.3 for example). **Useful information:** 1216 crates 2 Tanks of liquid exorium. 1 Exorium processing unit. 2 Capital Ship Super Generators. 228 FULL T3 triangle maneuvering thrusters. 20 Large Hydrogen tanks (Propellant). 12 Batteries. 8 ore collectors. 30 Mining Lasers. 1 Alloy Crafting Furnaces (Moon Atmosphere). 1 Equipped Crafting Table (yellow)
Motherlode Mk 8
30 mining laser 1k crates asteroid eater. details in Ship is a working PROTOTYPE there is some bugs which are listed in the discord channel.
[FREE]Tiny shuttle
SP Designs
A minimal cost shuttle with max speed capability. Extremely cheap to manufacture (13020 credits without any parts) and less than 5 stacks of common materials. Will tilt upwards when moving fowards but theres a yolol to remediate that. Blueprint available here
[FREE] Eco refuel
Happy Ship Shop
a 264 million propellant cheap refuel ship with rod racks in order to either allow you to help you give fuel to an empty ship or prolong your mining sessions by having it parked at your station ^^ You can download it for free here : The link is a discord forum, you need to write the name of the ship in order to have the right post
''Burlak'' Evo2 (Free BP)
[NHR] Erador
"Бурлак" Evo2 (Burlak are the barge haulers in Russia (maybe on Volga river only). See the art with its history: Speed & Capacity at all cost ship. Not maneuverable. Expensive. 23 Rings. Lukium ore used for wet parameters. Google Drive link: Instructions: - Simple Gen On&Off button. - Some buttons are hidden. See the image with the panel, red circles are the location of the buttons. - Backward thrusters can be turned off for speed increase (theoretically). - Has 2 passenger seats. - Has 2 144x144 placeholders for your Faction banner (or any other you would like). - Panel can be raised up for better visibility. Button is on the panel's bottom. If you have desyncs and movable parts often get fallen - you can bolt it. - Won't fit Origin's designer, so to build it you will need a player station or build with the instructions below. (It spawns/despawns normally on Origin). How to build on Origin: In two words: you are going to remove the tail to shorten the ship, save blueprint and then build it. The assemble it real world exactly as on the original Blueprint. You can always LOOK at the Original blueprint to have a reference. - In SSC, remove 3 rings and Nozzle on the end. (See Image 1). Also, the beams needs to be copied and then removed too (The red beam should not be touched. It will be used as a snap point later) - Place the copied beam parts somewhere on the ship, so it can be easily detached when built. - Save the blueprint and build it. - When spawned, place 4 beam parts on their spot. You need to use Red beam to snap it. - After that, place 12 ring sections one by one and bolt them. The bolt pattern for a single section: 4 bolts on top, 4 bolts on bottom (see original blueprint) - Place and bolt the nozzle. You will need 3 bolts to every bolting area. (See Image 2)