Ark's Sparks

Origin 2

Form. Function. Ergonomics. Balanced, as they should be.

Ark's Sparks (AS) is a purveyor of premium industrial and civilian ships for your fleets. AS ships aren't just elegant in appearance, but also function well and are easy to control owing to extensive in-house systems development as attested to by our returning clientele.


AS ships are renowned for bucking the box ship trend. Each ship is designed with careful emphasis on the silhouette to create unique forms. Sleek, clean and angular design draw passerby's optical sensors, while not being so ostentatious that it adds too much unnecessary weight to the ship. The signature AS white and gold colour scheme distinguishes your ship from the rest as you fly.


The other AS claim to fame is our high tech and versatile laser drill system. Where other ships may require constant corrections to manage their lasers as they cut into asteroids, AS drill miners are automated to the point where you can walk away to make a cup of coffee while they work. This drill system can be upscaled up to 30 lasers and used for belt or surface semi-automated mining, with some ships providing both capabilities in a single package out of the box with no modifications. For now, this is a capability unique only to AS drill miners. On top of that a large majority of AS ships are rated to fly at dry speeds of above 140 m/s.


It is our belief that ships are not simply tools, but also vehicles you spend large amounts of your time in. Larger AS ships feature warm and welcoming interiors to heal your soul from the harsh flying boxes that ply Starbase space. Not only that, our cockpits are designed with common layouts between ships so controls are almost always where you expect them to be when switching between ships of the same type. Controls are also placed so that they do not obstruct your field of view, yet keep critical information in view as you fly forward.


[FREE] Puppe

Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 144 crates

Model Number: MMESM-072A Name: Puppe Type: Basic Miner Features: - Speed: 150 m/s (dry) - Twin lasers, with convergence and auto sweep modes - 144 crates, expandable - Easy to upgrade - ISAN Mono - 2x empty medium propellant tank supports The MMESS-061A Larve's bigger brother more than doubles its crate count. It also has 2 lasers, increasing mining speed to help fill up the increased number of crates faster. It may lack a laser drill, but it is certainly still an Ark's Sparks design. If you're upgrading from a Larve and want a cost-effective ship to ply the safe zone in, you should consider this. The ship's crate count can be further increased by restructuring the beamwork around the outer crates to add crate layers, up to as many as you want. The Puppe will be available in both T1 and T2 variants, differing in thruster and generator tiers. The BP is available for free on the Ark's Sparks Discord at: It can be found in the miner catalog.



Ark's Sparks


Dry Max Speed: 150 m/s

Model Number: HHAHL-098F Name: Hnoss Type: Roid Hauler Features: - Speed: 150 m/s dry, ~135 m/s wet (3x T10 charodium) - Capacity for 3x T10 asteroids - Auto alignment and auto load - Darkyshadow's approach system - Ore scanner with memory for 3 scans - Cargo lock failsafe - Credit yield calculator - NavSuite - Extensive automation Ark's Sparks' first production asteroid hauler is specialized for hauling 3x T10 asteroids, and incorporates some automation features to make the job less of a chore by automating initial alignment and asteroid loading. A conscious decision has also been made to prioritize wet speed over range through the use of T3 thrusters, with the goal of reducing turnaround time and improving credit yields over time to offset the increased refuelling costs. Note that the ship lacks an avoidance system and is not optimized for unsafe zone operation, so fly carefully if you choose to do so. Thaccus' NavSuite will also be a feature, enabling autopilot back to your Origin of choice after choosing your 3 T10 asteroids. The ship also features a credit yield per load calculator that estimates the total income for each individual asteroid you have loaded up, based partially on Egomaniac's yield calculator found on his asteroid haulers. It takes time to do its job, but it gives you a good idea of how much credits you're bringing in per run, and coupled with the onboard timer can help you to better understand your earnings over time. Note: Buyers with non-English language settings may need to change the ore names on the chips to reflect their language for the yield calculator to work correctly. Special thanks: - Egomaniac for the original yield calculator

BP: 4 M


Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 96 crates

*Note: Pathfinders in Ark's Sparks terminology refers to short-mid ranged ships carrying nav loggers. They are not intended for ultra-long distance flights from Eos to distant moons - only for use within the same belt, or to a submoon. AS pathfinders also feature light mining capabilities to help with establishing stations.* Model Number: SCPFM-041E Name: Ratatoskr Type: Pathfinder Features: - Nav logger - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance v2 - 92 crates - Speed: 145 m/s (dry) - AlterraOS Type T - All-purpose mining capability with 4x ventral mining laser turrets - Luxurious interior - Secondary ventral cockpit for surface mining - Onboard reconstruction machine - Both furnaces - Lower deck is a cargo bay with small flatbeds. By default it has a few small CLFs, but they can be easily removed and replaced with a handful of ore crates or ore cubes. The Ratatoskr is designed primarily as a pathfinder, and is expected to be used to fly ahead of a capital ship within a belt or to a nearby submoon to log jump coordinates and establish a small station. It debuts the AlterraOS Type T, a mining system designed primarily for surface dredging and flattening, but that can also be used on normal asteroids though slightly less effectively as compared to Ark's Sparks' flagship mining system, the LagannOS.

Ship: 4 M

Jormungandr MkII

Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 864 crates

Model Number: MMAMXL-097FL\ Name: Jormungandr MkII\ Type: Surface Drill Miner\ Features: - 864 crates - 24-laser drill - 6 optionally manned side laser turrets - Speed: 141 m/s (dry) - Large generator setup for endurance - Dual cockpits with independent controls - Optional autonomous downwards descent while drilling, can be toggled off. (manual descent by pickaxing the central pillar) - Dual autobalancers - RF and gyro - Reconstruction machine - RF pillar alignment The Jormungandr MkII improves on its predecessor, the Jormungandr B in many ways. It is the natural next step in AS development of specialized surface miners as the pinnacle of surface drill mining. It retains the ability to drill downwards autonomously, improves in ergonomics by streamlining movement between decks, capitalizes on the latest materials to reduce the bulk of its signature massive laser drill and utilizes the saved voxels for more crates. With modern advancements in surface drill ship design, the MkII is better adapted to its role with a tapering rear end housing a proper mining cockpit and a smaller 24-laser drill. 6 lasers have been moved to the side onto optionally manned mining turrets, used for widening the pit it drills itself into, or for precision mining of leftover ore in the pit walls by endo control. Downwards speed is slower than its predecessor, but it now excavates a wider pit and reduces time spent pickaxing. Its predecessor's horizontal/vertical flight mode switch has been removed in order to simplify flight control systems, as it was a feature often left unused in practice. Note: The Jormungandr does not need gyro stabilization to be on to mine. Special thanks to: - Sasqtch for the nose art

Ship: 8 M

Jormungandr B

Ark's Sparks


No attributes :-(

Model Number: MMAML-055EL Name: Jormungandr B Type: Surface Miner Features: - 592 crates - 30-laser drill - Large generator setup for endurance - Dual cockpits with independent controls - Capable of autonomous downwards descent while drilling, can be toggled off. (manual descent by pickaxing the central pillar) - Autobalancer - RF first to level with the ground, and then gyro to maintain attitude while drilling. - Reconstruction machine The pinnacle of drill surface mining. The Jormungandr series of ships all feature utterly massive 30-laser drills that dominate almost the entirety of the ship's rear end. There is no ship better than a Jormungandr at moving lots of earth really, really fast. Like other Ark's Sparks surface miners, Jormungandrs can fit into the holes they dig autonomously by itself, allowing them to create deep mining shafts with little supervision beyond shutting down the lasers every now and then to allow an endo to get at the leftover ore nodes. Be warned, the ship is lightly armoured, slow and cannot survive in contested space! Your neighbours may not appreciate what amounts to a flying apartment building taking up their view of the moonscape! There are 2 variants of this ship planned for the far future. Special thanks to: - Sasqtch for the nose art

Ship: 8 M


Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 212 crates

Model Number: MMAPM-089D\ Name: Skalpell\ Type: All-Purpose Miner Features: - Speed: 150 m/s (dry) - 212 crates - All-purpose 4-laser drill system - NavSuite - Onboard reconstruction machine - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance v2 - Andargor's gyro direction finder Designed as a mid-range miner catering to players aspiring to move on in the world, the sleek Skalpell strikes an odd sight with its long and slender nose, with its 4-laser drill mounted on top. Its name is drawn from its surgical surface mining capability. Unlike the larger miners in the Ark's Sparks catalogue that can brute force a large pit using excessive amounts of lasers, the Skalpell mines smart by incising a small hole in the surface, drilling deep before spreading its lasers out to the sides in order to collapse the ground in a large radius around itself. It is heavily reliant on the crew disembarking to get at the exposed ores with a pickaxe, however. As with other surface mining-capable ships in the AS lineup, the Skalpell carries a reconstruction machine onboard in case of mining accidents. The Skalpell is equally at home in the belt as it is on a lunar surface, its drill capable of easily demolishing asteroids given enough time. **CAUTION: The Skalpell has an extremely small margin of error when used in the surface mining role hovering over a central pillar owing to its small drill and can easily crash if not well aligned with gravity! It is recommended to use the surface mining mode only within a safe zone until you've grown confident with its use.**

Ship: 2.5 M


Ark's Sparks


No attributes :-(

Model Number: HHHDL-071D Name: Gyllr Type: Hauler Features: - 828 crates - Dry speed: 142 m/s - Wet speed (w/ lukium): ~90 m/s - Spacious interior - ~3.5 hours of fuel time and ~4.5 hours of prop time fully refuelled - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance v2 The Gyllr was built as a medium-large hauler capable of making long trips out to distant stations, with a spacious interior for comfort. It gets good mileage out of its unangled thruster setup and has a cockpit with a good field of view. A dual-mode avoidance system helps it to dodge asteroids, though care must be taken given the large size of the ship. The ship can accommodate a furnace in the back of the ship's interior, allowing it to act as a mobile refinery. The floor plates do need to be moved slightly to do this though. Caution: The Gyllr's asteroid avoidance is automatically disabled if either of its doors are open. Please close all doors before turning on avoidance.

BP: 5 M


Ark's Sparks


Range: 1,150 km

Model Number: HHESXL-078F Name: Idunn Type: Superheavy Hauler Features: - 1064 crates - 2x 18-ring plasma thrusters - Speed: 150 m/s dry, 145 m/s wet (26k virtual mass) - NavSuite - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance v2 - Frontal shock absorbers - 2.5 hrs fuel time, 2.1 hrs prop time - 1,150 km range - Ark's Sparks' octagonal cockpit with incredible field of view - Automation rules - going to half or full thrust turns on the plasma automatically, and if the plasma is on, the power mode automatically switches to Eco Warm mode. In turtle mode, the ship either flies with its normal thrusters only at 100%, or with plasma at 20% The Idunn is Ark's Sparks' fastest superheavy hauler. It can ferry a little over 1k stacks of material between stations at high speed, owing to its dual plasma thrusters running the whole length of the ship. And all that without looking quite like any other 1k hauler out there! Note, however, that this ship is NOT intended for use as a blockade runner despite its speed.

BP: 8 M

Fafner MkII 858

Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 858 crates

Model Number: MMAPXL-079F Name: Fafner MkII 858 Type: Superheavy All-Purpose Miner Features: - 858 crates - All-purpose 12-laser drill system for both belt and surface mining - Tractor beam assist - Speed: 150 m/s dry, 100 m/s wet - Darkyshadow's profiled PID approach system - Heavy automation allows the ship to be flown with a single pilot - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance v2 - Full interior with meeting room - Rear turret-mounted tow beam, 22kt towing capacity - Ark's Sparks signature triangular cockpit with incredible field of view - Onboard reconstruction machine - Andargor's gyro direction finder - Thaccus' NavSuite The next generation Fafner is even better equipped than its predecessor. Compared to the MkI, the MkII has a more lightweight and responsive 12-laser drill, and has a plethora of extra features including tractor beam assistance while mining, surface mining capability, a built-in tow beam and an onboard reconstruction machine. No other miner is kitted out to perform exceptionally well at both belt and surface mining in a single package, making the Fafner MkII indispensable for long trips out to moons where you may be doing both kinds of mining. The inclusion of a pair of tractor beams allows the ship to wrestle an asteroid into optimal position in front of the drill for mining, with an option to hold on to the asteroid for when you're dealing with pesky falling rocks in Alstel's belt. The interior has also received a makeover and now features a meeting room with separate displays for each participant. As such the Fafner is now fully equipped to act as the flagship of your mining fleet and can even help recover stricken members of the fleet that have been disabled by asteroid impacts with its new rear-mounted tow beam.

Ship: 8 M

Fafner MkI 830

Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 830 crates

Name: MMHDXL-053D Fafner 830 Type: Superheavy Miner Features: - 830 crates - 12-laser drill system - Dry speed: 143 m/s - Darkyshadow's profiled PID approach system - Heavy automation allows the ship to be flown with a single pilot - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance - choice of stopping and waiting for pilot input, or autonomous dodging - Full interior The Fafner won't beat a Ghidorah's crate count or endurance, but the strength of the ship lies in the advanced 12-laser drill that dominates its front. This drill is capable of efficiently demolishing an entire T10 asteroid in 1 minute with no additional user input beyond pointing the ship at the center of the asteroid and hitting the PresetAuto button, and has power settings available if you prefer to be thriftier with your power when mining smaller asteroids. A large ship like this is absolutely needed to capitalize on the increased size of asteroids since build 869. Spare fuel rods are carried internally, and it has enough of them for a full rod change and a little more. It has a full interior, with enough space to bring some friends with you on your way out into the belt. In recent times, this ship has been superseded by the Fafner MkII, but it remains in production as a lower cost belt-only miner carrying a 12-laser drill. There are plans to modernize it though.

Ship: 6 M


Ark's Sparks


No attributes :-(

Model Number: TBMLM-068DW Name: Elefant Type: Multipurpose tug/salvager/scavenger/repair ship Features: - 36 crates - 22kt maximum towing capacity - Flatbed - Dry speed: 140+ m/s - Heavy automation allows the ship to be flown with a single pilot - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance - choice of stopping and waiting for pilot input, or autonomous dodging - Interior - NavSuite Tow in style with an Elefant, the first tug off the AS drawing boards. Careful thought has been put into the cockpit placement and design, allowing the pilot to operate and aim the towing beam from the pilot's seat while maintaining a good field of view out the front and above the ship. The ship is well-equipped to handle ship recovery missions, with a flatbed for bolting down loose parts from ships that have undergone Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly, and a towing beam for pulling along the main bulk of the ship, up to 22 kilotons. It even has a little interior space for a small salvage crew. If your friend roving around outside the safe zone finds a ship for you, you can use NavSuite to help you navigate to it. Special thanks: - Armide (Icarus Project), for the original stacked inward canted thruster module. This uses a derivative of it.

Ship: 4 M

Beluga MkII

Ark's Sparks


No attributes :-(

Model Number: ETLXM-065D Name: Beluga MkII Type: Tour Shuttle Features: - Seats for 20 endos and 2 pilots - Extremely good field of view out the sides down the canted wings - Automatic rear sliding doors - Amphibious capability for operation under lunar gravity - Open rear deck - Distinctive swing-out fuel chambers in the wings - Boltless construction The Beluga MkII makes for a perfect tour bus with large panoramic windows lining the sides of the passenger compartment, ample amounts of space for 20 passengers and more if you remove the seats. It can carry 20 endos to the moon and back, and is designed for use in gravity. P.S: The Beluga MkII has landing gear, but it is not advised to use them to land on moons.

BP: 2.5 M

[FREE] Larve

Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 48 crates

Model Number: MMESS-061A Name: Larve Type: Basic Miner Features: - 48 crates - expandable, but need to extend the maneuver thruster pods - 1 autosweeping laser with sweep width and speed settings - Dry speed: 140+ m/s - ISAN Mono A basic miner for beginners, designed to be simple to operate and easy to fly. Compared to most other ships of its size class, it comes equipped with a fully programmed laser that can sweep from side to side, so the pilot only has to control the pitch of the ship to mine an asteroid. The BP is available for free on the Ark's Sparks Discord at: It can be found in the miner catalog.



Ark's Sparks


Battery: 50,000 units

Ever wondered how your tiny little endo digits are going to get anything across to your friend several hundred meters away through gestures? Need a bigger hand? Introducing the CVMM-048C Rechtshandig, the only hand you'll ever need for signalling your fellow endos at range! Not only is this hand capable of flipping through gestures in quick succession, you can also fly around on it! Featuring full posability, a variety of preset gestures and even the ability to save 2 custom gestures of your own, there's no message that this third hand of yours won't be able to sign across! This ship is right-handed. Depending on demand I may make a left-handed version. - P.S: Please gesture like a responsible endo! Arkhonus is not responsible for any violence arising as a result of misuse of the gesture functionality. - P.P.S: Don't grab stuff with it. It may clang and you may get yeeted to the ends of the universe. - P.P.P.S: Using this ship as a rocket punch will void the warranty. **WARNING:** - Do not change poses while in flight. Acceleration from flight will affect the movement of the robotic arms, and potentially get them stuck on each other... or worse, in each other. - Reset the pose using the reset button every time you despawn the ship or leave it unattended, in order to avoid having the rotations glitch out.

BP: 500 K


Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 432 crates

Model Number: MRXL-084FL Name: Freyja Type: Mobile Base Features: - Luxury yacht - 2x large generators - Tow beam - 432 crates - Nav logger - 8-laser drill w/ all-purpose mining capability - 2x 10-ring plasma thrusters It doesn't get much more luxurious than this. The Freyja is Ark's Sparks' flagship multirole mobile base. It's designed to perform a variety of roles to an acceptable level, including mining, hauling, towing, nav logging and being a propellant tanker. At the same time it is extremely accommodating towards its crew with luxurious amenities including a meeting room and multiple observation decks. This ship is being benchmarked against the Pathfinder from Red Moon Dynamics, and the LYNGBAKER from Duratech.

Ship: 9 M


Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 486 crates

Model Number: MMAPL-090EL Name: Grafvollud Type: All-Purpose Miner Features: - Speed: 150 m/s (dry, plasma) - 9-ring plasma - 486 crates - All-purpose 8-laser drill system - Dual-mode asteroid avoidance v2 - Onboard reconstruction machine - Thaccus' NavSuite - Andargor's gyro direction finder - CLBs for a single T10 asteroid The Grafvollud rounds off the Ark's Sparks premium all-purpose miner lineup, slotting between the Skalpell and the Fafner MkII with a 8-laser drill. Unlike the Fafner MkII however, the Grafvollud comes with a large generator for increased endurance in the field and can handle hours upon hours of mining without needing to refuel - a feature that will make its way to the future Fafner EX. It also sports a short 9-ring plasma for cruising, but can fly using normal thrusters while mining. This ship is intended to be printed in large numbers to serve as the backbone of a company's cap ship-based mining operations. Its smaller capacity compared to the Fafner makes it lighter and easier to maneuver in the belt nearby a cap ship, and its surface mining ability allows it to substitute for dedicated surface miners when none are available. On top of its mining capability, the Grafvollud also has cargo lock beams available for hauling a single T10 asteroid, to be mined upon reaching your capital ship, or to be sold wholesale. Note that hauling an asteroid prevents the avoidance system from turning on, as it will block the rangefinders.

Ship: 6 M

Eselin H

Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 216 crates

Model Number: HHBRS-077D\ Name: Eselin H\ Type: Blockade Runner Hauler\ Features: - Speed: 150 m/s (dry, boost level 2), 135 m/s (wet, 26k mass, boost level 3) - 216 crates - Small frontal profile for squeezing through asteroid fields - Multiple boost settings The Eselin H is a small and fast 216-crate hauler. It is targeted mainly at fledgeling companies building towards capital ships and also traders plying their wares in contested space, with the speed to keep pace with interceptors in a straight line and the advantage of a small frontal profile making asteroid collisions far more unlikely despite its sizable crate count. It comes with variable boost levels similar to the Holsteiner B, allowing sets of thrusters to be switched off for fuel efficiency. It can easily hit 150 m/s on boost level 2, but boost level 3 will be needed when loaded down. An extra set of modular thrusters will be designed at a later date that can be welded onto the sides to further increase wet speed, sacrificing the profile slightly. The ship is already overgenned as is and can support even more thrusters.

BP: 3 M

Bob Head

Ark's Sparks


No attributes :-(

Model Number: CVMM-057C Name: Bob Type: Flying Head Features: - Flying Bob head - Fully posable eyes - Voicebox - Fully featured crafting station Inspired by Bob from the Boltcrackers series of Starbase videos, this flying head is carefully crafted to match the shape, proportions and design of the Bob head with some reinterpretations of certain parts to make it more amenable to being built as a ship. Some creative liberties have been taken, imagining the right side pod as a wide angle camera pod, and the left side pod as a telephoto camera pod, as can be seen from the markings on the 'lenses'. In addition the eyes are fully posable and come with several presets. And because I felt it would be a waste for it not to have any proper function... I also built a full crafting station into it. Both furnaces are available on the back of the left side pod, and a twist lever on the left side of the head opens up a compartment with all 3 crafting benches inside. Perfect for displaying together with the Rechtshandig flying hand! Notes: - The BP does not come with the pipe mouth by default. - Due to creative liberties taken with the thruster layout, strafe right and reverse cause the ship to yaw, though not so strongly that it can't be countered with opposite yaw.

BP: 2 M

Sturgeon E6

Ark's Sparks


Battery: 80,000 units

The ETS-03B Sturgeon E6 is a luxury station hopper for when you want to travel in style around a station. The enclosed cockpit is accessed through a door on the bottom, while the carapace-style plating on the center folds open like reversed butterfly wing doors to allow 6 endos access to its passenger compartment. The passenger compartment has wide glass windows on the sides, as well as a glass floor. A unique feature of this ship is its pop-out fuel chambers in the rear of the ship. While it has 2 fuel chambers, only 1 is in use at any time. This is toggled automatically depending on if the fuel chamber is popped out or if the fuel rod within is empty. If the rod is empty, the fuel chamber will also slide out automatically. The ship is fully plated in Ajatite to conserve weight. Travel in style, travel in a Sturgeon. **WARNING:** Due to moving parts carrying vital machinery, it is highly recommended to stick around nearby when it is outside so that it doesn't change hosts. Changing hosts has a chance of bugging out moving parts. This is a strictly non-combat ship.

BP: 500 K


Ark's Sparks


Ore Crates: 832 crates

Model Number: MMREXL-100FL Name: Gefjun Type: Roid Eater Features: - Speed: 125m/s (dry) - 30-laser hexagonal ring - 4x large gens - 832 crates - Auto approach - Auto alignment - PID-controlled crawl mode - Simplified operation - Multiple operating modes with presets - Automated mining after initial approach phase - Extremely good field of view - open cockpit Ark's Sparks' first production asteroid eater, the Gefjun, is designed for industrial-scale extermination of asteroids in the immediate vicinity of your cap ship or station. 30 lasers make short work of any asteroid, firing in a complex multilayered hexagonal grid pattern that makes quick work of any rock that enters its maw. Operation is extremely simple requiring few buttons to ensure as little pilot stress as possible, making long mining sessions a breeze.

Ship: 8 M